Esprit Home kliendiprofiili loomine Eesti turul

dc.contributor.advisorKiis, Helen
dc.contributor.authorRummel, Madera
dc.description.abstractKäesoleva lõputöö „Esprit Home kliendiprofiili loomine Eesti turul“ tulemusena loodi kaks kliendiprofiili koos empaatiakaartidega Esprit Home kodutekstiilide edasimüüjale Marat OÜ. Antud lõputöö annab ettevõttele ülevaate potentsiaalsetest Esprit Home toodete ostjatest ning nende ostuharjumustest. Lisaks selgus, milliseid turunduskanaleid potentsiaalsed kliendid tarbivad ning milline on olnud nende kokkupuude Esprit Home brändiga. Potentsiaalsele kliendile suunatud kliendiküsitluse tulemusena selgitati välja Esprit Home potentsiaalsed kliendiprofiilid Eesti turul. Uuringus osales 637 vastajat, kellest 128 oleksid potentsiaalsed Esprit Home kliendid. Analüüsist selgus, et suurima valmidusega Esprit Home tooteid on valmis ostma 61.-65. aastased ning 31.-35. aastased naised. Kahest kliendiprofiilist selgusid välja Esprit Home konkurendid, milleks on Dormeo, Hemtex, Zara Home, H&M Home, Home & You, Jysk ja Ikea. Kliendiprofiilide ja empaatiakaartide olemasolul saab ettevõte Marat OÜ muuta brändi Esprit Home turundusmeetmestikku. Reklaamides saab kajastada antud kliendigruppide eelistusi ning olulisi aspekte, mis suure tõenäosusega tõstab ka potentsiaalsete klientide tähelepanu. Lisaks saab koostööd teha tuntud inimestega, kes edastavad antud kliendigruppide väärtusi. Kliendiprofiil/empaatiakaart 1. moodustasid 61.-65. aastased naised, kes on abielus, lastega ning elavad Harjumaal/Tartumaal. Emakeelena kõneletakse eesti keelt ning omatakse kõrgharidust. Nende igakuine bruto sissetulek jääb vahemikku 501-1500 eurot. Kodutekstiile ostetakse paar korda aastas ning põhilisel soetatakse voodilinu, rätikuid, padjakatteid, tekikotte, laudlinu, hommikumantleid ja kardinaid. Kodutekstiile soetavad juhul, kui leitakse toode hea hinnaga ning kui olemasolevate kodutekstiilide välimus/kvaliteet muutub. Kodutekstiile ostetakse esinduspoest ning tellitakse veebikeskkonnast. Kodutekstiilide soetamisel häirib neid toote kõrge hind, halb kvaliteet ning ebasobilik disain. Veebiostude vähenemist mõjutavad asjaolud, et kliendid soovivad toodet enne ostu näha, tootel on ebapiisav kirjeldus ning makseprotsess on liiga keeruline. Kodutekstiilide soetamisel veebipoest kasutatakse peamiselt makselinki. Kodutekstiilide pakkumiste kohta leitakse lisainformatsiooni kodulehtedelt, uudiskirjadest, ajakirjadest ning Facebookist. Selgus, et hind, kvaliteet, meeldiv klienditeenindus, kodutekstiilide laialdane värvivalik ja disain, veebipoe/esinduspoe olemasolu, materjal ning ettevõtte positiivne maine on vastajate puhul pigem või väga olulisel kohal. Kodutekstiilid soetatakse brändidelt nagu Hemtex, Jysk, Dormeo, Ikead, Home & You ning H&M Home. Kliendiprofiil/empaatiakaart 2. moodustasid 31-35 aastased naised, kes kõnelevad emakeelena eesti keelt, omavad kõrgharidust, on vabas kooselus või abielus ning elavad Harjumaal. Vastajate seas on nii lapsevanemaid kui ka lastetuid inimesi. Nende igakuine brutosissetulek jääb vahemikku 1001- 2000+ eurot. Peamiselt ostetakse kodutekstiile paar korda aastas ning põhilisel soetatakse rätikuid, padjakatteid, pleede, voodilinu, vaipu ja tekikotte. Kodutekstiile ostetakse juhul, kui tekib vajadus ning kui olemasolevate kodutekstiilide välimus/kvaliteet muutub. Kodutekstiile tellitakse põhiliselt veebipoest ning soetatakse esinduspoest. Ostuhuvi vähendab kodutekstiilide soetamisel kõrge hind ning toodete halb kvaliteet. Veebiostude osakaalu vähendavad asjaolud, et tootel on kõrge hind, ebapiisav kirjeldus, kallis tarne ja soov on näha toodet enne ostuprotsessi. Veebiostude puhul kasutatakse makselinki, PayPal`i ja krediitkaarti. Kodutekstiilide pakkumiste kohta leitakse lisainformatsiooni kodulehtedelt, uudiskirjadest, Facebook/Instagram keskkonnast. Selgus, et hind, kvaliteet, kiire tarne, meeldiv klienditeenindus, kodutekstiilide laialdane värvivalik, veebipoe ja esinduspoe olemasolu, materjal, kodutekstiilide disain, ettevõtte positiivne maine ja võimalus tooteid koju tellida on antud kliendiprofiili arvates pigem või väga olulisel kohal. Vastustest selgus, et kodutekstiili brändidest tuntakse ning tarbitakse põhiliselt brände nagu Jysk, Ikea, Hemtex, Home & You, H&M Home, Zara Home. Edaspidi võib ettevõte Marat OÜ läbi viia uuringuid, kus uuritakse klientide rahulolu, võttes arvesse Esprit Home sortimendi valikut ning veebilehe kujundust. Konkurentide tundmiseks võib läbi viia konkurentsianalüüsi. Lisaks võib uurida ning vaadelda kliendi ostu teekonda Marati esinduspoes. Soovitavalt võib uurida ka kodutekstiilide turu nõudlust Eesti erinevates
