Elektriautode vale kuvand



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Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkool


Töö käigus tõi autor välja elektriauto omamise plussid ja miinused, omamiskulud, mõistlik kasutuspiirkond ning Eesti laadimisvõrgustiku, tuues selleks ka näiteid Norrast. Nii nagu iga autoga on, siis on ka elektriautoga nii, et sõiduk tuleb valida endale vastavalt vajadustele. Isik, kes peab päevas sõitma palju, kilomeetrites üle kolmesaja ja peamiselt maanteel, siis temale oleks kõige parem valik diiselmootoriga auto. Inimesele, kes aga elab peamiselt linnas või linna läheduses, sobib elektriauto sõidukiks väga hästi. Turg on suur, pidevalt tuleb uusi mudeleid peale, nii kõrgemas hinnaklassis kui ka odavamas hinnaklassis. Ka kasutatud elektriautode turg on suur. Laadimisvõrgustik on Eestis juba suur, kuid seda tuleb veel arendada, et igal suunal ning teekonnal oleks võimalik kiirlaadijas autoakusse kiirelt elektrienergiat laadida. Küll aga esimest elektriautot ostes peab isik tegema natukene rohkem taustauuringut ning ennast teemaga rohkem kurssi viima. Ehk siis näiteks, mis on auto laadimisvõimekus, mis on tema kodused laadimisvõimalused, mis on avalikud laadimisvõimalused, päevane ning aastane läbisõit, mis eesmärgil peamiselt autot kasutada jne. Faktoreid on palju, mis mõjutavad auto ostmist. Sama on ka praegu elektriautoga teel olla, näiteks sõita ühest linnast teise või kui teha autoga suurem reis kas Eesti siseselt või Eesti piiridest välja. Mis laadimisvõimalused kus on ning kui palju peab isik laadimiseks oma teekonda muutma. Autor tõi töö käigus välja elektriauto omamise nii eraisikule kui ka ettevõttele kommertssõidukina Eestis tegutsevate kullerteenuste ettevõtete näol. Elektriauto kommertssõidukina peatükis tõestati ära, et elektrisõiduki 100 kilomeetri hind tuleb soodsam kui samaväärse diiselsõiduki puhul, võttes arvesse tootja poolt ametlikud energia- ja kütusekulud. Antud töö jaoks tegi ka töö autor seitsme päevase testi elektriautoga, mille raames läbiti 551 kilomeetrit. Antud testi eesmärk oli aru saada, kuidas on elektriautot omada kortermajas, kus puudub igasugune laadimise võimalus. Testi kirjelduses toodi ka võrdlusi sisepõlemismootoriga auto puhul ning kui palju oleks maksma läinud antud seitse päeva kui autor oleks kasutanud enda sisepõlemismootoriga autot. Ka selles testis jäi jooksvate kuludega alla sisepõlemismootoriga auto, sest tuleb maksta nii parkimise eest kui ka bensiinihind on kõrgem kui elektrihind avalikus laadijas. Nagu eelpool öeldud, siis kõik sõltub lõpuks inimese vajadusest. Linnapildis on elektriauto ideaalne, maanteel sõites on samuti hea, kuid pikemaid sõite tehes tuleb arvestada asjaoluga, et elektriautode kiirlaadijaid ei ole veel igal pool nagu on kütusetanklaid. Sellega seoses tõi töö autor välja ka toetused avaliku laadimistaristu arendamiseks ning toetuse saamise peamised tingimused. Lisaks avalike laadijate toetusmeetmetele tõi töö autor välja ka riigisisesed elektriauto ostutoetuse ja ka korteriühistu laadimistaristu toetusmeetmed. Elektriauto omanike mentaliteet on kümne aasta jooksul muutunud. Enam ei muretseta läbisõidu pärast, inimesed oskavad oma elektriautot efektiivselt kasutada. Seda näitab ka töös välja toodud Tallinn-Tartu maanteel olev kiirlaadija hõivatus kahekümne nelja tunni jooksul. Elektriauto omanik laeb vajamineva elektrienergia kui seda üldse on vaja ning seejärel sõidab sihtpunkti välja. Võrreldes ka nii 2011 aasta Nissan Leaf´i ajakirjanike ülevaadet 2022 aasta Nissan Leaf´ga, siis on kadunud ka arvamus, et talvisel ajal peab elektriauto omanikul olema soe jope ja head kindad. Ehk siis salongi soojaks kütmine peaks toimuma laadija otsas nagu töö autor selle ka koduste laadimisvõimaluste all välja tõi. Elektriauto kasutaja maailmavaade erineb sisepõlemismootoriga auto kasutajast nii, et elektriauto kasutaja teab, kuidas raha säästa ning kuidas 100 kilomeetri hind võimalikult madalaks tuua. Kodus laeb öösel teatud tundidel kui börsihind on odav, autoga sõidab ökonoomsemalt ning rahulikumalt, maanteel sõites ei sõida üle kiirusepiirangu vaid pigem alla. Antud aspektidega saab auto omamiskulud väga madalaks ning see on ilmselt kõige suurem vahe elektriauto kasutaja ja sisepõlemismootoriga auto kasutaja mentaliteedis.

