Keerdtrepi tarnekindluse parandamine ARS Stainless OÜ näitel



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Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkool


Käesoleva töö eesmärgiks keerdtrepi tarnekindluse parandamine, millega oleks võimalik ettevõttet efektiivsemaks muuta. Tarnekindluse parandamisel on uuritud raiskamisi ja nende mõju tarnetähtajale. Samuti on uuritud erinevaid Eesti ettevõtteid ja nende hindasid, tarnetähtaegu, sertifikaatide olemasolu, ettevõtte suurust ja prajekteerimis võimalust. Et kõik ettevõtted saaksid ühtemoodi aru võeti eeskujuks ARS Stainlessis projekteeritud keerdtrepp. Töö käigus leiti lahenduse probleemile, et kuidas oleks võimalik ARS Stainlessil oma tarnekindlust parandada. Vaatlusel tulid välja ettevõtte kitsaskohad kus toimub enamus raiskamisi. Selle käigus puututi kokku tootmises olevate raiskajatega, tootmises valmiva toote etappidega ja ajagraafikuga. Töö tulemusena ARS Stainless alustas ettevõtte raiskamiste põhjuste otsimist ja eemaldamist. Ettevõtte kulutas liigsele raiskamisele 87 tundi ja selle tulemusena 1218 eurot. Tootmises olevad seadmed ja inventaar on juba ümber tõstetud ja ebavajalikest seadmetest isegi loobutud. Jätkub pidev uuendamine ja ettevõtte efektiivsemaks muutmine. Tulevikuplaanina oleks vaja tootmis ruumide suurendamist ja teatud seadmete väljavahetamist kaasaegsema tehnoloogia vastu. Töö käigus saavutati sissejuhatuses püstitatud eesmärkide täitmine. Samas ei anna eesmärgid, milleni käesolevas töös jõuti veel kindlat rahulolu, vaid tuleb jätkata samasugust tööd.

The purpouse of this thesis was to fix the problems with the spiral stairways security of supply and through that make the efficiency of the company better. When fixing the security of supply there was a thorough research made on the wastes that are represented in the production systems and how they effect the production due date. Also research was made on different Estonian companies, the reasearch was made on their prices, supply due dates, the serificates of the companies, the size of the company and the possibilities of the projects. Spiral staircases projects made by ARS Stainless were used so the comparisment between the companies would have the same platform. While doing the research in the company found the solution for the problem of security of supply in ARS Stainless. The company spent a disproportionate amount of waste of 87 hours and as a result, 1,218 euros. Observation brought out the problems where the most wastes took place. During that observation had a close opportunity to study the supply wastes, the production, its delivery phases and the time. The outcome of this research was that ARS Stainelss started the system to find and remove the wastes. The mechanisms used in the production and the system has been changed and even the unneccesary mechanics has been thrown out. The company has started with new innovations and with changing its effectivness. The plan for the future would be the enlargemnet of the production facilities and exchanging some of the equipment with more modern technology. During this thesis the start for the introduction for the changes and the goals were made. On the other hand the changes that have been made has not satisfied the companies goals for the future so the work should be carried on.


