Saarde valla kohalike teede probleemide kaardistamine ja teehoiukava aastateks 2014-2017
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Kohalike teede olukord on võrreldes riigiteede olukorraga üsna halb, sest kohalike omavalitsuste võimekus on lihtsalt oluliselt väiksem. Puuduvad spetsialistid, tehnika ja ressursid. Samas on kohalike inimeste ja ettevõtete jaoks vaja tagada normaalne teede seisukord. Käesolevast tööst nähtub, et Saarde valla teedel on palju probleeme. Leevendamaks olemasolevat olukorda, tuleks esimesel võimalusel teed profileerida. Tagamaks korraliku veerežiimi, on vajalik teeäärsete vallide eemaldamine või tasandamine. Mõned vanad teetruubid tuleb vahetada, sest konstruktsioon on purunenud. Võsa tuleks likvideerida vähemalt teemaa piirides, kuid kokkuleppel maaomanikuga ka eramaadelt, kus see tee toimimise jaoks vajalik on. Samuti tuleb rajada kraave kohtadesse, kus niiskusrežiim seda nõuab. Kruusakihi täiendamine peaks toimuma pidevalt, et oleks tagatud minimaalne kulumiskihi paksus. Tee profileerimine kruusateedel toimub iga-aastase hööveldamise käigus, mustkatte puhul on selleks siiski vajalik profiiliparandus. Mustkatte rajamist (ehk kahekordset pindamist) on teehoiukavas ette nähtud vaid kahel teelõigul, ülejäänud teedel piisab olemasoleva kruusakatte korralikust hooldamisest. Liiklussagedus on valla teedel võrdlemisi väike. Tihedama liiklusega teedel on see maksimaalselt 200 autot/ööpäevas. Sellest olenemata on vajalik tee seisundinõuete tagamine, sest kohaliku inimese jaoks on oluline, et kodutee oleks sõidetav. On ka teid, mida ei kasutata üldse ja nende puhul tuleks kaaluda kasutusest välja jätmist. Käesolevas töös leiti, et paar teed oleks mõistlik RMK-le üle anda, sest põhiliselt kasutavad teed metsaveo masinad ja kohalike inimeste jaoks seal huvi puudub. Saarde valla eelarvestrateegia kohaselt on lähiaastatel riigipoolse toetuse summaks planeeritud 115 000 € aastas. Teehoiukavas on planeeritud 2014-2017 aastatel investeeringuid ligikaudu 80 000-90 000 € aastas, mis moodustab 80% kogu investeeringute mahust. Olulisemate teelõikude teehoiutöödeks nendest vahenditest küll piisab, kuid suuremamahuliste tööde puhul jääb kindlasti väheks. Teehoiukava on lähiaastate teehoiu rahade planeerimise eelduseks ning vajadusel seda täiendatakse. Oluline on see kohaliku inimese jaoks, kes saab läbi selle ülevaate rahade jaotumisest ja prioriteetidest, mistõttu on teehoiukava äärmiselt vajalik. Tulevikus koostada eraldi teehoiukava ka Saarde valla tänavatele.
Roads play an important role in rural areas. Shops and service facilities are located mainly in towns, which is why road traffic is essential. The condition of local roads is usually heavily criticised, because local municipalities are not able to contribute to road maintenance as much as the Estonian Road Administration. The poor condition of roads fails to attract entrepreneurs, which ultimately affects every aspect of life in rural areas. In order to improve the situation, local municipalities must ensure a proper and maintained road network. Only roads are examined within the framework of this thesis, because they have been neglected with no larger investments made in the past few years. So far, the main focus has been on the maintenance of streets, which is why there are no major related issues or deficiencies. Each year, dust control has been performed, shoulders and ditches have been mowed, grading has been provided and sporadically an additional wearing course has been applied. The public water supply and sewerage system development plan implemented in the coming years foresees reconstruction and paving of several streets after replacement of sewers, and for this reason, it is not feasible to make large investments in these areas. Thus, the areas are not discussed in the thesis. Only 15-20% of the funds allocated to the roads of Saarde rural municipality is invested in streets. The condition of roads in Saarde rural municipality varies markedly. Although some sections of roads are in an acceptable state, the general situation with local roads is terrible. Depending on seasonal changes, the roads are, at places, impassable and may thus become dangerous for vehicles. Saarde rural municipality lacks an overview of the condition of existing roads and necessary rates of investments. A road management plan has also not been prepared, which would be the basis for the budget of Saarde rural municipality. The period of the survey was selected according to the budget strategy of Saarde rural municipality, which has been developed for 2014-2017. It is not reasonable to plan road management for a longer period of time due to possible changes in political and financial circumstances. Saarde rural municipality development plan until 2028 outlines development trends and prerequisites in all areas, including the infrastructure. The priorities include improvement of the general technical condition of roads and regular high-quality maintenance of roads. [2] The objective of this thesis is to provide an overview of local roads in Saarde rural municipality and point out necessary measures for the upkeep of roads in 2014-2017 to ensure fulfilment of Saarde rural municipality development plan. The thesis reveals several issues pertaining to the roads in Saarde rural municipality. In order to mitigate the current situation, the roads should be profiled at the first opportunity. Additionally, raised road shoulders should be removed or levelled to ensure proper water regime. Some old culverts need to be replaced due to broken structures. Rough grazing alongside roads should be removed; however, private land owners have to be consulted on where rough grazing is necessary for preserving the condition of the road. Ditches must be dug in areas where it is required by the water regime. Gravel layers should be regularly added to ensure the minimum required thickness of the wearing course. Road profiling in gravel roads is performed together with grading each year; however, the surface profile must be repaired in the case of tarmac. The road management plan provides paving with tarmac (or double surfacing) only on three road sections; proper maintenance of the existing gravel layer is considered sufficient on other roads. The volume of traffic on the rural roads is extremely low. The average volume of traffic is merely up to 50 cars per day, reaching almost 200 cars per day on roads with heavier traffic. Regardless, requirements for proper road condition must be met, because it matters to local people that their way home is navigable. There are also roads in the municipality that are rarely used, so these should even be considered to be left out of use. The thesis suggested transferring the management of a few roads to the State Forest Management Centre, because these roads are mainly used by timber harvesting vehicles and the roads are of no interest to local people. According to the budget strategy of Saarde rural municipality, the amount of state support planned for the coming years is 115,000 euros per year. The road maintenance plan has scheduled investments of approximately 80,000-90,000 euros each year for the period of 2014-2017, constituting 80% of the entire amount of investments. These funds are sufficient for managing the most important roads, but will definitely be inadequate for large-scale road works. The road management plan functions as the prerequisite for planning the road maintenance funds for the next few years and it will be supplemented, if necessary. Above all, the plan is significant for local people who will be able to get an overview of the distribution of funds and priorities, making the road management plan absolutely necessary.