Reisijate arvu tõstmise võimalused Lux Express Polska Sp. z o.o

dc.contributor.advisorKiis, Helen
dc.contributor.authorTumanova, Jekaterina
dc.description.abstractAntud lõputöö eesmärgiks on uurida põhjuseid, miks ettevõtte poolt seatud eesmärgid on täitmata, tuvastada kitsaskohad ning teha omapoolseid parandusettepanekuid seatud eesmärkide saavutamiseks. Töö eesmärgi saavutamiseks analüüsis autor ettevõtte Lux Express Polska sp. z o.o Poola reisijateveo turule sisenemise strateegiat ja taktikalisi tegevusi, turuolukorda ning viis läbi kvalitatiivsed süvaintervjuud ettevõtte võtmeisikutega ja kvantitatiivse kliendiuuringu klientide ootuste ning peamiste kitsaskohtade väljaselgitamiseks. Töö teoreetilises osas anti ülevaadet uutele turgudele sisenemise võimalustest ning käsitleti erinevaid strateegiaid eduka tulemuse saavutamiseks. Toodi välja ka põhjused, miks reisijateveo valdkonnas tänapäeval on olulised turundus ja turunduse juhtimine. Töö praktiline osa sisaldab informatsiooni ettevõtte turule sisenemise strateegia kohta. Kombineeritud uurimisstrateegia raames viidi ettevõtete juhtidega läbi süvaintervjuud, mille abil selgitati välja peamised kitsaskohad. Sama strateegia raames viidi läbi elektrooniline küsitlus. Elektroonilise küsitluse eesmärgiks oli välja selgitada klientide ootused ning teenusega rahulolu. Andmete analüüs on tehtud 511 vastanu arvamuse põhjal. Täpsemate tulemuste saamiseks tuleks uuringus osalevate inimeste arvu tunduvalt suurendada. Kui oleks suurem vastajate arv, siis oleks tõenäoline, et tekiks tugevam kontrast ootuste ja vajaduste vahel. Töö lõpus autor tõi välja omapoolsed
dc.description.abstractWhen company decides to enter new market to succeed it has to choose right business and marketing strategy based on market analysis and set realistic goals. The thesis in written on example of Lux Express Polska sp. z o.o. which belongs to Lux Express Estonia AS group, which is the largest international express routes coach operator in the Baltic region who offers bus services in ten countries. In spring 2015 company entered Polish market and started to operate on country domestic lines. Today company is in position when set targets are not achieved. It is expressed in low traffic load and sales turnover. The main goal of this thesis is to give recommendation to Lux Express Polska sp. z o.o, how to improve business and marketing strategies in the future to increase line traffic passengers number. To achieve the main goal of the thesis the author analyzed Lux Express Polska sp. z o.o market entry strategy failures and their reasons, tactical operations and market position. Also conducted qualitative in-depth interviews with marketing manager and chairman of the board’s and quantitative customer survey of customer’s satisfaction and expectations. In the theoretical part author considered essential to study theoretical grounds of strategic management and marketing strategies. In the practical part the author described company’s Polish domestic lines market entering strategy. The author of this thesis came to the conclusion that Polish market entering strategy was unsuccessful because company incorrectly assessed the competitive environment and did not foresee changes in their business and marketing strategies. Furthermore marketing activities were not focused on specific segments. For the successful future company has to think about business strategy change, switching from operating non-stop distance bus routes between biggest cities, to distance with stops in villages and countryside. Also company has to be more customer oriented and focused on helping customers to meet their long-term needs and wants. It would be much easier to succeed on the market after further investigation of major segments and finding the right message and communication channel for potential clients. The author of this thesis thinks that the stated tasks have been completed.en
dc.publisherTallinna Tehnikakõrgkool
dc.subject.classificationTransport--Passenger Transporten
dc.subject.otherTransport ja logistikaet
dc.subject.otherTransport and Logisticsen
dc.titleReisijate arvu tõstmise võimalused Lux Express Polska Sp. z o.o
dc.title.alternativeOpportunities of increasing line traffic load factor on the example of Lux Express Polska Sp
