Aovere-Luunja maantee km 0,000-11,352 ehitustööde korralduse projekt

dc.contributor.advisorAleksejev, Adrian
dc.contributor.authorTamkivi, Tauri
dc.description.abstractTööd objektil algavad 2.juunil kui geodeedid saabuvad objektile ning lõppevad 27.oktoobril kui nõlvad on kindlustatud. Ehitustegevuse teostamisel tuleb lähtuda tehnilisest seletuskirjast, kus on kirjas töödele seatud nõuded ja nõudmised. Masinad on valitud selliste parameetritega, et nende jõudlus oleks piisav tööde läbiviimiseks. Vastavalt valitud masinate ja brigaadide jõudlusele ja tööde mahule on leitud piketaaži väljamärkimise, liikluskorraldusvahendite eemaldamise, metsa ja võsa raadamise ning juurimise, kasvupinnase koorimise, kraavi kaevamise, peenra väljakaeve ja täite, katte freesimise, truubi demonteerimise ja paigaldamise, muldkeha ehituse, dreenkihi ehituse, kompleksstabiliseerimise, asfalteerimise ja nõlvade kindlustamise ajakulu ning vaja minev kallurite arv. Ehitustööde järjekord on paika pandud, arvestades asjaoluga, et tee jääb liiklusele avatuks, ning on lahendatud voolumeetodil, kus iga järgnev töö algab nii varakult kui võimalik, arvestades eelneva töö venimise ohuga. Kalendergraafik on koostatud vastavalt leitud ajakulule ning sisaldab tööde algus- ja lõppkuupäeva. Masinate vajadus on leitud vastavalt kalendergraafikule iga nädala kaupa. Tööd lõppevad õigeaegselt ja vastavad nõudmistele, kui lähtuda koostatud ehitustöödekorralduse
dc.description.abstractConstruction of new roads and repairing old ones is an expensive proposition, because the cost of the project is largely determined by the price of the material and the quality materials are relatively expensive. Thus, it does not pay off savings, if the goal is a high quality result, but thought out and balanced construction enables the organization to reduce costs, thereby not lowering significantly the quality. The aim of this project is to find a suitable contruction organization and time costs in accordance with the conditions and demands of the construction works. Aovere-Luunja road has lost its carrying capacity and the heavy transport has caused deep ruts. So the purposes of the works are to raise the level of road safety and driving comfort, and determine the technically required roadside. The road must remain open to the traffic and it should be avoided to work outside the day period 7:00-19:00. According to the first chapter, the construction activities must be conducted on the basis of the technical memorandum, where the requirements and demands of work set is described. The construction works are: marking down the road numbering, removing the traffic control devices, clearing and rooting the forest and brush, removing the topsoil, ditch digging, excavating and filling the shoulders, road milling, dismantling and installation of the culvertpipes, embankment construction, drainage construction, complex stabilization, asphalt casting and insure the slopes. The machines are chosen according to the parameters, which must suit to the work nature. The productivity of the machines is calculated with the specific formulas in the second chapter. Time expenditure is calculated with the work volume and the productivity of the machine, which does the work. The order of construction is put in place in the fourth chapter and solved with the „flow“ method, where each subsequent work will begin as early as possible, but considered the risk of delays in the previous work. Calendar Schedule is composed according to the time cost and includes the start and end date. The need of machinery is found on a weekly basis according to the Calendar Schedule. Construction works will end on time and meet the demands, if the Construction work management project is allowed.en
dc.publisherTallinna Tehnikakõrgkool
dc.subject.classificationConstruction--Road Constructionen
dc.subject.otherRoad Constructionen
dc.titleAovere-Luunja maantee km 0,000-11,352 ehitustööde korralduse projekt
dc.title.alternativeRoad Construction Management Project of Aovere-Luunja Highway km 0,000-11,352
