E-tellimuste esitamise keskkonna kasutamine Greencarrier Freight Services Estonia OÜ klientide näitel

dc.contributor.advisorJanno, Jelizaveta
dc.contributor.authorOrlov, Marko
dc.description.abstractGreencarrier Freight Services Estonia OÜ on välja arendanud veebipõhise tellimuste esitamise platvormi. Platvorm valmis 2018. aastal ning oli loodud mõttega, et lihtsustada klientide kui ka oma ettevõtte töötajate elusid. Digitaliseeritud tellimuste esitamise protsess hoiab kokku aega ning vähendab suurel määral inimliku eksimuse tekkimist kogus protsessis. Sellegipoolest pole antud lahendus levinud ettevõtte klientide seas. Töö eesmärgiks oli välja mõelda rakenduskava, mille järkjärguline rakendamine, peaks kliendid suunama kasutama antud veebiplatvormi. 1. Uurimuse raames vastati järgmistele uurimisküsimustele: Missugune on ettevõtte digitaliseerituse tase? 2. Missugune on tellimuste esitamise protsess ettevõttes täna ning milles seisnevad selle kitsaskohad? 3. Missugusel määral kasutatakse hetkel ettevõtte e-tellimuste esitamise keskkonda ning kuidas seda suurendada?et
dc.description.abstractWe are living in a time where almost every service and product is being digitalized. There are not many services left that you can not access the Internet. Nearly every industry in the world is represented online in some way or another. Younger generations are taught to live in a digitalized world from the moment they come into this world. Younger generations will dictate what the future will bring as they are used to live in a digitalized world; they also expect digitalization from the services and products they need. Furthermore, companies that do not adjust to change in the world will fall into obscurity, and if their competition adapts better to the changing world, they will take over. So it is more important now or never to be a step ahead and to know how to adapt and how to make plans in advance. In the logistics industry, many companies have realized that there is a change in the world. These companies are aiming for a higher level of digitalization to achieve efficiency and reliability. Companies have developed a way for their clients to order and manage their shipments online without having the need to read E-mails or contact a representative of the logistics company. Companies that have developed these online systems usually have a detailed plan on how to implement these opportunities and how to convince their clients to start ordering online. The main goal of this thesis was to develop a plan for Greencarrier Freight Services Estonia PLC on how to make ordering online for their clients more appealing.en
dc.publisherTallinna Tehnikakõrgkool
dc.subject.classificationTransport--Logistics--Information Systems in Logisticsen
dc.subject.classificationTransport--Logistika--Infosüsteemid logistikaset
dc.subject.otherTransport ja logistikaet
dc.subject.otherTransport and Logisticsen
dc.titleE-tellimuste esitamise keskkonna kasutamine Greencarrier Freight Services Estonia OÜ klientide näitel
dc.title.alternativeThe Introduction of Implementation of an E-Ordering Environment among the Clients of Greencarrier Freight Services Estonia PLC
