Hotelli osaline valgustuslahendus
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Töö eesmärk oli ümber projekteerida nõuetekohane ja energiasäästlik valgustuslahendus keskendudes kontori-, koridori- ja WC-aladele. Aluseks võeti sisearhitekti poolt loodud lahendus. Selgitati aladele välja nõuded vastavalt Eestis kehtivatele standarditele ja normidele. Eesmärgi saavutamiseks teostati valgusarvutused. Sealt tulenevalt valiti sobiva optika ja võimsusega valgusti, vastavalt paigaldusvõimalustele. Töö käigus loodi igale alale kaks lahendust ja võrreldi neid omavahel. Võrdluses vaadeldi erinevusi valgustustehniliselt ja majanduslikult. Sisearhitekti poolt loodud lahendus ei vastanud valgusnõuetele. Sellest tulenevalt tuli osutada tähelepanu uute valgustite andmetele, et need ületaksid miinimumnõudeid. Lisaks analüüsiti ka valgustuspaigalduse potentsiaalset juhtimisvõimalust. Kontorialal tuli võtta kasutusele Glamox DALI Complete, et valgusteid hämardada. Juhul kui kontorisse oleks tulnud kasutusele teine lahendus, lisanduks seade light control +3 Economy MULTI DALI. Kuigi seda ei juhtunud sai selle lisada WC-alale. Koridori ja WC-aladele paigaldati Liikumisandur 230VAC, mis käivitab vajadusel valgustid. Kontori alal valiti parimaks lahenduseks lahendus 1. See on odavam ja ühtlasema valgustusega. Koridorialal olid mõlemad lahendused kõlbmatud. Põhjuseks olid seinavalgustid. Seetõttu loodi kolmas lahendus, mis vastaks nõuetele. WC-alal valiti lahendus 1. See on märgatavalt odavam ja valgusviljakus ei ole valitust halvem. Analüüsi tulemusena leiti objektile uued LED valgustitega lahendused, mis vastavad valgustustehniliselt kaasaegsetele nõuetele. Valgustuspaigaldise planeerimisel arvestati objekti eripära, kasutuse vajaduse ja paigalduse seisukohalt. Seega on objekti omanikule loodud võimalikult odav lahendus, mis vastab nõuetele. Omanikul on õigus valida alternatiivlahendus, kas brändi, esteetika või mis tahes põhjusel. Erandiks on koridori ala, mis vajas kolmandat lahendust valgustusnõuete tõttu.
The purpose of the work was to redesign a proper and energy-efficient lighting solution focusing on the office, corridor and WC areas. The solution created by the interior architect was taken as a basis. The requirements for the areas were clarified according to the standards and norms valid in Estonia. To achieve the goal, light calculations were performed. As a result, a light with suitable optics and power was chosen, according to the installation possibilities. During the work, two solutions were created for each area and compared with each other. The comparison looked at the differences in terms of lighting technology and economics. The solution created by the interior architect did not meet the lighting requirements. As a result, attention had to be paid to the data of the new lights so that they exceeded the minimum requirements. In addition, the potential control option of the lighting installation was also analyzed. Glamox DALI Complete had to be used in the office area to dim the lights. In case another solution was used in the office, the light control +3 Economy MULTI DALI device would be added. Although this did not happen, it could be added to the toilet area. A 230VAC motion sensor was installed in the corridor and WC areas, which activates the lights when necessary. In the office area, solution 1 was chosen as the best solution. It is cheaper and has more uniform lighting. Both solutions were unsuitable in the corridor area. The reason was the wall lights. Therefore, a third solution was created to meet the requirements. In the WC area, solution 1 was chosen. It is significantly cheaper and the light efficiency is not worse than the choice. As a result of the analysis, new solutions with LED lights were found for the object, which meet modern lighting requirements. When planning the lighting installation, the special features of the object, the need for use and installation were taken into account. Therefore, the cheapest possible solution that meets the requirements has been created for the owner of the object. The owner has the right to choose an alternative solution, either for brand, aesthetics or for any reason. The exception is the corridor area, which needed a third solution due to lighting requirements.