AS Tehas Metallisti armatuurvõrkude ekspordisuutlikkuse tagamine Soome

dc.contributor.advisorJagomägi, Andres
dc.contributor.authorAedma, Andra
dc.description.abstractLõputöö käigus sertifitseeriti AS Tehas Metallisti toodetud armatuurvõrgud vastavuses Soome kvaliteedistandarditele ning neile omistati FI kvaliteedimärgis. Tulemi saamiseks koostati AS Tehas Metallistile tooteteostuse juhend, mis käsitleb armatuurvõrkude tootmisprotsessi lähtematerjalide tarnest kuni kauba väljastamiseni, samuti koostati mõõtmistehnoloogia juhend, kus kirjeldatakse pikkusmassi, ribigeomeetria, tõmbe- ja paindekatse ning keevituse põikjõu testide läbiviimist ja katsetingimusi. Nii tooteteostuse kui ja mõõtmistehnoloogia juhend vastab Euroopa standarditele EN ISO 15630-1, EN ISO 15630-2 ja TR 361 ning Soome standarditele SFS 1257 ja SFS 1270. Kogu protsessi käigus tehti koostööd inspekteeriva Eesti ettevõtte Inspecta OÜ ning Inspecta OÜ poolt AS Tehas Metallisti kontrollima volitatud Soome ettevõtte AS VTT-ga. Soome inspekteeriv ettevõte AS VTT kontrollis AS Tehas Metallisti armatuurvõrkude vastavust enda laboris ning kinnitas toodete sobivust Soome kvaliteedistandarditega. Inspecta OÜ väljastas vastavushindamise tulemusel AS Tehas Metallistile FI sertifikaadi. Sertifitseeritud armatuurvõrkude müüki alustati märtsis 2015. Lõputöös tehti kolme tootegrupi (armatuurvõrgud, rangid, karkassid) müügimahu võrdlus tonnides perioodil märts kuni aprill aastatel 2014 ja 2015. Võrdlusest selgus, et müügimahud vaadeldavatel perioodidel on jäänud üldjoontes samaks. See tähendab, et vaatamata Soome majanduslangusele ei ole ettevõtte ekspordimahud vähenenud ja firma on suutnud säilitada partneripoolse huvi ja seeläbi hoidnud oma positsiooni Soome turul. Analüüsides FI kvaliteedimärgisega armatuurvõrkude mahtu kogu müüdud toodangust, moodustab see 21%, kui keskenduda vaid Soome ekspordile, siis moodustavad sertifitseeritud võrgud koguni 51%. Müüdud toodangu statistika näitab selgelt, et just tänu FI kvaliteedimärgisega toodetele on ettevõtte ekspordi ja kogumüügi maht püsinud samal tasemel. Soome partnerite kvaliteedinõuetele vastamata oleks riigis, kus valitseb ka majanduslangus, väga keeruline oma positsiooni säilitada. Tänaseks on AS Tehas Metallistis toimiv kvaliteedikorraldus ning armatuurvõrkudele on omistatud FI kvaliteedimärgis, tagades toodete jätkusuutliku ekspordi
dc.description.abstractTehas Metallist Ltd is producing various metal products like reinforcement meshes, bent bars, frames, tin products and other similar products. One of the goals of the company is to increase export volume to Finland. Most of the Finnish companies prefer not buy reinforcement meshes if products do not meet Finnish quality standards. In order to ensure the exportability Tehas Metallist Ltd found it extremely necessary to certify reinforcement meshes according to Finnish quality standards. Certification process included incorporating the following Finnish standards TR361, SFS 1270 and SFS 1257 as well as Europe standards EN ISO 15630-1 and EN ISO 15630-2. It was necessary to find partner laboratory and cooperate with the inspection company. In addition, the production realization manual and measurement technology guide with measuring documentation had to be created. Parallel testing between inspection company VTT Ltd and parter laboratory in Tallinn University of Technology had to be carried out as well as initial type testing in VTT Ltd laboratory. During the final thesis reinforcement meshes produced by Tehas Metallist Ltd have been certified according to Finnish quality standards and reinforcement meshes have received FI quality labels. In order to meet Finnish quality standards the production realization manual was created for the Tehas Metallist Ltd. It describes production process of reinforcement meshes, starting from purchasing raw materials and ending with the sale of the product. Furthermore, the measurement technology guide was compiled, which include the instructions for carrying out mass per metre and rib geometry tests as well as tensile, bending and weld shear force tests. The guide also describes the testing conditions. All the manuals were created according to the European standards (EN ISO 15630-1, EN ISO 15630-2) and Finnish standards (TR 361, SFS 1257 and SFS 1270). During the certification process, author was cooperating with Estonian inspection company Inspecta OÜ and Finnish inspection firm VTT Ltd, who were authorized to observe AS Tehas Metallist by Inspecta OÜ. Inspection company VTT Ltd checked, whether the reinforced meshes produced by Tehas Metallist Ltd met the Finnish quality requirements by implementing previously mentioned tests in their laboratory. Test results were acceptable for Inspecta OÜ and Tehas Metallist Ltd received the FI certification. The sale of certified meshes started in March 2015. For the final thesis the sales volumes of three product groups (reinforcement meshes, bent armature bars, frames) were compared during the same periods of two different years (1.03.‒30.04.2014 and 1.03.–30.04.2015). Comparison revealed that sales volumes in the observed periods were quite similar and maintained the same level. Despite of the Finnish economic recession the company’s export capacity has not decreased and the firm has maintained it´s position in the Finnish market. The analysis of sales volumes showed that 21% of the products were FI quality labelled reinforcement meshes. From the total of the Finnish export volume, the company supplied 51% of certified products. Statistics clearly showed that FI quality label has maintained export sales volume in the same level. It could be very difficult for the company to sustain its competitive position in the Finnish market without meeting the Finnish quality standards in the current economic recession conditions. Today Tehas Metallist Ltd has an effective quality management and therefore, the reinforcement meshes have FI quality labels ensuring export sustainability and capacity to Finland.en
dc.publisherTallinna Tehnikakõrgkool
dc.subject.classificationWorking Life--Quality Studiesen
dc.subject.otherTööstustehnoloogia ja turunduset
dc.subject.otherIndustrial Technology and Marketingen
dc.titleAS Tehas Metallisti armatuurvõrkude ekspordisuutlikkuse tagamine Soome
dc.title.alternativeEnsuring the Exportability of the Reinforcement Meshes Produced by Tehas Metallist Ltd to Finland
