Hankeprotsessi läbiviimine brändile Cocomoon Sweden



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Rõivatööstus on oma olemuselt tiheda konkurentsiga ja pidevas muutumises olev sektor. Globaliseerunud tarneahelad ja keeruline makromajanduslik olukord esitavad nii hankijatele kui tarnijatele väljakutseid. Edukalt planeeritud hankeprotsess tagab ettevõttele võimaluse muutlikus maailmas kasumlikult tegutseda. Hankeprotsessi läbimõeldud korraldamine on seda olulisem alustava ettevõtte edu tagamiseks. Käesoleva lõputöö eesmärgiks oli läbi viia hankeprotsess, mille toel koostati ja anti juhised alustavale ettevõttele Cocomoon Sweden neile sobivaima tarnija valikuks, lähtudes nende poolt seatud kriteeriumitest. Lõputöö teoreetilises keskenduti olemasolevale kirjandusele andmaks ülevaadet hankeprotsessi olulisusest rõivatööstuses, planeerimisest, tarnijate eelvaliku protsessis ning kriteeriumitest. Tutvustati erinevaid päringute variante ning hinnapäringu koostamise põhimõtteid. Kirjeldati hankeprotsessi läbiviimist ning erinevaid tarnija hindamise meetodeid. Töö empiirilises osas viidi läbi taktikaline hankeprotsess brändile Cocomoon Sweden. Püstitatud uurimisküsimustele vastamiseks viidi brändi omanikuga läbi intervjuu, et määrata kriteeriumid tarnijatele ning kaardistati eriaalaliitude ja Manufy veebiplatvormi abil potentsiaalsed tarnijad. Seejärel teostati eelvalik kolme ettevõttele olulise kriteeriumi alusel. Koostati hinnapäring ning edastati see tarnijatele. Tarnijatelt saadud hinnapakkumiste ja ettevõtte poolt määratud kriteeriumite tähtsusastme alusel teostati tarnijate hindamine kasutades kaalutud keskmise meetodit. Hankeprotsessi läbiviimine oli autori hinnangul edukas ning täidetud sai nii lõputöös kui ka ettevõtte poolt püstitatud eesmärgid. Hinnapakkumisele vastamise protsent oli 45%, mis täitis ühe ettevõtte poolt seatud eesmärkidest. Käesoleva töö autori hinnnagul on 45% hea tulemus arvestades, et tegemist on alustava ettevõttega, kellel puudub koduleht ja pikaajaline majanduslik taust. Keeruliseks osutus tarnijate kontaktide leidmine ja ettevõttepoolsete kvaliteedinõuete välja selgitamine. Hanke käigus selgus, et tarnijate poolt pakutud hinna ja minimaalse tellimuse koguse määrab valitud kangas. Cocomoon Swedenil on lõputöö tulemusena olemas erinevaid võimalusi pakkuvate tarnijate nimekiri ning hankeprotsess, mida vajadusel uuesti korrata. Lõputöö on ka sobilikuks näidismaterjaliks sarnastele alustavatele ettevõtetele andes hea ülevaate kuidas viia edukalt läbi esimene hankeprotsess piiratud vahendite korral. Tarnijatele pakub käesolev lõputöö infot, mis kriteeriumite alusel hankija neid hindab. Läbiviidud hankeprotsessi abil on võimalik tarnijatel täiustada müügi-ja turundusstrateegiat, et kasvatada ja laiendada enda turuosa. Töö autori ettepanekud brändile Cocomoon Sweden on tuginedes hankeprotsessi tulemustele ning kirjandusele järgmised: • Jätkata diskussiooni nelja parima tulemuse saanud tarnijaga, Be Simple, Beyond Design Atelier, Reguentex ja T Tantos Texteis. • Täpsustada kriteeriumeid ja hinnapäringut ning teostada uuesti eelpool nimetatud nelja tarnija hindamine, et valida neist üks, kellega sõlmida lepinguline suhe. • Kui eelnevad ettepanekud mingil põhjusel ei sobi, siis osta tarnijalt Kamilla OÜ minutihinnaga teenuseid ja ise juhtida tootmisprotsessi. • Kolmanda variandina lükata tootmine edasi sügisesse ja küsida uus pakkumine tarnija Friendly Factories tütarettevõttelt Friendly Studio. • Tulevikus tootmismahtude kasvades võtta ühendust lühima tarneaja pakkunud tarnijaga MCPR. Töös kasutatud kaalutud keskmine meetod jätab ruumi eksimisele, aga oli autori hinnangul kõige sobivam brändile Cocomoon Sweden ja nende poolt seatud kriteeriumitele. Edasise uurimisideena pakub töö autor välja kasutada hankeprotsessis tarnija hindamiseks ja valikuks mõnda muud teoorias toodud meetodit. Missugust meetodit kasutada sõltub uuritavast ettevõttest. Leedu, Eesti ja Poola tarnijate madal vastamisprotsent pakub samuti töö autori hinnangul ainest uurimiseks. Mis alusel tarnijad hindavad hankija päringut huvipakkuvaks ning mis ajendab sellele vastama või mitte vastama.

