Sorteerimisliini parendus - automaatse pakendamismooduli eelprojekt



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Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkool


Käesolevas lõputöös koostati automaatse pakkelahenduse eelprojekt ettevõttes AS Norma lukusteid sorteerivale sorteerimisliinile LockDog 3, et vähendada masinat opereerivate tööliste töökoormust. Lahenduste koostamisel välditi mootorite kui ka automaatkonveierite kasutamist, et süsteem oleks lihtne ja töökindel ning eelistati pneumaatiliste lahenduste kasutamist. Autor koostas kolme lahenduse skitseeringud. Esimese lahenduse puhul lisati teipimispea tugijalgadega sorteerimismasina konveierile. Teist lahendust kujutati eraldi pakkealusena, mis asetseb paraleelselt sorteerimismasinaga. Kolmandat lahendust iseloomustab eraldi pakkealus, kus pakkekarp suunatakse ümber sorteerimismasina. Lahendusi hinnati hindamismaatriksi abil. Hindamiskriteeriumide hulka kuulusid lahenduse eraldiseisvus, vajadus modifitseerida sorteerimisliini osi jm. Hindamistabeli põhjal osutus valituks lahendus 3. Asendiplaanile märgiti lahenduse, elektriallika kui ka suruõhu asukohad. Ostukomponentide valikul lähtuti nende universaalsusest ning tootjabrändi tuntusest. Samuti arvutati välja pakkekarbi staatiline hõõrdetegur, et valida sobiv pneumaatiline silinder, mis suudaks pakkekarpi lükata. Seetõttu valiti pneumaatikalahenduste (pneumaatikasilindrid, suunaventiilid ning sulgventiil) puhul Festo tooted. 3M ja SICK tooted valiti vastavalt teipimispea ja mahtuvusandurite jaoks ning surunuppude ja kontaktide puhul valiti Schneider Electric tooted. Kolmanda lahenduse põhjal jätkati süsteemi CAD-mudeli arendamist. Lahendusele lisati väljavalitud komponendid kui ka kavandati alust efektiivsemaks - lisati rullikud, et vähendada aluse ja pakkekarbi vahelist hõõrdejõudu, lisati piirdeseinad, et pakkekarp ei kukuks pakkealuselt maha ning et saaks pneumaatilisi silindreid kui ka andureid ühendada süsteemi külge. Koostati kontrollpaneel, kuhu paigaldatakse süsteemi toimimiseks vajalikud suruõhuklapid, PLC ning toiteplokk. Loogikakontrolleri programmi algoritmskeemi ning pneumaatilise osasüsteemi skeemi alusel kirjeldati masina toimimist. Aluse materjaliks valiti teras S235. Järgnevalt uuriti nii elektriliste ja pneumaatiliste kui ka aluse valmistamiseks vajalike materjalide hindasid, nende põhjal moodustati kokkuvõtlikud tabelid andmete visualiseerimiseks ning esialgse maksumuse arvutamiseks, milleks oli kokku 3364,34 eurot. Edasiarendatud süsteemi maksumust võrreldi kahe teise lahendusega, millest esimene osutus, arvestades praegust edasiarendatud süsteemi maksumust, kallimaks ja teine soodsamaks. Viimasena kirjeldati eelprojekti edasiarendamise plaani. Selles täpsustatakse, et süsteemi projekteerimisel tuleb lähtuda masina ohutusregulatsioonidest, et maandada ohu riski inimestele, samuti tuleb luua programm loogikakontrollerile jm.

In this thesis, a preliminary project of an automatic packaging solution was made for the LockDog 3 sorting line owned by AS Norma company, in order to reduce the workload of the sorting machine operators. When creating the solutions, the use of motors and automatic conveyors was avoided in order to make the system simple and reliable, and the use of pneumatic solutions was preferred. The author made sketches of three solutions. In the first solution, a taping head with support legs was added to the conveyor of the sorting machine. The second solution was presented as a separate packaging base, which is located parallel and next to the sorting machine. The third solution is also characterized by a separate packaging base, where the packaging box is redirected around the sorting machine. The solutions were evaluated using an evaluation matrix. The evaluation criteria included separateness from the machine, the need to modify parts of the sorting line, etc. Based on the evaluation table, solution 3 was selected. The locations of the solution, power source and compressed air were marked on the layout plan. The selection of purchase parts was based on their universality and the reputation of the manufacturer’s brand. The static friction coefficient of the packaging box and base was also calculated to select a suitable pneumatic cylinder that could push the packaging box. Therefore, Festo products were chosen for the pneumatic solutions (pneumatic cylinders, direction valves and shut-off valve). 3M and SICK products were selected for the taping head and capacitive sensors respectively, and Schneider Electric products were selected for the push buttons and contacts. Based on the 3rd solution, the development of the CAD model of the system was continued. Selected components were added to the solution and the base was designed to be more efficient – rollers were added to reduce the frictional force between the base and the packaging box, boundary walls were added so that the packaging box would not fall of the packaging base, and so that pneumatic cylinders and sensors could be connected to the base. A control panel was created, where valves, PLC and power supply unit necessary for the operation of the system are installed. The operation of the machine was described on the basis of the algorithm scheme of the program and the scheme of the pneumatic system. Steel S235 was chosen as the base material. Subsequently, the prices of electrical and pneumatic materials as well as the materials necessary for the manufacture of the base were studied, based on these, summary tables were formed for data visualization and the calculation of the initial cost which was a total of 3364,34 euros. The cost of the system was compared with two other solutions, the first of which turned out to be more expensive, considering the current cost of the advanced system, and the second cheaper. Finally, the plan for further development of the preliminary project was described. It specifies that the design of the system must be based on the Estonian and European safety regulations of the machine in order to mitigate the risk of danger to people, as well as to create a program for the logic controller, etc.



Mehaanika::Tootearendus::CAD süsteemid
