Yamaha YZF R6 ümberehitus elektriajamile ja elektrijuhtmestiku projekteerimine ning koostamine



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Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkool


Lõputöö käigus valmis ümberehitatud Yamaha R6le sobiv juhtmestik ja sai paigaldatud raamile. Aja ja raha kokkuhoiu mõttes sai kasutatud asjadega kaasas olnud juhtmeid, mis said kohandatud raamile sobivaks. Juhtmestik muudeti niiskus- ja vibratsioonikindlaks. Kogu juhtmestikule sai peale isolatsiooni materjal, et juhtmestik püsiks koos ja oleks hõõrdumiskindel. Kõrgepingejuhtmetele läks peale topelt isolatsioon ja sai samuti kinnitatud raamile. Juhtmestiku töökindluse parandamiseks said kõik pistikud asendatud niiskus- ja vibratsioonikindlate pistikutega. Kõikide komponentide tööpõhimõtete kohta sai otsitud materjali ja tööpõhimõtted töös lahti kirjutatud. Töös sai koostatud üldisem õpetus juhtmestiku paigaldusest raamile, kuna koolil on plaanis veel mitu sarnast projekti teha, aga erinevate raamide peale, siis said põhilised asjad üle vaadatud ja kirja. Juhtmestikule vahele kaitse ja juhtmestikust ka skeem, et edaspidi oleks asja lihtsam teostada. Eesmärk projekteerida kooli projektidele juhtmestik ja paigutada see ohutult raamile sai täidetud, samuti sai lahti kirjutatud ohutusnõudeid, et edaspidi kellegi tervisele ohtu ei kujutaks, kui järgmistele projektidele hakatakse sama juhtmestikku koostama.

The aim of the work is to create an electrical wiring system for a converted Yamaha YZF R6 motorcycle. The gasoline engine has been removed and replaced with an electric motor and battery. The conversion must also comply with legislation, detailing what and how modifications can be made. The work outlines the necessary laws and points to be followed for the conversion. After the conversion, the vehicle needs to be legalized and registered with the Road Administration. The required documents, actions, and financial costs are provided. Since the battery voltage is classified as high voltage in automotive technology, the work also discusses safety and potential hazards when dealing with high voltage, the hazard stakes at the current level and its possible consequences. Instructions for de-energizing in case of an emergency are also provided, explaining how to make high voltage safe and disconnect the bike. All the components are ordered separately: the motor and control module from one set and the battery from another. Calculations have been made to ensure the wires are able to resist voltage pressure, as the components are not the EU territory products. The work includes the specifications and operating principles of the components. A simple schematic diagram of the control system is provided. To understand the operating principles, numerous images are included for visualization so that even someone without an engineering background can understand how the components work. During the work, an electrical diagram with wire colors and cross-sections has been created, which previously was completely missing. A wiring harness was created, and new moisture-resistant connectors were installed. A fuse was added to the wiring harness before the DC converter to prevent the entire system from short-circuiting in case of a short circuit. To increase the reliability of the wiring harness, double insulation was applied to protect it against external influences. The work includes a fault table with an error code explanations for the control module, as well as how the control module indicates when a fault is detected. A general installation guide for the frame was created, so it would be possible to build more similar projects on different frames. Therefore, it was not practical to create a guide only for the R6 frame but rather a more general one. Specific rules and standards for securing the wires are provided, and the wires are secured according to those stndards and clearly outlined in the guide. The wire path on the frame is marked with orange color for clarity. The tools needed for modifying the wiring harness are described, along with all necessary components to adapt the wiring harness to the respective frame. The author has also provided the cost of the components and an estimated work time for such a project. The most time-consuming task is attaching the connectors to the wiring harness.



