Firma Lindström OÜ klientide rahulolu töörõivastega analüüs kahe erineva ettevõtte põhjal

dc.contributor.advisorBeilmann, Merje
dc.contributor.authorMänniste, Jevgenia
dc.description.abstractKäesoleva lõputöö eesmärgiks oli välja selgitada Lindström OÜ klientide rahulolu mõjutavad tegurid ning teha ettepanekuid selle parendamiseks. Eesmärgi saavutamiseks viidi läbi analüüs firma Lindström OÜ teenuste ja toodete kohta. Autor selgitas välja, kuivõrd rahul on kliendid pakutavate teenuste ja toodetega, antud juhul töörõivaste ja nende hooldusega, ning edastas tulemused ja töötajate kommentaarid firmale Lindström OÜ. Rahulolu-uuringu läbiviimisel tugines autor kirjandusallikatele ning kasutas anketeerimise ja intervjuu meetodit. Uurimise tulemuste põhjal said kaks autori poolt analüüsiks valitud ettevõtet – Eurobio Lab OÜ ja Leibur AS – teada, kuidas nende töötajad hindavad rahulolu oma töörõivastega. Samuti sai Lindström OÜ lõppkasutajatelt tagasisidet oma toodete ja teenuste kohta. Käesolev töö teoreetilises osas kirjeldati töörõivaste tähtsusest ja vajalikkusest ettevõttes, millistele normidele peavad tööriided vastama, töötajate rahulolust ja kuidas see mõjutab töötajate motivatsiooni. Teine osa oli empiiriline, mis sisaldas firmade lühikirjeldust ja tegevusala ning firmade nõudeid töörõivastele, kasutades eelnevalt saadetud infot töörõivaste kohta ettevõtete esindajatelt. Samuti kirjeldab autor rahulolu uuringu läbiviimise meetodid ja uuringu tulemusi. Autor viis intervjuud firma Lindström OÜ esindajaga läbi telefoni teel aprillis 2020 a. ja firmade Leibur AS ja Eurobio Lab OÜ esindajatega aprillis 2021 a. Ka viis autor läbi veebipõhise anonüümse ankeetküsitluse. Ankeetide täitmise periood oli kolm kuud: 19.01.2021–19.04.2021. Küsitluses osales mõlema ettevõtte 247 töötajast 151 inimest, kes kasutavad töörõivaid. Põhimõtteliselt peavad kõik töötajad kandma töörõivad, ent osa seda erinevatel põhjustel ei tee. Töörõivaste kasutajad hindasid nii rõivaste erinevaid näitajaid (suurus, värv, kangas, mugavus, disain ja kvaliteet) kui ka Lindström OÜ pakutavaid rõivaste hoolduse teenuseid. Analüüsi käigus selgus, et töötajatele on kõige olulisemad töörõivaste suurus, kanga materjal ja rõivaste mugavus. Teised omadused, nagu värv, disain ja kvaliteet, pakkusid vastajatele huvi vähemal määral. Umbes 40% töötajatest polnud rahul töörõivaste suurusega. Umbes 60% pole rahul kanga materjaliga ja 65% töötajatest pole rahul rõivaste mugavusega. Umbes 15% töötajatest ei ole rahul pesemis- ja triikimisteenusega. Mitteõigeaegse kohaletoimetamise osas oli rahulolematute vastajate protsent umbes 13%. Uuringu tulemustele tuginedes esitas autor omapoolsed ettepanekud kliendirahulolu parendamiseks ettevõttes Lindström OÜ. Firma toodete ja osutatavate teenuste kvaliteet mõjutab oluliselt kliendirahulolu. Kliendibaasi hoidmiseks ja suurendamiseks, mis omalt poolt mõjutab ka firma mainet ja kasumit, tuleb pidevalt hinnata ja teha muudatusi, mis on suunatud toodete ja teenuste kvaliteedi täiustamisele. Vastasel juhul, kliendid võivad lahkuda ja pöörduda teise tarnija
dc.description.abstractThe name of this graduation thesis is “Analysis of Lindtröm OÜ Customer Satisfaction with Workwear on the Basis of Two Different Companies”. The aim of this graduation thesis was to find out the factors influencing the satisfaction of Lindström OÜ consumers and to make suggestions for its improvement. To achieve this, an analysis of the services and products of Lindström OÜ was performed. The author found out how satisfied the customers are with the services and products offered, in this case with workwear and their maintenance, and forwarded the results and employee comments to Lindström OÜ. To conduct the satisfaction survey, the author relied on literature sources, as well as using the questionnaire and interview method. Based on the results of the research, two companies selected for analysis by the author - Eurobio Lab OÜ and Leibur AS - found out how their employees assess satisfaction with their workwear. And Lindström OÜ received feedback from end