Tee-ehitusmaterjalide osa radooni tõkestamisel

dc.contributor.advisorKoch, Rein
dc.contributor.authorVals, Pille
dc.description.abstractEuroopa Liidu liikmesriik peab tagama asjakohaste meetmete kehtestamise radooni uutesse ehitistesse sisseimbumise takistamiseks. Need meetmed võivad olla riiklikes ehitusnormides ettenähtud konkreetsed nõuded. Ettevõtlus- ja infotehnoloogiaministri 28.02.2019 määruses nr 19 kehtestatakse hoone tarindi ehitusmaterjalidest siseruumidesse emiteeritavast gammakiirgusest saadava efektiivdoosi viitetase, milleks on 1 millisiivert ning siseruumide õhu radoonisisaldus (300 Bq/m3). Keskkonna saastatus ohustab inimeste tervist. Keskkonnaseisund mõjutab pikaajaliselt inimeste tervist, seega on vajalik tegeleda probleemidega, et vähendada elukeskkonnas ioniseeriva kiirguse kahjulike mõjusid. Efektiivse radoonikindla isolatsioonimaterjali valimine on keeruline, kuna puudub teave erinevate isolatsioonimaterjalide difusiooni kohta. Oluline on, et töötatakse välja ühtne metoodika, ja reglementeeritakse radoonikindlate materjalide kasutamine ning nende minimaalsed paksused sõltuvalt radooni difusioonikoefitsiendist, mis lähtuksid pinnasest ja hoonete materjalidest ning hoonete kasutusotstarbest. Oluliselt rohkem tuleb tähelepanu pöörata ka mitteeluruumidele, üldkasutatavatele ruumidele sh ühistranspordi terminalidele, arvestades et autostumist tuleb vältida ning inimesed tuleb suunata kasutama ühistransporti. Käesoleva lõputööga püüti astuda esimene samm vastavate mõõtmiste metoodika väljatöötamiseks.et
dc.description.abstractThe subject of radon is traditionally associated with general construction. The portion of radon resulting from the building materials of indoor conditions is relatively small compared to the radon which enters indoor air from the soil. It has been disregarded that the closed terminals of public transport, where public transport and other means of transportation operate, are radon-prone areas where additional measures must be used in order to prevent the radon from entering the terminal’s indoor air. Terminals are closed areas accumulated with pollutants which aerosols might help to transport radon into the lungs (similar to smoking). The current thesis research two circumstances related to radon: 1. The goal of the research related to the radon surface exhalation rate was to measure radon surface exhalation speed of concrete samples within 28 days of their fossilisation in order to determine how radon separates from concrete while drying; 2. The goal of the research related to geosynthetics was to investigate the relative flow of radon diffusion in to the sample. As it became evident in the final thesis, surface exhalation speeds are the highest at the beginning of the measurements which might be explained by the extra water in the sample. In the investigated samples of the geosynthetics part, the diffusion relative flux of geotextile Drefon RST3 and fiberglass composite geotextile were with the same value. The same value was also noted in geocomposite and in the calculated value of the diffusion without geotextile. While researching materials about the given thesis it became evident that the instructions made for designing, addressing the characteristics of materials which prevent the radon, are partly missing in Estonia. The speed of surface exhalation rate of construction products made from different concrete mixtures has not been investigated and based on that it is necessary to continue in this direction. The knowledge about radon conductivity (diffusion) of different product in Estonia is absent. According to the author of this final thesis, the given subject must be dealt with at the national level.et
dc.publisherTallinna Tehnikakõrgkoolet
dc.subjectTTK Subject Categories::Ehitus::Teedeehituset
dc.titleTee-ehitusmaterjalide osa radooni tõkestamiselet
dc.title.alternativeThe Role of Road Construction Materials in Mitigation of Radon Risket
