Aku teststendi arendus
dc.contributor.advisor | Rudz, Andrei | |
dc.contributor.author | Romanov, Andrei | |
dc.date.accessioned | 2024-05-13T12:02:18Z | |
dc.date.available | 2024-05-13T12:02:18Z | |
dc.date.issued | 2024-05-13 | |
dc.description.abstract | Kokkuvõtteks võib öelda, et käesolev töö keskendus teststendi väljatöötamisele, mis võimaldaks testida elektriratta akusid vastavalt ettevõtte poolt määratud testidele ja testimise protseduurile. Töös käsitleti testimise protsessi, riistvara komponentide valikut, arvutusi ja ühendusi, samuti testimise läbiviimiseks vajalikke protseduure ja tulemusi. Teststendi riistvaraline lahendus koosnes mitmest moodulist, sealhulgas juhtimis-, tühjendamis- ja laadimismoodulitest. Iga moodul oli kavandatud ja konstrueeritud vastavalt selle funktsioonile, võimaldades aku testimist vastavalt ettevõtte nõuetele. Samuti lahendus sisaldas juhtseadme, CAN adapteri ja ST-Link prograammeerija valimist. Testimise protsess koosnes mitmest etapist, alustades aku tuvastamisest ja lõpetades tühjendustestiga. Iga etapi eesmärk oli veenduda, et aku reageerib õigesti erinevatele testolukordadele vastavalt ettevõtte poolt kehtestatud kriteeriumidele. Diplomitöö tulemusena on välja töötatud teststendi elektriline osa koos valitud komponentide ja nende ühendustega. Edaspidi on vajalik juhtmestiku valik, juhtimismooduli elektroonikaplaadi loomine ning korpuse loomine juhtimismoodulile. Need sammud viivad välja töötatud teststendi realiseerimiseni, mis võib oluliselt parandada ettevõtte aku testimise protsessi. Kokkuvõttes näitab töö, et välja töötatud teststend on võimeline teostama ettevõtte poolt määratud teste ning tagama aku tõrgeteta toimimise vastavalt elektriratta nõuetele. Lisaks sellele annab töö ülevaate teststendi riistvaralisest ja tarkvaralisest arhitektuurist ning testimise läbiviimise protsessist, mis võimaldab hõlpsasti jälgida ja kontrollida aku käitumist erinevates olukordades. | |
dc.description.abstract | The name of the diploma thesis is Battery Test Bench Development. The author has completed a diploma internship in a company that deals with the development and production of electric bikes and batteries for them. Battery testing is an important stage in the battery development and production processes. This thesis is based on the topic of developing a test bench for battery testing. The thesis is aimed at solving problems related to battery testing, which exist at the time of writing the thesis. The main problems lie in the fact that battery testing takes a long time, in some cases testing is difficult and the human factor might have a large impact on the performance of tests. Automation of testing using a test bench would allow optimization of the testing process and solve the existing problems. The aim of the diploma thesis is to develop an automatic test bench hardware solution for testing company batteries. The test bench must be able to carry out the tests specified by the company in automatic mode. In the first and second chapters, the author described the construction and functionality of the company's battery. In the second chapter, the author analyzed the current battery testing process and its drawbacks and needs. The information and conclusions of the first and second chapters formed the basis for the development of a suitable test bench. The third chapter described the concept and electrical design of the billboard developed by the author of the diploma thesis. Also, the equipment and electronic components needed for the construction of the stand were selected, and a calculation was made to justify the choice of components. In the fourth chapter, the performance of the test bench testing process was described and two sample tests were described to prove that the solution developed is suitable for automation of testing and is able to improve the existing testing process of company batteries. The result of the diploma thesis is a conceptual solution of the electrical part of the stand with the selected components and their interconnections. Next, it is needed to choose a suitable wiring and create an electronic board for the control module where the selected components can be installed. In addition, it is necessary to create a housing for the control module. | |
dc.identifier.uri | https://dspace.tktk.ee/handle/20.500.12863/5137 | |
dc.language.iso | et | |
dc.publisher | Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkool | |
dc.subject | Mehaanika::Elektrotehnika ja elektriseadmed::Elektroonika | |
dc.subject.other | Elektritehnika | |
dc.title | Aku teststendi arendus | |
dc.title.alternative | Battery Test Bench Development | |
dc.type | lõputöö |