Turismisisild Rakvere Vallimäele



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Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkool


Käesolevas töös on lahendatud sild, mis suurendab ligipääsu Rakvere Vallimäele. Sild võimaldab Parkali tänava otsas asuva trepi juurest ligipääsu Rakvere Linnusele. Sillale on projekteeritud istepingid, kus saab vajadusel puhata ja nautida vaadet vallikraavile. Töös on leitud teraselementide sisejõud ja vastavalt dimensioonitud, lahendatud on kõik olulisemad teraselemendid. Vundament tuleb lahendada edasise projekteerimise käigus. Lisaks tuleb edasises töö staadiumis täpsustada teraselementide paigaldus ja eelpingestamine. Sild koosneb põhiosa jäigastustaladest profiiliga HE700M ja täiendava osa taladest profiiliga HE700A. Täiendava osa talad on üle dimensioonitud silla arhitektuurdse välimuse pärast. Varem nimetatud talade vahel on 1,5 meetrise sammuga põiktalad profiiliga IPE200. Sillatekk on keatud keevisrestidega, mis lihtsustab silla hooldust näiteks talvisel ajal. Kuna tegemist on sillaga, millel puudub otsene funktsionaalne tähendus Rakvere liiklusskeemis, siis on silla projekteerimisel põhitähelepanu suunatud sillasse, kui arhitektuursesse objekti küllaltki keerulises funktsionaalses ja kunstilises situatsioonis. Silda kasutavad eelkõige jalutajad ja vaba-aja veetjad. Sild peab delikaatselt sulanduma maastikku, kuid samas peaks olema ka arhitektuurselt huvitav ja täitma võimalikult mitmeid ülesandeid. Rippkandjatega sild sobib arhitektuurselt paremini antud keskkonda, arvestades Rakvere Vallimäe arendusprojekti, kus on ettenähtud lauluväljakule rajada rippkandjatel telkkatus.

This thesis presents the solution of the bridge, which will increase access to „Rakvere Vallimägi“. The bridge connects the stairs located at the end of the Parkali street with the Rakvere Castle. Benches have been added to the design of the bridge, where pedestrians are able to relax and enjoy the view over the moat. The linear method of calculation has been used in the thesis for the solution of the steel elements of internal forces. This way the suspended part of the bridge is limited on the span of 50 meters. The thesis provides the calculation of the steel elements which are dimensioned accordingly. The estimation of the essential steel elements are offered as well. The foundation of the bridge will be resolved further in the design process. In addition, the installation and prestressing of the steel elements need to be specified in the further stage of planning process. In the main part, the bridge consists of the fixed beams with the profile HE700M and supplementary part of the construction is designed with the HE700A profile beams. The beams which are constructed for the additional part of the bridge, are dimensioned over for the architectural appearance of the construction. In addition to the aforementioned beams, crossbeams with the span of 1.5 meters and with the profile IPE200, are designed in between the main beams. The bridge deck will be covered with welded grating which will facilitate the maintenace of the bridge during winter time. Since it is a bridge, which has no direct functional significance in the traffic scheme of Rakvere, the main focus of the design has therefore been assessed in the bridge, as an architectural object, with different functions and artistic qualities. The bridge is used mainly by the strollers and tourists. The bridge should delicately blend into the landscape, but it should also be architecturally interesting and carry many different functions. Bridge with vertical suspenders suits best in the given environment, taking into consideration a development project, which intends a suspended tent roof on the stage area.