In the course of the work, the author pointed out the pros and cons of owning an electric vehicle, ownership costs, a reasonable area of use and the Estonian charging network, citing examples from Norway. As is the case with any vehicle, it is also the case with an electric vehicle that you have to choose the vehicle according to your needs. A person who has to drive a lot in a day, more than three hundred kilometers and mainly on the highway, then a vehicle with a diesel engine would be the best choice for him. However, for a person who lives mainly in the city or near the city, an electric vehicle is very suitable as a vehicle. The market is large, new models are constantly appearing, both in the higher price range and in the cheaper price range. The market for used electric vehicles is also large. The charging network in Estonia is already large, but it still needs to be developed so that it is possible to quickly charge electric energy into the vehicle battery in a fast charger in any direction and on the journey. However, when buying the first electric vehicle, a person needs to do a little more background research and familiarize himself with the topic. In other words, for example, what is the vehicle`s charging capacity, what are its home charging options, what are public charging options, daily and annual mileage, for which purpose the vehicle is mainly used, etc. There are many factors that influence the purchase of a vehicle. The same is the case with being on the road with an electric vehicle now, for example, driving from one city to another or making a larger trip with a vehicle either within Estonia or outside the borders of Estonia. What charging options are there and how much does a person have to change their route to charge. In the course of the work, the author pointed out the ownership of an electric vehicle for both a private person and a company as a commercial vehicle in the form of courier service companies operating in Estonia. In the chapter on the electric vehicle as a commercial vehicle, it was proved that the price of an electric vehicle per 100 kilometers is cheaper than that of an equivalent diesel vehicle, taking into account the manufacturer's official energy and fuel costs. For this work, the author of the work also performed a seven-day test with an electric vehicle, which covered 551 kilometers. The purpose of this test was to understand what it is like to have an electric vehicle in an apartment building where there is no possibility of charging. In the description of the test, comparisons were also made for a vehicle with an internal combustion engine and how much the given seven days would have cost if the author had used his own vehicle with an internal combustion engine. In this test as well, a vehicle with an internal combustion engine was inferior in terms of SUMMARY 33 running costs, because you have to pay for parking and the price of gasoline is higher than the price of electricity at a public charging station. As stated above, everything ultimately depends on the needs of the person. An electric vehicle is ideal in the city scene, it is also good when driving on the highway, but when making longer journeys you have to take into account the fact that there are not yet everywhere fast chargers for electric vehicles like there are gas stations. In this regard, the author of the paper also pointed out subsidies for the development of public charging infrastructure and the main conditions for receiving subsidies. In addition to support measures for public chargers, the author of the paper also pointed out domestic electric vehicle purchase support and housing association charging infrastructure support measures. The mentality of electric vehicle owners has changed over the past ten years. No more worrying about mileage, people know how to use their electric vehicle efficiently. This is also shown by the busyness of the rapid charger on the Tallinn-Tartu highway during twenty-four hours. The owner of the electric vehicle charges the necessary electrical energy, if it is needed at all, and then drives to the destination. Comparing the journalists' review of the 2011 Nissan Leaf with the 2022 Nissan Leaf, the opinion that the owner of an electric vehicle must have a warm jacket and good gloves in winter has also disappeared. In other words, the heating of the cabin should be done at the end of the charger, as the author of the paper also pointed out under home charging options. The mentality of an electric vehicle user differs from a vehicle user with an internal combustion engine, so that the user of an electric vehicle knows how to save money and how to bring the price of 100 kilometers as low as possible. At home, it charges at certain hours at night when the stock market price is cheap, driving is more economical and calmer, when driving on the highway you don't drive over the speed limit, but rather under it. With these aspects, the cost of owning a vehicle becomes very low, and this is probably the biggest difference between the mentality of an electric vehicle user and an internal combustion engine vehicle user.



Transport::Autotehnika::Autode ehitus::Auto elektriseadmed
