Veskiposti arenduse 6 kV elektrivõrgu projekt
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Lõputöö teemaks on Veskiposti arendusele projekteeritud elektrivõrk. Projekt teostati firmas E-Service AS, kus lõputöö tegija sooritas praktika. Elektrivõrgu projekti tellijaks oli Kaamos Ehitus OÜ. Lõputöös tutvustatud Veskiposti arenduse 6 (10) kV elektrivõrgu projekti mahus leidis autor vastavate arvutuste, määruste, normdokumentide ja standardite alusel tehnilised ja elektrilised parameetrid. Vastavalt tellijalt saadud koormustele arvutati vajaminevate trafode võimsused, milleks on AJ Avala 2 tarbeks 1600 kVA ning AJ Parkimismaja ja AJ Avala 1 tarbeks 1000 kVA. Tellija ja asjast huvituvate ametkondadega valiti alajaamadele parimad asukohad. Arvutustega leidis projekti koostaja liitumise võimsusele tuginedes vastava koormustaluvusega kaablid. Keskpingel on arvestatud liitumise suurusega 150 A. Arvestades, et tulevikus võib tellijal olla soov liitumist suurendada, on projekteeritud kaablite koormustaluvus varuga. Peaalajaama toiteks, milleks on AJ Avala 2, on projekteeritud 3x240+35 kaabel, mille arvutuslik koormustaluvus on 282 A. Kaablite valikut kontrollis lõputöö autor Elektrilevi poolt arvutatud lühisvoolude väärtustega, et kaabli lühisvoolu taluvus oleks piisav. Vastavad arvutused teostas lõputöö tegija kõikidele alajaama vahelistele kaablitele. Kuna koormus on jaotatud sektsioonide vaheliselt võrdselt, sai arvutada ühe kaabli parameetrid. Lõputöö valmimise ajaks oli elektrivõrgu ehitusliku osaga juba alustatud. Tööde lõpp on planeeritud 2020. aasta juuli lõpuks. Keskpingevõrgu projekteerimine oli diplomandi jaoks arendav ja huvitav. Antud projekti käigus luges lõputöö autor palju erialast kirjandust ja sai otsitud standarditest vastuseid probleemidele, mis projekteerimise käigus ette tulid. Palju oli vaja suhelda erinevate inimestega, et antud projekti tulemus oleks sobilik nii linnapilti kui ka elektriliselt korrektne. Kokkuvõtteks võib öelda, et projektiga seatud eesmärk täideti edukalt ja Veskiposti arenduse tarbeks sai projekteeritud töökindel elektrivõrk.
The topic of the thesis is the 6 kV power grid project for the Veskiposti development. The assignment was designed in a company called E-Service AS, where the graduate did an internship. The client of the electricity network project was Kaamos Ehitus OÜ. The goal of the thesis is to present the Veskiposti development 6 (10) kV electricity network project. In the design, the author found technical and electrical parameters on the basis of the respective calculations, regulations, normative documents, and standards. According to the loads received from the customer, the capacities of the required transformers were calculated, which are 1600 kVA for AJ Avala 2, 1000 kVA for both AJ Parkimismaja and AJ Avala 1. The most appropriate locations for the substations were selected with the customer and officialdoms. Based on the calculations, the designer found the cables with the corresponding current rating based on the connected load which is 1550 kW. At a rated voltage of 6 kV, the current is 150 A. Considering that in the future the customer may wish to increase the connection, the load capacity of the power line is designed with a reserve. To supply the main substation, which is AJ Avala 2, a 3x240 + 35 cable with a calculated load capacity of 282 A had been designed. The corresponding calculations were performed by the designer for all lines between the substations. Since the load is evenly distributed between the sections, the parameters of one cable for connections had been calculated. By the time the thesis was completed, the construction part of the electricity network had already begun. The completion of the works is scheduled for the end of July 2020. The design of the medium voltage network was developing and interesting for the graduate. During the course of this project, the author of the thesis read a lot of professional literature and got answers from the searched standards to the problems that arose during the designing process. It was necessary to communicate with different people so that the result of this project would suit into the cityscape and has to be electrically correct. In conclusion, it can be stated that the goal set in the project was successfully fulfilled and a reliable electricity network was designed for the development of Veskiposti.