Hankeprotsessi analüüs kulude optimeerimise eesmärgil miDeer OÜ kottide näitel



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Antud lõputöö teemaks on hankeprotsessi analüüs kulude optimeerimise eesmärgil miDeer OÜ kottide näitel. Lõputöö eesmärk sai täidetud ning püstitatud uurimisküsimusele saadi vastus. Lähtuvalt lõputöö eesmärgist antakse teoreetilises osas ülevaade hankeprotsessi erinevatest etappidest ja kriteeriumitest. Käsitletud on hinnapäringu vajalikkust ja eesmärki. Ülevaade antakse ka hankimisel tekkivatest kuludest ning omahinna kujunemisest. Saavutamaks eesmärki rakendatakse teooriat praktilises osas, kus tutvutakse ettevõtte miDeer OÜ tegevuse, kotikollektsiooni ja tootmiseks vajaliku toormaterjali ning teenuste hankekuludega. Kuna kottide disain pidi jääma samaks, toimus sobiva toormaterjali ning tootmisteenuse võimaluste leidmine vastavalt lähteandmetele. Hinnapakkumiste saamiseks, koostati töö käigus hinnapäringud uue põhimaterjali, furnituuride, niidi ning tootmisteenuse leidmiseks. Need edastati valitud tarnijatele ning tootmisettevõtetele. Soodsaima toormaterjali ja tootmisteenuse väljaselgitamiseks, võrreldi saadud hinnapakkumiste hindu hetkelistega. Lõputöö käigus selgus, et hetkel on kõige soodsam nõeltöödeldud vilti tellida praeguselt tootjalt. Kuigi töö käigus leiti uus võimalik materjalitootja, muutuks sinna lisanduva transpordikuluga meetrihind kõrgemaks. See tähendab, et tõuseks ka kottide omahind. Sellest tulenevalt tehti ettepanek jätkata tellimist praeguselt materjalitootjalt. Samas arvab töö autor, et kindlasti tasuks hakata edasi otsima teisi võimalusi. Näiteks messide külastuse abil, kus on võimalik luua uusi kontakte ning tutvuda materjalivalikuga. Hetkel on nii magnetkinnituse kui ka takjapaela hind kõige soodsam, seega tehti ettepanek jätkata tellimist hetkeliselt tarnijalt. Pingutite osas leiti, et kõige soodsamat hinda pakub Rivet OÜ, mistõttu võiks uuritav ettevõte neid edaspidi sealt soetada. Rihmapaela soodsaimat hinda pakub Hainela Paelavabrik OÜ. Sellest lähtuvalt tasuks edaspidi rihmapaela osta antud ettevõtte käest. Niidi puhul tehti ettepanek tellida edaspidi Eesti tootjalt Coats Eestis AS, sest tegemist on soodsa ning kvaliteetse toodanguga. Analüüsist selgus, et kõige soodsam on kottide tootmisteenus tellida Gevatex OÜ-st. Lisaks odavale hinnale on ettevõttel olemas vajalikud seadmed ning oskused, mis tõstaks ettevõtte senist tootmisvõimsust. Kõike neid arvesse võttes tasuks tellida tootmisteenuse Gevatex OÜ-st. Lõputöös saadi ülevaade, millised toormaterjali ning tootmisteenuse võimalused on ettevõttele kõige soodsamad optimeerimaks hankeprotsessis tekkivaid kulusid. Lisaks selgus, et miDeer OÜ hankeprotsessi kulusid on võimalik optimeerida. Optimeerimine toimus peamiselt soodsama tootmisteenuse leidmise abil, mis alandas enamuste kottide omahinda.

The subject of the present thesis is Cost Optimization Through Sourcing Analysis Based on miDeer Ltd Bags. The aim of the thesis was to identify the sourcing options of raw material and production services for miDeer Ltd for cost optimization. In accordance with the aim of the thesis, an overview on various stages and criteria about the sourcing process was provided in the theoretical part. The aim and necessity of price inquiries were discussed. An overview on emerging costs and the purchase price determination were outlined. The theoretical information was implemented in the practical part of the thesis, as the author examined the sourcing costs, including management, raw material and production, and the bags collection of miDeer Ltd. Since the design of the bags were to remain the same, identifying suitable options for raw material and production services was carried on according to primary data. Inquiries about new material, fittings, threads and production services were created in order to receive price inquiries. Those were submitted to suppliers and production plants. In order to identify the lowest price for raw material and production services, the prices provided in the inquiries were compared with current prices. The research showed that at the present moment it is the cheapest to order material from the current manufacturer. Although a new possible material producer was found, it became evident that the cost per meter would rise due to transportation, which would also increase the purchase price of the bags. Accordingly, it was suggested to continue ordering the material from the current producer. However, the author suggests to begin the search for other options, such as going to fairs where it is possible to create new contacts and learn about material selections. Currently, the prices of magnetic fasteners and hoop-and-loop fasteners are the lowest, therefore a proposition was made to continue ordering from the current supplier. As to bag tighteners, it was identified that the lowest price is offered by Rivet Ltd, therefore it was suggested for the company researched to order there. The lowest price for webbing tape is offered by Hainela Paelavabrik Ltd. Based on that, the author suggests that it is beneficial to order webbing tape from the given company. It was proposed to order thread from an Estonian manufacturer, Coats Eesti Ltd, as they provide products with great quality at a reasonable price. According to the analysis, it became evident that it is the cheapest to order bags production services from Gevatex Ltd. The low price and the existent production machinery and skills of the production plant show that it would be beneficial to cooperate with Gevatex Ltd. The purpose of the thesis has been fulfilled. The results showed which options of raw material and production services are the most cost-effective for the company to optimize costs during sourcing process. In addition, it was identified that cost optimization is possible. Purchase prices can be lowered mainly due to the lower production costs of the new company.