dc.description.abstractThe following graduation thesis „Establishing the Client Profile for the Esprit Home in the Estonian market“ main outcome was two client profiles with empathy cards, which were created for Marat OÜ, who is the official reseller of Esprit Home products. Information, what were gathered and analysed during the thesis, will give a thorough overview about the potential Esprit Home clients and their buying habits. In addition to, it became clear, which marketing channels those clients mainly consume, and what kind of experience have they got in the past with Esprit Home brand. As a result of the potential customer survey, the potential customer profiles of Esprit Home on the Estonian market were identified. A total of 637 respondents participated in the survey, which of 128 would be potentially Esprit Home customers. The analysis revealed that the most interested clients are between 31-35 and 61-65 year old women. The two customer profiles revealed Esprit Home's competitors, Dormeo, Hemtex, Zara Home, H&M Home, Home & You, Jysk and Ikea. Once the customer profiles and empathy cards are available, Marat OÜ can modify the marketing mix of the Esprit Home brand. The advertisements can reflect the preferences and important aspects of the given customer groups, which will most likely also attract the attention of potential customers. In addition, it will be possible to cooperate with celebrities who spead the values of these customer groups. The client profile/empathy card 1. consists of women aged 61-65, married, with children and living in Harju and Tartu County. Their native langue is Estonian and they have higher education. Their monthly gross income ranges between EUR 501 and EUR 1500. Household textiles are bought a few times a year, and the main purchases are bed linen, towels, pillowcases, blanket covers, tablecloths, bathrobes and curtains. Household textiles are purchased when a good price is found and when the appearance/quality of existing household textiles changes. Home textiles are mainly purchased in a department store and from web site. When buying home textiles, they are distracted by the high price, poor quality and inappropriate design of the product. The decline in online purchases is influenced by the fact that customers want to see the product before they purchase it, the product has an inadequate description and the payment process is too complicated. The main method of purchasing home textiles online is via payment link. For more information about home textile offers, please consult websites, newsletters, magazines and Facebook. It was found that price, quality, pleasant customer service, a wide range of colours and designs of home textiles, the existence of an online shop/reseller, materials and a positive image of the company are rather or very important for respondents. Home textiles are purchased from brands such as Hemtex, Jysk, Dormeo, Ikead, Home & You and H&M Home. The customer profile/empathy card 2 was made up of 31-35 year old women who speak Estonian as their mother tongue, have higher education, are cohabiting or married and live in Harju County. Respondents include both parents and childless people. Their monthly grossincome ranges from 1001 to 2000+ euros. Mostly, they buy household textiles a few times a year, and towels, pillowcases, sheets, bed linen, rugs and blanket covers are the primal items purchased. Household textiles are purchased, when demand rises and when the appearance/quality of existing household textiles changes. Home textiles are mainly ordered from websites and purchased from the department store. High price and poor quality of home textiles discourages consumers from buying them. Online purchases are reduced by the fact that the product has a high price, inadequate description, expensive delivery and the desire to see the product before the purchase process. Online purchases are made using payment links, PayPal and credit cards. Additional information about home textile offers have mainly founded from websites, newsletters and social media.It became certain that price, quality, fast delivery, pleasant customer service, a wide range of colours, online shop and a representative shop, materials, design, positive image of the company and the possibility to order the products from home are considered by this customer profile to be rather or very important. Answersshowed that the brands known and consumed by the home textile sector are mainly Jysk, Ikea, Hemtex, Home & You, H&M Home, Zara Home. In the future, Marat OÜ can carry out customer satisfaction surveys, taking into account the choice of the Esprit Home range and the design of the website. A competitor analysis should be made to gather more information about local and global competitors. In addition, the customer's buying habit in a Marat store can be studied and observed. Another rational idea would be to study the market demand of home textiles in different Estonian
dc.publisherTallinna Tehnikakõrgkoolet
dc.subjectTTK Subject Categories::Majandus and ärijuhtimine::Ettevõtlus ja turunduset
dc.subjectTTK Subject Categories::Majandus and ärijuhtimine::Strateegiline juhtimineet
dc.subjectTTK Subject Categories::Rõivad ja tekstiilidet
dc.subject.otherRessursikorraldus (moetööstus)et
dc.titleEsprit Home kliendiprofiili loomine Eesti turulet
dc.title.alternativeEstablishing the Client Profile for the Esprit Home in the Estonian market“et