The fashion apparel industry is highly competitive and volatile industry. Globalized supply chains and a complex macroeconomic environment pose challenges for both buyers and suppliers. A successfully planned sourcing provides opportunities for the buyer to operate profitably in a changing world. Strategically planned sourcing is all the more important to ensure the success of a start-up company. The purpose of this thesis was to conduct a sourcing process for Cocomoon Sweden, based on the criteria set by them, in order to give guidelines for selecting the most suitable supplier for the company. The first chapter of this thesis gives an overview of the existing scientific literature to provide an insight of the importance of sourcing in fashion apparel industry, planning, supplier pre-selection and selection criteria. Different options for communicating with potential suppliers and the principles of preparing a request for quotation were introduced. The chapter ends with description of various supplier evaluation methods and how to conduct sourcing. The second chapter focuses on empirical research through a tactical sourcing process conducted for Cocomoon Sweden. To answer the research questions, a semi structured interview was conducted with the brand owner to determine the criteria for suppliers, and potential suppliers were mapped using information from different countries apparel and textile confederations websites and Manufy's online platform. The pre-selection was then carried out on the basis of three selection criteria provided by Cocomoon Sweden. A request for quotation was drawn up and forwarded to suppliers. Based on the quotations received from the suppliers and the importance of the criteria set by the company, the evaluation of the suppliers was carried out using the weighted average method. According to the author of this thesis, the tactical sourcing process was successful and the purpose set by the thesis and the company were met. The response rate from potential suppliers was 45%, which fulfilled one of the goals set by the brand. According to the author of this thesis, 45% is a good result considering that Cocomoon Sweden is a start up company that does not have a website and a long-term economic background. Finding supplier contacts and determing the brands quality requirements for suppliers proved difficult. During communication with potential suppliers it became clear that the price offered by the suppliers and the minimum order quantity are determined by the selected fabric. As a result of the thesis, Cocomoon Sweden has a list of suppliers offering various options and a sourcing process that can be repeated when needed. The thesis is also a suitable sample material for similar start-up companies, giving a good overview of how to successfully conduct supplier sourcing with limited funds for the first time. For suppliers, this thesis provides information on the selection criteria by which the buyer evaluates them. This information is helpful for potential suppliers in improving their sales and marketing strategy in order to grow and expand their market share. Based on the results of the empirical research and the scientific literature, the author's recommendations for the brand Cocomoon Sweden are as follows: • Continue the discussion with the four highest graded suppliers, Be Simple, Beyond Design Atelier, Reguentex and T Tantos Texteis. • To elaborate the selection criteria and request for quotation in order to re-evaluate the four suppliers mentioned above in order to choose one of them with whom to enter into a contractual relationship. • If for some reason the previous recommendations are not suitable, then Cocomoon Sweden could purchase services from the supplier Kamilla OÜ at a minute price and lead the production process themselves. • As a third option, postpone the production until autumn and send a new request for quotation to Friendly Studio, a future subsidiary of supplier Friendly Factories, who focuses on brands by influencers. • In the future, as the production volumes increase, contact the supplier that offered the shortest delivery time, MCPR. The weighted average method used to evaluate potential suppliers leaves room for error, but according to the author, it was the most suitable for Cocomoon Sweden and the selection criteria set by them. As a further research idea, the author of this thesis proposes to use other supplier selection method discussed in the theoretical part. Which method to use depends on the company being researched. The low response rate of suppliers from Lithuania, Estonia and Poland also offers subject for future research. On what basis do suppliers evaluate the buyer`s request for quotation as interesting and what prompts them to respond or not to respond to it.



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