Andmekaitse ja isikuandmete töötlemine jälgimissüsteemide kasutamisel tootmisettevõttes



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Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkool


Lõputöö teema valiti eesmärgiga tootmisettevõtetele anda ülevaade andmekaitsest jälgimisseadmete kasutamisel ning hinnata andmekaitse korraldamise vastavust tuginedes kehtivatele õigusaktidele. Esitatud ettepanekud tehti andmekaitse paremaks korraldamiseks tootmisettevõttes, mis võimaldavad andmekaitseametnikul ning läbipääsuõigusi haldaval töötajal oma tööelu kergemaks muuta ning olla kehtivate andmekaitse regulatsioonidega paremini kooskõlas. Autori hinnangul said kõik püstitatud ülesanded täidetud ning eesmärk saavutatud. Tehti järeldusi ning ettepanekuid andmekaitse parendamiseks.

The thesis with title Data Protection and Personal Data Processing using Surveillance Systems in Manufacturing Company is written in Estonian. Thesis has 48 pages, which includes 3 chapters, 3 figures, 1 table, 41 sources and an English summary. The first part consists of a theoretics, what describes the theoretical framework of data protection, personal data and personal data processing terms and suggestions for the documentation according to the revelant laws and cybersecurity threats. The second part of the thesis describes the methodology used in this case study. The results are analysed in the third part of the thesis. The main goal for the thesis was to provide an overview of the data protection regulations according to the usage of surveillance systems in manufactoring company, to create simplyfier scheme for the documentation need for the future actions, to draw conclusions and suggestions for the better data protection documentation. The case study concludes with three findings and corresponding improvement suggestions, providing a satisfactory assessment of data protection practices in the context of monitoring systems. • Keepi data on servers more transparent. • Link the Access Card System with other systems in use in the company. • Create statistics on the completion of data security educational materials. All tasks that have been set for the thesis were completed.



Majandus and ärijuhtimine
