Tehase analüüs AS Harju Elekter Teletehnika näitel

dc.contributor.advisorKase, Andres
dc.contributor.advisorPihl, Toomas
dc.contributor.authorTalpsepp, Jakob
dc.description.abstractLõputöö eesmärgiks oli välja tuua Harju Elekter Teletehnikas esinevad raiskamised ja nende kulud. Hüpoteesiks püstitati, et Harju Elekter Teletehnikas esineb palju raiskamisi, mida pole võimalik vältida. Leiti, et üheks suurimaks kuluks on ettevõttes esinevad kasutuskõlbmatud alad, mis esinevad tootmises. Nende alade mahuks on tehases 14,3 % ja selle kulu ettevõttele on 42 134,4 € aastas. Enamikele välja toodud kasutuskõlbmatutele aladele polnud võimalik paremat kasutust leida, kuna antud piirkondi piirasid kandvad seinad, mis välistavad nende alade avaramaks muutmise, mis parandaks nende ligipääsetavust ja mugavamat töö tegemist. See tähendab, et antud aladele on raske kasutust leida ning sellega tuleb antud hoones arvestada, et neid ei saagi maksimaalselt ära kasutada. Järgnevalt leiti läbi kaheksa raiskamise esinevad kulud ettevõttes. Üheks suuremaks kuluks on Harju Elekter Grupis ettevõtete vaheline transportimine, mille käigus tehakse topelttööd nii Harju Elekter Teletehnikas kui ka Harju Elekter Elektrotehnikas. Mõlemas ettevõttes toimub detailide komplekteerimine ja pakendamine. Sellele lisandub ka veel kahe majade vaheline transport. Lahenduseks toodi välja, et ettevõtetel võiks olla ühisladu, kus oleks võimalik mõlemal ettevõttel enda detaile ladustada. Läbi selle oleks võimalik ettevõttel kokku hoida tööjõukulude pealt kuni 38 400 € aastas, kuid transport kahe maja vahel oleks ikkagi vajalik. Seoses kaheksa raiskamisega leiti veel ka, et ettevõtte siseselt kulub väga palju aega detailide transportimiseks. Selle põhjuseks on osakondade vahelised pikad vahemaad, mida põhjustab hoone ülesehitus. Mõõtmistest selgus, et kui detailid, mis läbisid protsesse ei olnud üksteisega järjestikku, siis nende transportimise ajakulu kahekordistusid. Järelduse käigus leiti, et antud probleem on selles hoones vältimatu, kuid seda on võimalik paremaks muuta läbi parema majasisese liikumissüsteemi kaudu. Lisaks sellele tuli välja, et paljud raiskamised tekivad just vähese info edastamise pärast või sellest, et töötajad ei tea täpselt, mis on nende tööülesanded. Lahenduseks toodi välja, et ettevõttes peaksid olema täpsemalt väljatoodud töötajate tööülesanded ning neid tuleks neile ka ära seletada. Mõõdeti ka detailide protsesside vahelisi ooteaegu, mille käigus selgus, et peaaegu kõigis protsessides seisavad detailid ootealades kauem kui on selleks määratud aeg. Viie töökäsu põhjal leiti, et keskmiseks detailide ooteajaks kogu protsessis oli 461 tundi ja 33 minutit, kuigi see peaks jääma 120 tunni sisse. Põhjuseks leiti, et ettevõttes ei ole loodud süsteemi, mis jälgiks detailide valmistamiseks kuluvaid aegu. Hetkel stantsitakse detaile komplektidena ning nende detailide valmimisajad on väga erinevad. Lahenduseks toodi välja, et tuleks jälgida toodete toomiseks kuluvaid aegu ning sellest lähtudes tooteid õigeaegselt töösse panna, et vältida suuri ooteaegu protsesside vahel. Kokkuvõttes võib öelda, et antud hüpotees, mille autor püstitas, pole täielikult tõsi. Ettevõttes küll esineb raiskamisi, mida pole võimalik vältida, kuid on ka selliseid raiskamisi, mida on võimalik parandada läbi parendavate tegevuste ja uute süsteemide loomise kaudu.et
dc.description.abstractThe aim of the thesis was to highlight the wastes in Harju Elekter Teletehnika and their costs. It was hypothesized that there are many wastes in Harju Elekter Teletehnika that cannot be avoided. It was found in the thesis that one of the biggest costs is the unusable areas in the company, which are in production. The volume of these areas in the factory is 14.3% and it costs the company 42 134,4 € per year. It was not possible to make better use of most of the identified unserviceable areas, as these areas were bounded by load-bearing walls, which prevented them from being removed, which would improve their accessibility and would make working more comfortable. This means that these areas are difficult to use and it must be considered that in this building these areas cannot be used to their maximum potential. Next, different costs of eight wastes in the company were found. One of the largest costs in the Harju Elekter Group is transportation between companies, during which double work is performed in both Harju Elekter Teletehnika and Harju Elekter Elektrotehnika. In both companies, parts are assembled and packaged. In addition, there is transport between the two houses. In addition, there is transport between the two houses. As a solution, it was pointed out that the companies could have a same warehouse where both companies could store their details. This would save the company up to 38 400 € a year in labor costs, but transport between the two houses would still be necessary. In connection with the waste of eight, it was also found that it takes a lot of time to transport the parts within the company. This is due to the long distances between departments caused by the structure of the building. The measurements showed that if the parts that went through the processes were not in succession, their transportation times were doubled. During the conclusion, it was found that this problem is inevitable in this building, but it can be improved through a better in-house movement system. In addition, it turned out that many wastes are cause by the lack of information between people or the fact that employees do not know exactly what their tasks are. As a solution, it was pointed out that the duties of employees within the company should be specified and they should be explained to them. Waiting times between part processes were also measured, during which it was found that in almost all processes the parts stay in the waiting areas longer than specified. Based on the five work orders, the average waiting time for parts throughout the process was 461 hours and 33 minutes, although this should be within 120 hours. The reason was that the company does not have a system in place that monitors the time that is taken to produce parts. At the moment, the different parts are stamped in sets and the completion times of these different parts are very different. As a solution, it was pointed out that the time taken to produce the products should be monitored and, accordingly, the products should be put into operation in a timely manner to avoid long waiting times between processes. In conclusion, it can be said that this hypothesis, which was put forward by the author, is not entirely true. There are wastes within the company that cannot be avoided, but there are also wastes that can be improved through improving activities and the creation of new systems.et
dc.publisherTallinna Tehnikakõrgkoolet
dc.subjectTTK Subject Categories::Majandus and ärijuhtimine::Kulusäästlik (LEAN) tootmineet
dc.subject.otherTööstustehnoloogia ja turunduset
dc.titleTehase analüüs AS Harju Elekter Teletehnika näitelet
dc.title.alternativeFactory Analysis on the Example of AS Harju Elekter Teletehnikaet
