Turu-uuring „Teemantabrasiivtööriistade kasutajad Eestis” Abrasiiv AS näitel

dc.contributor.advisorAasjõe, Ülle
dc.contributor.authorGuk, Sergei
dc.description.abstractInternetipõhise küsimustikuga läbi viidud turu-uuringule on tagasisidet andnud 43 respondenti (neist 4 eitavalt). Kirjeldatud uuringuga on saadud teemanttööriistade Eesti turu ülevaade ja tarbijate peamised ootused ja nõudmised nende toodete vastu. „Lukas-Erzett“ saksa tehase ketastel on head perspektiivid, kuna Euroopa päritoluga teemanttööriistu usaldatakse rohkem. Enimat huvi võib tekitada premium ehk kvaliteetsemate tootesarjade pakkumine, aga ka soodsaimatel toodetel on rakendusi. Keskmine tarbija tahab saada parema tootlikkusega ja vastupidavusega ketta, samuti on oluline majanduslik kasumlikkus ja kasutuse mugavus. Tarbijad usaldavat enamasti enda oma või teiste sama valdkonna kohalikke ettevõtete tagasisidet, seega toodete katsetamine on pakkumiseks ülimalt oluline. Soov uusi tooteid testida on tarbijatel üsna suur. Tarnijaga koostöös hindavad kasutajad eelkõige tarnekindlust, asjaliku teenindust ja kalduvad pikaaegse koostöö pidamiseks. Turg on mitmekümne tuhande euro suurune ehk mahukas ja tulus, aga samuti ka konkurents on tihe. Kõik valdkonna ettevõtete liigid (kivitöötlejad, teedeehitajad, betoonitöölejad) on väärt tegelemist ja igalpool on häid kliente, aga suurimad on kivitöötlemisettevõtete seas. Need on head, aga ka keerulised kliendid, kes otsivad pidevalt midagi head ja veel paremat, esitades toodete kvaliteedile eriti kõrgeid nõudeid.et
dc.description.abstractThe market research presented in this work concerns the Estonian market of the diamond tools, and the research has been conducted in order to prepare the launch of new diamond tool series from the German manufacturer “Lukas-Erzett” onto the local (Estonian) market. The sampling was made as selection of the companies working at potentially most profitable fields – concrete works, stone works and road building. The research made as web-based survey acquired 43 replies (of 260 potential respondents) of which 4 were negative (“not using diamond tools”).( 4 of them negative ) . This provided the research enough information to describe the market situation and major consumer expectations and demands of the diamond tools. German made diamond tools have a good potential on the market as tools of the European origin are most trusted comparing to ones not originating from EU. The premium -quality product series will be most interesting for the customers, as most of them are looking for high quality solutions, but there are possibilities for cheap DIY series also. Common customer studied in this research expects to get diamond tools with nice performance (effective cutting) and good lifetime. Tools are also appreciated to be cost-effective and handy. Testing personally or getting feedback from the local users is much more reliable information for most of the customers than any booklets of leaflets provided by the manufacturer, so field testing of the diamond tools is an essential part of the sales activity. Most of the customers are open to try any new and interesting tools offered. Speaking on the sales company cooperation, common user values reliable supply and effective service at its most, and tend to keep the long-time business relationship. The local diamond tools market is worth tens of thousands of euro per year, but the concurrence is quite stiff. All the fields studied in this research (stone, concrete and road) are worth a try and there are good and potentially profitable companies in each. The biggest diamond users are stone factories, being interesting but hard-to-hit target as those are constantly looking for good and even better products.en
dc.publisherTallinna Tehnikakõrgkool
dc.subject.classificationEconomy and Management--Entrepreneurship and Marketingen
dc.subject.classificationMajandus and ärijuhtimine--Ettevõtlus ja turunduset
dc.subject.otherTööstustehnoloogia ja turunduset
dc.subject.otherIndustrial Technology and Marketingen
dc.titleTuru-uuring „Teemantabrasiivtööriistade kasutajad Eestis” Abrasiiv AS näitel
dc.title.alternativeMarket research „Diamond abrasive tools users in Estonia” based on Abrasiiv AS case
