Ravila maantee isevoolse kanalisatsioonitorustiku rekonstrueerimine

dc.contributor.advisorPiirsalu, Andres
dc.contributor.advisorErki Lember
dc.contributor.authorJürgensohn, Sten
dc.description.abstractKäesoleva lõputöö teemaks on Ravila maantee isevoolse kanalisatsioonitorustiku rekonstrueerimine. Ravila mnt isevoolne kanalisatsioonitorustik rajati 2010. aastal. Torustiku töös ei esinenud erilisi puudusi kuni 2019. aasta juulini, mil võeti kasutusele uus süsteem. Varasemalt olid reoveepuhastid kasutusel Ravilas, Palveres ja Vardjas, kuid seoses kanalisatsiooni laiendamise ja rekonstrueerimisega Kose vallas need likvideeriti ja asendati pumplatega. Ravila alevikus asub peapumpla, kuhu juhitakse ka Palivere ja Vardja pumplate reoveed. Läbi survetorustiku juhitakse Ravila aleviku reoveed Kosele, Ravila mnt isevoolsesse kanalisatsioonitorustikku. Uue süsteemi peamiseks probleemiks kujunes ebameeldiv hais, mis levis kohalike elanike eramute kanalisatsioonis. Probleemiga asus tegelema kohalik vee-ettevõte OÜ Kose Vesi, kes kaasas ka projekteerimis- ja konsultatsioonifirma OÜ Entec Eesti, kelle ülesandeks oli koostada torustiku ülevaade. Olemasoleva torustiku hindamisel selgus, et see ei vasta standarditele. Lisaks esines osades torustiku lõikudes ehituslikku praaki. Töö eesmärk on pakkuda kohalikule vee-ettevõttele alternatiivne lahendus Kose valla kanalisatsioonitorustiku probleemile ja projekteerida standarditele vastav Ravila mnt kanalisatsioonitorustik, mis elimineeriks haisuhäiringu eramutes. Töö esimeses osas annab autor ülevaate olemasolevast torustikust ning selle vastavusest standarditele. Lisaks annab autor ülevaate haisu leviku teket soodustavatest tingimustest ning selle levimisest kanalisatsioonis. Töö teine osas käsitleb uue kanalisatsioonitorustiku projekti lahendust. Lahenduse väljatöötamisel tuli arvestada erinevate normdokumentidega kui ka asjaoluga, et Kose valla populatsioon peaks tõusma pidevalt kasvava urbaniseerumise tagajärjel. Projekteerimise aluseks oli teostusjoonis, mille alusel sai autor määrata kanalisatsioonikaevude kõrgused. Torustiku suuruse määramisel võeti arvesse nii hetke vooluhulkasid kui ka potentsiaalset mahu kasvu pikemas perspektiivis. Maapinna kõrgusi teades määrati standardit järgides torustikule lang, mis tagaks isepuhastusvõime. Lõputöö koostamise käigus töötas autor läbi suurel hulgal ehituse ja projekteerimisega seotud materjale. Lõputöö graafilise osa koostamisel kasutati arvutiprogrammi Autocad ning selle laiendust VK-torustikud. Programmi kasutades loodi asendiplaan, kus on esitatud projekteeritud lahendus, katendite taastamise joonis ning torustiku pikiprofiil.et
dc.description.abstractThe theme of this thesis is the reconstruction of the gravity sewer system pipeline of the Ravila Road. Ravila road gravity sewer pipeline was founded on 2010. There were no special defects in piping work until 2019. until new system was introduced. Previously, sewage treatment plants were used in Ravila, Palvere and Vardja, as regards the expansion and reconstruction of sewerage in Kose parish they were dismantled and replaced with pumps. In the Ravila borough is located the main pumping station, where the sewage waters of Palivere and Vardja pumping stations come in. Through the pressure piping, the wastewater from Ravila's borough is sent to the Kose borough, using the Ravila´s road self-flowing sewage pipeline. The main problem of the new system was the unpleasant smell that spread from the sewers to homes. The problem was addressed by the local water-company OÜ Kose Vesi, who also accompanied the design and consultancy OÜ Entec Eesti, whose task was to prepare a pipeline overview. The evaluation of the existing pipeline revealed that it does not meet the standards. In addition, some construction scrap was observed in parts of the piping passages. The purpose of the work is to provide the local water company with an alternative solution to the problem of a sewage pipeline in Kose, and to design the sewer of Ravila road, which would eliminate the smell disturbance in private buildings. In the first part of the work, the author provides an overview of the existing piping and its compliance with the standards. In addition, the author gives an overview of the conditions conducive to the spread of smell and its distribution in the sewers. The second part of the work deals with the solution to the new sewage pipeline project. The design of the solution had to take into account the different normatsed documents as well as the fact that the Kose parish population should rise continuously as a result of growing urbanisation. The design was based on a drawing of the realization by which the author was able to determine the heights of the manholes. The size of the piping was determined by taking into account both current flow rates and potential growth in the long term. In the knowledge of ground heights, slope was determined according to the standard, which would ensure self-cleaning. During the thesis, the author worked trough a large amount of materials related to construction and design. The graphical part of the thesis was compiled using the computer program AUTOCAD and its extension VK-torustikud. By using the program, a position plan was made which describes a design solution, a drawing of the pavement restoration, and a pipe longitudinal profile.en
dc.publisherTallinna Tehnikakõrgkool
dc.subject.classificationConstruction--Road Construction--Road Design--Engineering Networksen
dc.subject.classificationEhitus--Teedeehitus--Tee ehituse kavandamine--Tehnovõrgudet
dc.subject.otherKeskonnatehnoloogia ja -juhtimineet
dc.subject.otherEnvironmental Technology and Managementen
dc.titleRavila maantee isevoolse kanalisatsioonitorustiku rekonstrueerimine
dc.title.alternativeReconstruction of the Gravity Sewer System Pipeline of the Ravila Road
