Uue auto soetamise põhjuste ning kliendikogemuse analüüs Harjumaa automüügiesinduste näitel

dc.contributor.advisorÕige, Alar
dc.contributor.authorLilles, Kristjan
dc.description.abstractAntud lõputöö käigus selgitati välja põhjused, miks inimesed mõnda kindlat marki ning mudelit eelistavad ning mis omadusi nad oma sõiduki juures enim hindavad. Samuti uuriti välja, kui suur on klientide rahulolu erinevate protsesside juures esindustes, mis tegelevad nii uute sõidukite müügi-, kui ka järelteenindusprotsessidega. Lisaks eelnevatele saadi selgust ka erinevate turundusmeetodite kasulikkusest ning mõjust klientides sõiduki ostuhuvi tekitamisel. Antud andmete kogumiseks saadeti läbi 6 erineva Harjumaa automüügiesinduse välja 108 erinevat punkti sisaldav küsimustik, millele vastas kokku 261 inimest ning tänu millele oli võimalik analüüsida esinduste tööd väga paljudes erinevates valdkondades. Lõputöö käigus vastati esinduste püstitatud hüpoteesidele ning selgitati välja, millistele ning kui paljudele uut sõidukit ostunud inimestele on tähtis sõiduki mudeli uudsus ning kui suurt mõju avaldab ostuotsuse langetamisele hinnakampaania. Samuti vastati esinduste poolt püstitatud küsimusele, mis hõlmas endas turundusmeetodite kasulikkust ning subjektiivsust. Antud punktis selgus, et tänu meediareklaamidele on huvi uue sõiduki vastu tekkinud vaid 15% inimestest ning meediareklaamide puhul on kõige populaarsemaks sotsiaalmeedia reklaamid. Enim mõjutas klientide ostuotsust varasem kogemus sama marki sõidukiga ning antud punkt oli kõikidest meefiareklaamidest kokku pea 2 korda populaarsem. Lisaks sõiduki valiku puhul olulist mõju omavale eelnevale kogemusele omab ka kindla ettevõtte valikul klientide jaoks kõige suuremat tähtsust just eelnev positiivne kogemus sama ettevõtte järelteenindusega, mistõttu soovitati analüüsi tulemusena esindustel üle vaadata ning teha järeldusi enda järelteeninduse protsessis. Müügimeeste tööd hinnates leiti, et kui üldist pilti võib pidada pigem heaks, on probleemseteks kohtadeks inimeste konsulteerimine hilisemate kindlate ning võimalike sõiduki ülalpidamiskulude osas, kus pea kolmandik inimestest ei oma piisavalt selget pilti tulevatest kuludest. Samuti selgus, et esindused peaksid enda fookust suunama uute mudelite tulekul müügipersonali varasemale ning põhjalikumale koolitamisele, kuna antud punkti analüüsides selgus, et mitmes esinduses jäid müügimehed hätta klientide nõustamisel, kui uued mudelid olid saabumas. Lisaks tuvastati analüüsi käigus erinevaid probleeme klienditeeninduse kvaliteedis nii järelteeninduse-, kui ka müügiprotsessi puhul. Koos lõputöö praktilise osa raames valminud analüüsiga said kõik koostööd teinud esindused ka individuaalse parandusettepanekute nimekirja, mille abil saab loota, et klienditeeninduse kvaliteet muutub tänu tehtud märkuste klientide jaoks paremaks ning esinduste lõikes võrdsemaks.et
dc.description.abstractAs a result of the current thesis, reasons as to why consumers prefer a certain automotive brand or model as well as which characteristics do they perceive most valuable in a vehicle, were successfully discovered. It was also found, how great is the customer satisfaction with the processes of car dealerships that offer both the car sales as well as after-sales services. Additionally, further light was shed on how efficient and impactful are different marketing methods in sparking the customers’ interest for purchasing a new vehicle. For collecting the necessary data, a questionnaire consisting of 108 different points was distributed through 6 car dealerships in the Harju County to which 261 people replied, allowing to analyse the dealerships’ work in many different aspects. Throughout the thesis, hypotheses of the dealerships were tested and answered, among them the facts of to which and how many of the people who had purchased a new vehicle considered the novelty of the model important, and how big is the impact of price campaigns on making the purchase decision. Another element that was measured in the thesis was the effectiveness, benefit and subjectivity of different marketing methods. It was found out that only 15% of the respondents cited ads in media as their source of the initial interest in purchasing a new vehicle. In total, the most popular marketing method turned out to be social media advertising. Customers were most affected in their purchasing decisions by prior experience with the same vehicle brand, which was cited as a main reason for the interest twice as often as ads in media. Further to the prior experience of owning the same brand of vehicle, experience with the same car dealership and its after-sales services was rated equally important, which is why the dealerships were advised to examine and re-evaluate their current after-sales services for possible improvements. Evaluating the work and performance of the salesmen, it was discovered that in general the current situation with the quality of their work can be called rather good. However, a problematic issue of the lack of consultation on the fixed and maintenace costs of the vehicles came out with almost third of the respondents not having a sufficient understanding about these costs. Furthermore, it came out from the analysis that the dealerships should direct more of their focus to training and preparing their sales staff prior to the arrival of new car models as the respondents brought out their experiences with salesmen from several dealerships lacking the knowledge on new models. Additionally, the analysis discovered several other issues with the quality of customer service during both sales as well as the after-sales process. With the analysis completed with the practical part of the thesis, all of the participating car dealerships received a list of individual recommendations for improvements, which will hopefully provide a basis for the customer experience improving as well as equalizing within the dealerships.en
dc.publisherTallinna Tehnikakõrgkool
dc.subject.classificationTransport--Automotive Engineering--Car Maintenance, Maintenance Stations, and Equipmenten
dc.subject.classificationTransport--Autotehnika--Autode hooldus, hooldusjaamad ja seadmedet
dc.subject.otherAutomotive Engineeringen
dc.titleUue auto soetamise põhjuste ning kliendikogemuse analüüs Harjumaa automüügiesinduste näitel
dc.title.alternativeThe analysis of the reasons for new car purchase and customer experience on the example of Harju County car dealerships
