VKG Energia soojuselektrijaama ja soojusvõrgu soojusarvestite võrguseire

dc.contributor.advisorBrindfeldt, Eduard
dc.contributor.advisorSavelitšev, Vladimir
dc.contributor.authorAusmees, Elina
dc.description.abstractLõputöö esimeses peatükis on lühike ettevõte tutvustus ning ka seletatakse kaks protsessi kust saab soojuselektrijaam gaasi oma töö jaoks. Teises peatükis on kirjeldatud soojusarvestite, kontrollerite, muundurite, protokollide ja tarkvara teoreetiline ülevaade kasutades ametliku tootjate kirjandust. Olid valitud ka uued kontrollerid – Siemens S7-1200 1215C DC/DC/DC, et asendada vananenud WinPAC-8000, ning oli tehtud võrdlus nende vahel. Kolmandas peatükis kirjeldatakse uue programmi ja seletatakse töökäigu. Programm oli tehtud kasutades TIA Portal 15.1 ja tema eesmärk oli soojusarvestite võrguseire. Neljandas peatükis on kirjeldatud visualisatsioon. Eesmärgiks oli kuvada soojusarvestite näiteid, mis olid kogutud programmi abil, selle jaoks oli tehtud visualisatsioon WinCC keskkonnas, kus saab jälgida soojusarvestite andmeid. Kõik lõputöö eesmärgid olid täidetud. Programm oli kontrollitud kasutades Siemens PLCSim tarkvara, ning kontrolli käigus kõik toimis nii nagu ette nähtud. Kuna lõputöö käigus oli tehtud ainult test projekt, siis ei olnud see veel kasutusele pandud. Hiljem tehakse test projekti baasil töötava juhtprogramm, kus saab teha nii soojusarvestite seiret kui ka pumpade juhtimist.
dc.description.abstractNetwork Monitoring of Heat Meters of VKG Energia's Thermal Power Station and Heat Network is the topic of this thesis. The purpose of the thesis is to make a test project for monitoring values of heat meters with updated hardware and software of VKG Energia thermal power station. The problem is that VKG Energia still uses WinPAC controllers and ASPIC 3.30 Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA). As both hardware and software have become obsolete, there was a need to renew the entire control system. The old software and hardware are no longer reliable, so a decision was made to replace them with Siemens controllers and software since most of the plant already works with Siemens. The program of the new controllers was made with TIA Portal 15.1, and the new visualization was done with TIA Portal 15.1 WinCC. The heat meters and converters did not need to be replaced and because of that were reused in this project. In the first chapter of the thesis, there is a short introduction of the company and two processes from which the thermal power plant gets gas for its work are also explained. The second chapter describes a theoretical overview of heat meters, controllers, converters, protocols and software using official manufacturers' literature. New controllers Siemens S7-1200 1215C DC/DC/DC were selected to replace the outdated WinPAC-8000 and a comparison between the two controllers was made. The third chapter describes the new program and explains how it works. The program was made using TIA Portal 15.1 and its purpose was network monitoring of heat meters. The fourth chapter describes visualization. The goal was to display data of heat meters that was collected using the program, for this a visualization was made with the use of WinCC environment, where the data of heat meters can be monitored. All objectives of the thesis were fulfilled. The program was tested using Siemens PLCSim software. During the test everything worked as intended. Since only a test project had been made during the thesis, it had not yet been put into use. Later, a control program will be made on the basis of the test project, where both heat meter monitoring and pump control can be done.
dc.publisherTallinna Tehnikakõrgkool
dc.subjectMehaanika::Robotitehnika::Tööstuskontrollerite programmeerimine
dc.titleVKG Energia soojuselektrijaama ja soojusvõrgu soojusarvestite võrguseire
dc.title.alternativeNetwork Monitoring of Heat Meters of VKG Energia's Thermal Power Station and Heat Network
