3D-prinditud plastide mehaaniliste omaduste uurimine

dc.contributor.advisorPihl, Toomas
dc.contributor.authorKivimäe, Mihkel
dc.description.abstract3D-printerid ja tehnoloogia on tuleviku jaoks väga tähtsal kohal, selle abil on võimalik luua erinevaid prototüüpe kui ka varuosi erinevates valdkondades, kui ka hoonete ehituses, asenduselundite ning ka kunsti teostamisel. Autori eesmärgiks oli 3D-prinditud plastide mehaaniliste omaduste uurimine. Katsete põhjal selgusid erinevad tulemused ametliku standardiga. Esmalt tehtud tõmbekatse andis tulemused, mille eesmärgiks oli määrata materjalide suhteline pikenemine ehk plastus. Selle katse ajal muutusid katsekade ristlõike pindalad väiksemaks aga tugevamaks. Katse käigus selgus, et TPU 95A venis 88 % pikemaks, teised materjalid jäid ühe kuni kahe protsendi sisse. Tugevuse katse eesmärgiks oli määrata materjalide tõmbe tugevus. Selle katse käigus kasutati materjale 3 mm läbimõõduga ning teostati kaks katset iga materjaliga. Keskmiseks tõmbetugevuseks oli 0,02 N/mm2 kuni 0,035 N/mm2. Plastide kõvaduse määramise meetodil selgus, et autori Shore A duromeerti abil mõõdetud tulemused olid mõneti erinevad ametlikust standardist. CPE+ kõvadus oli kõige suurema erinevusega autori ja tootja poolt kirja pandud tulemusega. Teiste materjalide tulemused jäid tootja andmetest natukene kõrgemaks.et
dc.description.abstract3D printers and technology are very important for the future, with their help it is possible to create various prototypes as well as spare parts in various fields, in the construction of buildings, replacement organs and also art. The aim of the author was to study the mechanical properties of 3D printed plastics. The tests showed different results with an official standard. The first tensile test gave results, the aim of which was to determine the relative elongation or plasticity of the materials. During this experiment, the cross-sectional areas of the test pieces became smaller but stronger. The experiment showed that TPU 95A was 88% longer, other materials remained within one to two percent. The purpose of the strength test was to determine the tensile strength of the materials. In this experiment, materials with a diameter of 3 mm were used and two experiments were performed with each material. The average tensile strength was 0.02 N / mm2 to 0.035 N / mm2. The method for determining the hardness of plastics revealed that the results measured by the author's Shore A durometer were slightly different from the official standard. The biggest difference between the result written by the author and the manufacturer was the hardness of CPE +. The results of other materials were slightly higher than the manufacturer's data.en
dc.publisherTallinna Tehnikakõrgkool
dc.subject.classificationMechanical Engineering--Engineering Materials--Composites, Coatings, and Plasticsen
dc.subject.classificationMehaanika--Tehnomaterjalid--Komposiidid, pinded ja tehnoplastidet
dc.subject.otherTööstustehnoloogia ja turunduset
dc.subject.otherIndustrial Technology and Marketingen
dc.title3D-prinditud plastide mehaaniliste omaduste uurimine
dc.title.alternativeResearch of Mechanical Properties of 3D Printed Plastics
