Baltikumi riikide vahelise kaubaveo turu seis ja analüüs veokorralduse ettevõtete näitel

dc.contributor.advisorKirejev, Mihhail
dc.contributor.authorLindeburg, Kelli
dc.description.abstractKäesoleva lõputöö eesmärgiks on analüüsida Baltimaade veoturgu. Veoturg koosneb kahest osapoolest: veo pakkujast ja vedajast. Kaubaveo turg on pidevalt muutuses ning on aastatega palju muutunud. Seda mõjutavad erinevad faktorid, alustades poliitilistest olukordadest, lõpetades konkurentsiga. Veoturgudel teevad suuremaid muutusi ka tehnoloogia areng, mis kujundavad ümber logistikute tööd. Tegu on aktuaalse teemaga, sest veoturud on pidevalt muutuses ning arengumaad on palju. Oleneb suunast, kuid veoturud on suured ning konkurentsi on tihe Sellega peavad ettevõtted arvestama ning leidma viisi, kuidas tekitada konkurentsieelist. Lõputöö teema valis autor isiklikust huvist Baltimaade veoturu kohta. Teema valikuks osutus lõputöö autori isiklik huvi ning varasemal allikaid otsides sarnaseid lõputöid ei leidnud. Lõputöö jaguneb kolmeks osaks: teooria, metoodika ja empiiriline osa. Käesoleva lõputöö esimene osa annab ülevaate Eesti-Läti ja Eesti-Leedu riikide vahelise kaubavahetusest. Teoreetilises osas on välja toodud konkurentsi mõju veoturule ja arenguvõimalused, mis võivad veoturgu tulevikus oodata. Lõputöö teises osas on välja toodud ülevaade lõputöös rakendatud metodoloogiliste tööriistade kogumit. Lõputöö viimases osas, autor annab ülevaadet saadud tulemustest, intervjuude läbiviimise protsessist ning toob esile analüüsi, mille põhjal esitab lõputöö autor omapoolsed järeldused ning
dc.description.abstractThis thesis aims is to analyse the transport market in the Baltic States. The transport market comprises two parties: the provider and the carrier. The market for freight transport is constantly changing and has changed a lot over the years. It is influenced by a various factors, ranging from political situations to competition. Technological advances are also driving significant changes in transport markets, reshaping the work of logisticians. This is a topical issue as transport markets are constantly changing and there are many developing countries. It depends on the direction, but transport markets are large and competition is intense - companies need to take this into account and find ways to create a competitive advantage. The author chose the topic of the thesis out of personal interest in the Baltic transport market. The choice of the topic turned out to be the author's interest, and no similar thesis could be found when searching for previous sources. The thesis is divided into three parts: theory, methodology and empirical. The theory provides an overview of trade between Estonia-Latvia and Estonia-Lithuania. The theoretical part, the impact of competition on the transport market and the development opportunities that the transport market may face in the future. The second part of the thesis describes of how the thesis was carried out and describes the methodological part. The third part of the thesis contains the results of the conducted semi-structured interviews and an analysis of the results, based on which the author of the thesis presents her conclusions and proposals. Companies in the logistics market in the Baltics recognise that it is a highly competitive market, with an excessive number of companies in the market. The transport market can be characterised as a 'customer market', with many companies providing services. Estonia's trade with Latvia is variable, with a positive trade balance in most cases. According to Statistics Estonia, Estonia's trade with Lithuania has been consistently negative. The transport market is competitive, which means that companies have to find many ways to gain a competitive advantage. Competitive advantage can be achieved by reviewing a company's strategy and carrying out benchmarking. Benchmarking is a tool that can be used to improve one's own service through the experience of other companies. The potential for future development in the inter-Baltic transport market is vast. The Rail Baltica, which has been under development for decades, would connect Estonia, Latvian and Lithuania via the capitals. From a technological point of view, the future lies in automation. This is also the view of the companies responding to the questionnaire. Automated vehicles are still largely under development, but logistics is where the first experiments will start. In the opinion of the thesis author, the Baltic States are an excellent place to test automated
dc.publisherTallinna Tehnikakõrgkoolet
dc.subjectTTK Subject Categories::Transport::Logisticset
dc.subject.otherTransport ja logistikaet
dc.titleBaltikumi riikide vahelise kaubaveo turu seis ja analüüs veokorralduse ettevõtete näitelet
dc.title.alternativeThe state of the freight transport market in Baltic states and analysis by logistics companieset