users about its products and services. The first part of this graduation thesis is theoretical, where the importance and necessity of workwear in the company is discussed, what standards must be met by workwear, employee satisfaction and how it affects employee motivation. The second part is the empirical part, which contains a brief description and field of activity of the companies and the requirements of the companies for workwear, using previously received information about workwear from the representatives of the companies. The author also describes the satisfaction survey methods and survey results. The author conducted telephone interviews with Lindström OÜ in April 2020 and with Leibur AS and Eurobio Lab OÜ in April 2021. Similarly, the author conducted a web-based anonymous questionnaire survey. The period for filling in the questionnaires was generally three months, 19.01.2021-19.04.2021. From the possible 247 employees of both companies, 151 people who wear work clothes took part in the survey. In principle, all employees must wear work clothes, but some do not use it for various reasons. Users of workwear assessed the various parameters of workwear (size, color, fabric, comfort, design and quality) as well as the maintenance services offered by Lindstrom OÜ. The analysis revealed that the main criteria for employees are the size of the workwear, the material of the fabric and the comfort of the workwear. Other features, such as color, design and quality, were less interesting to respondents. About 40% of employees were dissatisfied with the size of their workwear. About 60% are dissatisfied with the fabric of workwear and 65% of employees are dissatisfied with the comfort of workwear. About 15% of employees are dissatisfied with the washing and ironing service. The percentage of dissatisfied respondents with non-timely delivery was about 13%. Based on the results of the survey, the author presents his proposals for improving customer satisfaction in Lindström OÜ: 1. Conduct more frequent surveys and use feedback from employees who wear work clothes on a daily basis. For the new costumers is possible to give examples on the basis of existing companies and the problems that the customer may face later in the case of incorrectly chosen workwear. 2. Improve quality control in relation to the size of workwear, as the sizes of garments in sets vary. The size of the wrong work clothes may cause inconvenience to employees and therefore reduces their productivity. 3. When ordering workwear, consult customers about the color scheme, so that customers approach the choice of shades more practically, based on the specifics of production. To prevent light work clothes from getting dirty quickly, the author recommends using grayer shades or, for example, for white clothes using darker shades in the fastest dirty areas. 4. Advise clients on the choice of workwear fabric. During physical work, synthetic materials cause discomfort to workers and impair their well-being, which in turn leads to reduced productivity. 5. Consider using anti-allergic laundry detergents. 6. Improve the drying process of the workwear. Extend the drying time or use additional drying equipment. 7. Improve logistics to ensure that there are no faults in the timely arrival of clean workwear. The quality of the company's products and services are significantly affect customer satisfaction. In order to maintain and increase the customer base, which in turn affects the company’s reputation and profits, it is necessary to constantly evaluate and make changes, which are aimed at improving the quality of the products and services. Otherwise, customers will leave or turn to another
dc.publisherTallinna Tehnikakõrgkoolet
dc.subjectTTK Subject Categories::Rõivad ja tekstiilid::Tööuuringudet
dc.subject.otherRessursikorraldus (moetööstus)et
dc.titleFirma Lindström OÜ klientide rahulolu töörõivastega analüüs kahe erineva ettevõtte põhjalet
dc.title.alternativeAnalysis of Lindtröm OÜ Customer Satisfaction with Workwear on the Basis of Two Different Companieset
