Autorongide pidurite kontroll



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Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkool


Lõputöö eesmärk on analüüsida pidurdusprotsesse ning välja pakkuda variante EMS autorongide pidurite tõhususe kontrollimiseks, mis tagab täpsema ülevaate autorongi pidurisüsteemi korrasolekust. Autor kirjeldab lõputöö esimeses peatükis veautode pidurisüsteeme ning vajalike pidurisüsteemi osi, millega veoautod varustatud on. Teises peatükis toob autor välja pidurdamisprotsesside tegurid ning arvutused, mis on olulised pidurdusparameetrite hindamiseks. Lisaks uuritakse Eestis kehtivaid tehnoülevaatuse nõudeid ning analüüsitakse nende mõju pidurdusteekondadele. Kolmandas peatükis arutleb autor autorongide pikendamise mõju pidurisüsteemidele ning pakub välja variante kontrolli parendamiseks.

The aim of this thesis is to analyze the braking processes and to offer possible solutions for checking the efficency of the braking system of EMS trucks, which ensures a more accurate overview of the condition of the braking system in these longer, more heavier truck combinations. In the first chapter of the dissertation, the author describes the braking systems of trucks and the necessary parts of the braking system which the trucks are equipped with. In the second chapter, the author points out the factors of the braking processes and the calculations that are important for the evaluation of the braking parameters. In addition, the technical inspection requirements which are currently applicable in Estonia are studied and their effect on braking distances is analyzed. In the third chapter, the author discusses the effect of extending the truck length on braking distances and suggest more effective ways to be sure of the efficiency of a truck’s braking system.



TTK Subject Categories::Transport
