Iluteenindajate töörõivaste kavandamine OÜ Siili iluteenusele



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Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkool


Lõputöö raames arendati iluteenindajate töörõivaks kaks kittel-kleiti ,,Liisa’’ ja ,,Jane’’. Lõputöö on jaotud viieks suuremaks peatükiks - mudelite kavandamine, konstruktsioon ja tehnoloogia, lekaalide valmistamine, mudelite tehniline kirjeldus ning majanduslik osa. Lõputöö lähteülesandeks on teha prototüüp tooted salongile, et hiljem mudelid sobivuse korral realiseerida. Tooted on kavandatud baassuurusele 38. Kasutati M.Müller&Sohn konstrueerimissüsteemi ja Saksa standardi figuurimõõte. Mudelite kavandamiseks viidi esmalt läbi toote arendus etapid, mis hõlmab endas tarbijaküsitlust ning konkureerivate toodete analüüsi. Uuriti ajalugu kittel-kleitide kohta aastast 1920. Mudelite kavandamise peatükis on tehnilised moejoonised, tegumoekirjeldused ning materjalide valik ja iseloomustus. Teine peatükk annab põhjaliku ülevaate toodete konstruktsioonist ja tehnoloogiast. Kolmas peatükk kirjeldab lekaalide valmistamist mudelitele ,,Liisa’’ ja ,,Jane’’ välja on toodud ka tehnilise paljunduse kirjeldus baassuurustele 34-44. Neljandas peatükis on mudelite tehniline kirjeldus ehk valmistoodete mõõdud ja tootekaardid. Majanduslik osa ehk viimane peatükk kirjeldab õmblusmaterjalide kulu normineerimist ja toote hinna kujunemist. Hind käibemaksuga tootele Liisa tuli 96 eurot ja 60 senti, ning tootele Jane 83 eurot ja 4 senti. Valminud mudelid vastavad lähteülesandes esitatud nõudmistele. Kontrollida tuleks ka baassuuruste istuvust.

The main purpose of this dissertation was to develop two different designs ‘’Liisa’’ and ‘’Jane’’ for the beauty attendant workwear. The dissertation is divided into five main chapters which are the followings: Model design, Construction and Technology, French curve development, Model specification and chapter of overall marketing. The key objective during this dissertation was to prototype two designs for a beauty salon, which could be produced afterwards if fitted. These prototypes were designed for size 38 based on M.Müller&Sohn’ s constructing system, on german standard figure-sizes. For these prototypes there had to be several development planning steps including consumer survey and analysis of competing products. It was also necessary to do a survey on a history of this type of workwear which dates back to 1920. You can also find technical fashion drawings, design descriptions and selection and characterisation of materials in the Model development chapter. From the next chapter you can find a thorough overview of product design and technology. In the third chapter the French curves development for models ‘’Liisa’’ and ‘’Jane’’ are described. You can also find technical duplication for sizes 34-44. Fourth chapter will give an overview of technical description of the models, ie product measurements and product cards. The last chapter describes standardisation of the cost of sewing materials and product pricing. The completed models meet the requirements of the baseline. The fit of the basic sizes should also be checked.



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