Töötajate motiveerimise võimalused aktsiaseltsis Helia Puit

dc.contributor.advisorHeve, Kirikal
dc.contributor.authorKristi, Kärner
dc.description.abstractLõputöö on koostatud teemal töötajate motiveerimise võimalused aktsiaselts Helia Puit näitel. Lõputöö eesmärk oli küsimustiku abil selgitada välja, millised on töötajate poolt eelistatuimad motiveerimise tegurid ja töörahulolutase, analüüsida tulemusi ning teha nende põhjal järeldused ja ettepanekud. Lõputöö koostati uurides erinevaid teoreetilisi allikaid, uurimusi, raamatuid, artikleid ja veebilehti töötajate motiveerimise võimaluste kohta, koostati nende põhjal küsimustik, mis esitati ettevõtte töötajatele ning seejärel toodi välja uuringu tulemused. Järeldustena on ka välja toodud soovitused juhtkonnale, kes on eelkõige eeskujuks alluvatele. Kellegi motiveerimine eeldab ka, et juhtkond ise on motiveeritud. Enamus inimesi peab rohkem avaldama siirast ja enesekindlust tõstvat kiitust: rääkima südamega, mitte ainult mõistusega, kasutama lihtsaid üheleheküljelisi plaane, et varakult edusamme teha ning aktiivselt jälgima oma sisemonolooge ja tõekspidamisi, mis mõjutavad edukust (Landsberg, 2003, lk 253). Lõputöö küsimustiku tulemuste analüüs näitab Helia Puit AS töötajate töörahulolutaset, mis on keskmise keskmisest kõrgema hinnanguga (m=3,6) ning 80% töötajatest peab kõige olulisemaks motivatsiooniteguriks palka ja lisasoodustusi. Selleks, et tõsta Helia Puit AS töötajate motivatsioonitaset, on vaja ettevõttel tuua sisse olulised muudatused nagu näiteks töötajate tunnustamine, soetada isikukaitsevahendeid, elektrilisi tööriistu efektiivsemaks tööks, kontoriruumide kui ka tootmisruumide ergonoomilisemaks muutmist ning suitsetamise ranget keelustamist olmeruumides.et
dc.description.abstractMy final thesis is written on the topic of “Different opportunities on how to motivate employees based on an example of Helia Puit AS”. It consists of four separate chapters with one consisting of three different topics. The sources used for this thesis are somel books, magazines, business websites, web documents and other students research papers. In this graduation thesis there are several theoretical statements that are drawn from different sources which focus on the need to motivate employees, suggesting different ways on how to do so, different methods on how to conduct graduation thesis and taking a closer look on a survey that was conducted based on Helia Puit AS employees, the analysis of the data, conclusions and propositions. The management and human resources department in each company seeks to improve the loyalty and dedication of their employees. However, often times it can be challenging to figure out a way to do that (Employees satisfaction survey, 2007, p 1). The topic has grown to be relevant throughout the last ten years due to the lack of satisfaction of employee motivation among employees and employers. Based on a recent survey that was conducted by CV Keskus.ee and Palgainfo Agency and was carried out by approximately 10 000 employees it shows that about 72% of employees are open to new job offers. It also stated that within the next month one out of four employees (approximately 24%) is planning on switching jobs. This percentage has gone up remarkably in comparison of last year’s data that was 18%. The purpose of this graduation thesis is to figure out the factors that determine the level of motivation and work satisfaction among the employees of Helia Puit AS. The list of tasks to complete in order to achieve the goal are as follows: • conduct the survey among Helia Puit AS employees; • analyze the data and figure out the level of motivation among the employees and the factors that determine the high motivation and work satisfaction among employees; • draw conclusions based on the data and provide suggestions to Helia Puit AS management. The survey was carried out among the full employment of Helia Puit AS that consists of 20 employees. This survey provides a great opportunity to come up with objectives and accurate conclusion of the results which then grants a better access of all the downfalls, needs and opinions of the employees. As a result of the analysis of the survey it is stated that approximately 80% of the employees find their salary to be one of the main motivational factors. On top of that they would appreciate a stronger bonus system. Employees have a need for recognition as well. The data also shows that they would benefit from having better tools and safety kit. On top of that they have a need for privacy and would be appreciative if their work environment would be renovated and fixed up.en
dc.publisherTallinna Tehnikakõrgkool
dc.subject.classificationEconomy and Management--Economic Analysisen
dc.subject.classificationEconomy and Management--Business Relations and Negotiationsen
dc.subject.classificationMajandus and ärijuhtimine--Majandusanalüüset
dc.subject.classificationMajandus and ärijuhtimine--Ärisuhtlus ja läbirääkimisedet
dc.subject.otherBusiness Administrationen
dc.titleTöötajate motiveerimise võimalused aktsiaseltsis Helia Puit
dc.title.alternativeDifferent Approaches to Ensure Employee Motivation in AS Helia Puit
