PVC uksekardina turustamis võimaliste hindamine ja analüüs Etra Balti AS näitel

dc.contributor.advisorNõuakas, Kati
dc.contributor.authorReha, Meelis
dc.description.abstractKäesoleva lõputöö eesmärgiks oli leida ja kaardistada PVC uksekardina turustamisvõimalusi Eesti tööstusturul. Selleks viidi läbi kaks eraldiseisvat turu-uuringut, üks eraisikutele ja teine ettevõtetele. Tulemustest oli võimalik näha eraisikute väikest teadlikust toote suhtes. Samuti tõi eraisikutele suunatud turu-uuring välja, et eraisikutele seondub antud toode tööstusega ja ei nähta potentsiaali toote kasutamiseks oma majapidamises. Ettevõtetele suunatud turu-uuring näitas, et ettevõtted teavad PVC uksekardina olemasolu ja on väga positiivsed antud toote suhtes. Samuti tuli turu-uuringu tagajärjel välja, et tarbijad ei ole lojaalsed oma tarnijale. Antud lõputöö jaoks analüüsib autor läbi erinevad kliendid ja konkurendid. Tulemused on oodatavad. Suurimaks kliendigrupiks, millele peaks keskenduma, on tööstuskliendid. Kuigi enamasti on tegemist ühekordsete klientidega, toovad nad sisse suurima kasumi. Samuti on väiksem võimalus jääda sõltuvusse ühest ettevõtest. Antud olukorral on üks miinus. See vajab suurt tööjõu ressurssi, kuna kliente on vaja palju, et see taktika muutuks kasumlikuks. Konkurentide suhtes peaks ETRA otseselt astuma konflikti teiste tööstustoodete hulgimüüjatega. Tegemist on ettevõtetega, kes konkureerivad ETRA-ga teiste tootegruppide sees ning seega on tegemist tavapärase käitumisega. Vältida tuleks lähitulevikus otsesest konfliktist edasimüüjatega, olenemata sellest, et nad tegelevad samadele turusegmentidele müümisega. Toote hinnapoliitikas tuleks jälgida, et toote hind oleks vastavuses toote omadustega, suurkliendid saaksid allahindlust ning müügiosakonnal oleks mängimisruumi hinnapakkumise tegemisel. Lisaks sellele peaks ETRA mõtlema läbi oma turustasmisvõimalused ning võiks luua turunduseelarve. Seda eelarvet saaks kasutada toodete, antud juhul siis PVC uksekardina nähtavamaks tegemiseks otsingumootorite läbi. Turu-uuring tõi välja, et potentsiaalsed kliendid otsivad ise infot ning ETRA peaks end kergesti kättesaadavaks tegema nendele.et
dc.description.abstractThis thesis describes the market for PVC curtain in Estonia. The name of the thesis is PVC curtain makreting analysis and possibilities of marketing on ETRA BALT AS example. To understand the market for such product the author of this thesis conducted two separeted market surveys. The first survey was directed at the private consumer. This survey was conducted on Facebooks and in 7 days 89 persons answered to this survey. The conclusion of this survey was, that PVC curtain is more seen as a product that is connected to industries and manufacturing and not as a product that could be used in normal households. Private consumer survey also showed that the consumer is not that aware of the product and might know the product, but does not know the specifications. Author of this thesis suggests ETRA to make a marketing budget and a part of the marketing budget should be used to make ETRA visible online thru search engines, suchs as google. Also the author suggests that ETRA tries to find some subproducts, which could be made out of PVC curtain. The second survey was directed at companies. Form for this survey was sent out to 50 different companies. They were either logistic, manufacturing, retailing firms or industrial goods importers. 26 firms out of 50 answered. The survey brought out a issue with customer loyalty being really low. Survey also showed the need for service such as installation of the product. After the surveys, author analyzed the competitors by dividing them into groups and bringing out the biggest ones separetly and analyzing them in more detailed way. Biggest threats are industrials retailers, who have the knowledge and the resources. They are everyday competitors of ETRA. The focucs of selling PVC curtian should be on manufacturing companies. Their strenght is their need for the whole package thus making it possible for ETRA to sell them also labor of making the whole set. Alot of manufacturing companies are one time customers so the dependability on one customer does not become a issue here. The downside on focusing on manufacturing companies is the need for alot of manpower. The strategy of ETRA is and should be the the „challenger“. ETRA should stay very flexible on finding the customers and making new partners. Best price strategy for ETRA would be to combine the price of the product with product properties. Also there should be discount from the quantity, so the customers are more interested in buying in bulk, thus buying more. In general ETRA should try to find new products made out of PVC curtain for the private consumer and try to find the industrial consumer by aproaching them.en
dc.publisherTallinna Tehnikakõrgkool
dc.subject.classificationMechanical Engineering--Engineering Materials--Building Materialsen
dc.subject.classificationEconomy and Management--Retail and Wholesale Tradeen
dc.subject.classificationMechanical Engineering--Engineering Materials--Composites, Coatings, and Plasticsen
dc.subject.classificationEconomy and Management--Economic Analysisen
dc.subject.classificationMajandus and ärijuhtimine--Jae- ja hulgikaubanduset
dc.subject.classificationMehaanika--Tehnomaterjalid--Komposiidid, pinded ja tehnoplastidet
dc.subject.classificationMajandus and ärijuhtimine--Majandusanalüüset
dc.subject.otherTööstustehnoloogia ja turunduset
dc.subject.otherIndustrial Technology and Marketingen
dc.titlePVC uksekardina turustamis võimaliste hindamine ja analüüs Etra Balti AS näitel
dc.title.alternativePVC curtain marketing analysis and possibilities of marketing on ETRA BALT AS example
