Efektiivse lumekoristuse korraldamine, Färsk OÜ näitel



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Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkool


Käesoleva lõputöö eesmärgiks oli selgeks teha hetke olukord lume koristuse korralduses, tutvuda selle erinevate aspektidega ning tuua lahendus probleemidele, mis töö käigus välja tulid. Fookuses on olemasolevad masinad ja tööprotsessid, eritööd, hinna kujunemine, ajanormid ja ettepanekud kõigi nende valdkondade parendamiseks. Talvistel oludel on kinnisvara korrashoid mõnevõrra keerulisem just ilmastiku tõttu ning seepärast tuleb efektiivsele välikoristusele rõhku panna. Selles lõputöös on välja toodud murekohad, mis on seotud talviste tööprotsessidega ning masinate kasutamisega. Eraldi on nimetatud masinad, mis hõlbustavad talvel korrashoidu korteriühistutes, ärihoonetes kui ka kaubanduskeskustes. Sellega seonduvalt kirjeldatakse ka töögraafikuid ja -protsesse ning, kuidas neid ettevõttele kasulikumaks muuta. Selleks tuli kaardistada tööprotsess, mis on hetkel ettevõttes kasutusel ning välja selgitada kõik puudused, mis sellel on. Seejärel oli võimalik igale puudusele lahendus leida, mis oleks ettevõttele kõige kasulikum. Üheks oluliseks talvise korrastuse osaks on inimfaktor ehk töölised, kes seda tööd teevad. Inimese mõjutamiseks ja motiveerimiseks on erinevaid võimalusi, mida saaks kasutada, et töölised efektiivsemalt tööd teeksid. Välja tuli selgitada, milliseid variante ettevõte hetkel kasutab kojameeste motiveerimiseks ning seejärel pakkuda lisaks motivatsiooni tegureid, mida saab edaspidi kasutada, et töölised teeksid tööd motiveeritumalt ning tõhusamalt. Eraldi on lõputöös käsitletud eritöid, mis võivad kaasneda ilmastiku olude muutumisega ja nendega kaasnevate probleemidega. Oluliseks probleemiks on lumerohked talved, kui tööd ning valmisolekut kiireteks väljakutseteks on rohkem kui tavaliselt. Antud lõputöös on välja toodud lahendus, mis oleks ettevõtte jaoks kõige mõistlikum – palgata tööjõud vajaduspõhiseks kasutamiseks, kelle palk koosneb ootetasust ning tunnitasust. Lõputöös tuuakse välja ettepanekud, kuidas saab ajamõõtmist läbi Begin rakenduse tõhusamaks ning kasutajasõbralikumaks muuta. Selleks toodi välja kolm lahendust. Tuleb anda kõikidele brigaadidele ettevõte poolt telefon, mida tuleb kasutada ainult autos. Regulaarselt tuleb korraldada koosviibimisi, et selgitada üle, kuidas antud rakendus toimib ning anda ülevaadet eelnevatele perioodidele. Viimaseks tuleks panna lepingusse Begini kasutamise kohustus. Kliendile parima lepingu pakkumiseks andis antud lõputöö lahendusi, kuidas saab kliendiga suheldes jõuda tema soovitud lahenduseni. Selleks tuleb ettevõttel anda ülevaade kõikidest oma teenustest ning omapoolse vaatenurga teatud objekti väliskoristusest, kliendi soove silmas pidades. Läbirääkimiste tulemusel saab pakkuda parimat lahendust, et klient oleks lepingu sõlmisel rahul oma teenusega. Lõputöös välja toodud ettepanekud ja parendused on ettevõttele kasulikumad nii ajakulu kui tööjõu kulu arvesse võttes.

The thesis is about to outdoor cleaning plan in real estate management. It is hard to make the perfect outdoor cleaning plan. Company needs to know the problems that they are facing. In this thesis the main problem is work process on different objects, work schedules and making the worker to work well with different motivators. The previous work process was little bit sloppy. Workers did not actually know what they had to do. Field operation manager was not as involved as he should have been, making it difficult for the workers because they did what they thought would be necessary. Sometimes it meant that they did not do something that should have been done. The field operation manager needs to state, what exactly they need to do and what order, on every object. This makes the work process so much smoother and effective. For example, sometimes workers did not push snow from a sidewalk that needs to be clean and that is a problem. They did not know because no one had told them. The previous work schedules were bad because workers did not have enough objects and they did not work full time. This is costing the company lots of money because they pay them for full time. The order of the objects was not correct and even then, the workers did not follow it. It made the driving time a big portion of the workday, which meant that company lost money because of the fuel they were burning. It is not okay to drive for three hours a day in Tallinn when the objects were close to each other. Thesis made a new work schedule for every brigade. Before there were seven brigades and now it is four brigades and a snow brigade that doesn’t have a specific work schedule. Before there were two people on each brigade and now it is one people for each brigade. New work schedules had more objects for each day, which means they can serve more objects. With new work schedules the thesis made new driving routes also and the driving time decreased even though there were more objects. The new driving times are around one hour. Workers need to have different motivators to work well because it is not an easy job to do. Thesis presented many different motivators: listening workers; praise workers; some workers need a harsh hand; making presents for difficult times like winter; extra money bonuses etc. Thesis came up with a better way to make more suitable contract with the client. Company needs to listen the client and then offer everything the company has to offer because clients usually does not know what the company has to offer and maybe what his object needs. Company can make best proposals for his object. In addition, the company home page did not have the best quotation form for the client. Thesis made up examples how the client can order the service if he is not familiar with this kind of work. Lastly the thesis gave an overview of the time norms the company had and made suggestions. Company has GPS program that records how much time the worker is on the object, but it is not always correct. In addition, for that the company has time measurement application that the workers use themselves. It has a lot on problems, but it can be used correctly. Some of the problems are: no internet; no service; too cold to use etc. Thesis made a proposition that the company buys the workers new phones that must be in the car. They cannot move the phone and can use this only in the car. New phones make these kinds of problems disappear that the workers had. Also, the company needs to add to the contract that using the GPS application is mandatory because otherwise the workers are not going to use the application. In addition, the company need to make an additional contract for the phone that says if they lose, break or damage it they will pay some money. The solution to many of the problems presented in the thesis is communication.



Ehitus::Kinnisvara korrashoid::Kinnistu ja hoone tehnohooldus ja heakord
