Emma and Theo OÜ kliendirahulolu uuring



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Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkool


Antud lõputöö eesmärgiks oli välja selgitada Emma and Theo klientide rahulolu ettevõttega, toodetega ning klienditeenindusega. Lõputöö uuringu tulemused on suunatud Emma and Theo ettevõttele, kes saab tänu nendele tulemustele teada enda ettevõtte klientide vajadustest, soovidest ning rahulolust. Sellest tulenevalt on võimalik teha järeldusi, kas klientide maksimaalse rahulolu tagamiseks on vaja viia sisse muudatused, et klientide vajadusi rahuldada. Töö esimeses osas on käsitletud teoreetilist osa, mis hõlmab klientide rahulolu, lojaalsust, ostukäitumist ning rahulolu mõõtmist. Antud teooria annab ülevaate, kes on lojaalne ja rahulolev klient ning mida tuleb teha selleks, et see saavutada. Lisaks annab teoreetiline osa aimu, miks tuleb ettevõtetel teha kliendirahulolu uuringuid ning mida see ettevõttele annab. Lühidalt öeldes, on rahulolu uuringud ettevõtete jaoks väga olulised, sest need annavad ettevõttele teada, mida ja kuidas arendada, et tekiks rohkem lojaalseid ja rahulolevaid kliente. Töö teine osa koosneb ettevõtte lühikirjelduses, uurimismetoodikate valikust ning uuringutest. Lisaks struktureeritud intervjuu Emma and Theo OÜ juhatuse liikme Triin Tomingaga, uuringu tulemuste analüüs, järeldused ja ettepanekud ettevõttele. Emma and Theo on 2011. aastal Triin Tominga ning Erki Roosimägi poolt loodud Eestimaine väike pereettevõte. Emma and Theo toodab 2-13 aastaste lasteriideid armastuse, soojuse ja hellusega ning tahavad seda jagada ka kõigi teiste inimestega. Riiete stiil järgib täiskasvanute moetrende, mis on muudetud lapselikuks. Rõivad on pigem šikid, elegantsed ning ilusad. Tooteid müüakse läbi esinduspoe, laatade/messide, Facebooki ning edasimüüjate. Kliendirahulolu uuring koostati elektroonse ankeetküsitlusena ning viidi läbi Emma and Theo Facebooki kodulehel, kus oli antud hetkel 5893 jälgijat. Ankeetküsitlus oli avalik 21.märts-2.aprill 2017, mille jooksul vastas küsitlusele 163 inimest. Küsitluses osalenute vahel loositi välja 25 € väärtuses kinkekaart.

The title of the thesis is „Emma and Theo OÜ Customer Satisfaction Survey”. The purpose of the thesis is to find out the level of satisfaction among the customers of Emma and Theo, regarding both the products and the customer service. The findings of the thesis are addressed to the Emma and Theo enterprise. These findings will tell the enterprise more about the needs, wishes and the level of satisfaction of their customers. Therefore the enterprise is able to conclude whether any changes are needed to be made in order to maximize the satisfaction of the customers. The main theoretical and empirical assignments to achieve the purpose are: • conducting an overview of the customers’ loyalty, purchasing behaviour, satisfaction and the measuring of the satisfaction relying on theory; • choosing the most suitable research method; • introducing the Emma and Theo enterprise; • conducting the questionnaire for the Emma and Theo customer satisfaction survey; • conducting an interview with the CEO of the Emma and Theo enterprise; • analyzing the findings of the customer satisfaction survey; • concluding the findings of the survey and conducting proposals for the enterprise based on the survey. The first part of the thesis disserts the theoretical part, which subsumes the customer satisfaction, loyalty, purchasing behaviour and the measuring of the satisfaction. The theory gives an overview of a loyal and satisfied customer and the actions needed to be done in order to reach these clients. Moreover, the theoretical part gives an idea of the reasons why enterprises should conduct customer satisfaction surveys and what the results of these surveys could offer for the enterprise. In short, customer satisfaction surveys are very important for the enterprises because they give information regarding the ways of advancement towards getting more loyal and satisfied customers. The second part of the thesis subsumes a short description the enterprise, the choosing of the research methods and the surveys. As an addition an structured-interview with the CEO of Emma and Theo OÜ Triin Toming, an analysis of the survey results, conclusions and proposals for the enterprise. Emma and Theo is an Estonian family-business founded in 2011 by Triin Toming and Erki Roosimägi. Emma and Theo produces children clothes for 2-13 year olds. The clothes are made with love, warmth and care, which the manufacturers want others to get a part of as well. The style of the clothes follows the fashion trends of adults, which are turned into more child-like. The clothes are rather chick, elegant and beautiful. The products are being sold through a representative-store, fairs, Facebook and retailers. The customer satisfaction survey was conducted as an electronic questionnaire on the Emma and Theo Facebook page, which had 5893 followers at the time. The questionnaire was public from 21st of March to 2nd of April, 2017. During this period, 163 people answered the questionnaire. Among the people who answered the questionnaire, a gift card with a value of 25 € was drawn out.


