Rae valla jäätmekava 2015-2020



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Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkool


Töö käigus selgus, et jäätmehooldusega seotud keskkonnaprobleemid Rae vallas on võrreldes eelmise perioodiga (2010-2014) jäänud üsna samaks: ebaseaduslikud jäätmete mahapanekukohad, suvilapiirkondade jäätmehooldus, ebaseaduslikud ehitised Soodevahe külas ja jäätmete äraveo puudumine, tööstusjäätmete kõrvaldamisega seotud keskkonnaprobleemid ning avalike vanapaberi- ja pakendikonteinerite ümbruse prügistamine ja muude jäätmete (nt segaolmejäätmete) konteinerisse panemine. Samuti selgus, et aastast 2010 on segaolmejäätmete osakaal olmejäätmetes järk järgult vähenenud, vaatamata elanikkonna ja ettevõtluse kasvule, mida võib seostada jäätmete liigiti kogumise suurenemisega. Valla elanike seas läbi viidud jäätmete sortimise teemaline küsitlus näitas, et paljude elanike jaoks on jäätmete liigiti kogumise olemus jäänud endiselt segaseks. Samas võib väita, et jäätmete liigiti ära andmise võimaluste suhtes on küsitluses osalenud valla elanikel huvi siiski olemas – tehti ettepanekuid olukorra parandamiseks (näiteks kuhu ja kuidas võiksid olla paigutatud avalikud pakendi- ja vanapaberikonteinerid, kuidas oleks tõhusam inimesi teavitada erinevate jäätmeliikide ära andmise võimaluste kohta jms). Jäätmehoolduse olukorra parandamiseks vallas ning Riigi jäätmekava poolt püstitatud eesmärkide täitmiseks tehti autori poolt ettepanek rakendada mõningaid meetmeid, näiteks: valvekaamerate paigaldamine avalike pakendi ja vanapaberi kogumiskohtade juurde, kus on prügistamise probleemid kõige suuremad; pukkide paigutamine avalike vanapaberi- ja pakendikonteinerite juurde, et lapsed ulatuksid jäätmeid konteineritesse asetama; erinevate meisterdamisringide korraldamine haridusasutustes, kus lastele tutvustatakse korduskasutuse olemust jms. Lõputöö peamine eesmärk – Rae vallale uue ja reaalselt kasutust leidva jäätmekava koostamine aastateks 2015 -2020 sai täidetud. Töö valmimise hetkel antakse jäätmekavale viimaseid lihve Rae vallavalitsuse keskkonnaspetsialistide poolt, et järgnevalt see avalikustada ja saata avalikule arutelule.

A waste management plan is a document that describes the existing waste management situation in the country as a whole or in a local municipality’s area, and sets targets for the development of waste management for the next five years. Local municipality’s waste management plan is based on objectives that are set by the National Waste Management Plan. The new National Waste Management Plan for the period 2014-2020 was approved by the government in June 2014. An obligation to prepare a waste management plan for a local municipality derives from the waste law. The previous Rae Parish Waste Management Plan expired in 2014, which caused the need to prepare a new waste management plan for the years 2015-2020. The main goal of the given graduation thesis is to prepare a fully functional waste management plan for Rae parish that can be used to organize waste management in the municipality. The waste management plan was prepared in accordance with the municipal waste management planning guidance materials by Environmental Agency. In the process of preparing the plan necessary data was collected and analysed. The analysis includes conducting a waste sorting related survey among the parish population. Also the waste management plan gives an overview of the laws, regulations and directives of the European Union (such as waste law, packaging law and waste directive) on which the local waste management plan is based. The analysis showed that the environmental problems related to waste management in Rae parish compared to the previous period (2010 - 2014) remained mainly the same: illegal waste dumping sites, summerhouse area waste management, environmental problems associated with disposal of industrial waste and littering in the surroundings of public waste paper and packaging waste containers and placing other wastes (for example mixed municipal waste) in the containers. 56 Data analysis also showed that since 2010 the share of municipal waste in mixed municipal waste has gradually decreased, despite the growth of population and the business which can be associated to the increase in waste sorting. A waste sorting system related survey that was conducted among the parish population showed that for many residents the idea of separate waste collection remains unclear – for example a lot of survey participants believe that waste sorting includes only separating bio-waste from mixed household waste. However, it can be stated that participants of the survey are still interested in sorting waste– proposals were made to improve the situation (for example, where and how public waste paper and packaging containers should be placed, how to inform residents more effectively regarding disposal of different types of waste etc.). Based on the results of the conducted survey the municipal government of Rae parish has taken itself the following objectives: to improve the awareness of residents regarding disposal opportunities of bulky waste; enhance the overall waste sorting related notification; align slot sizes of public packaging waste containers (making slots more convenient for users); improve the placement of public packaging waste containers and consider founding a waste station in Peetri. In conclusion, the main objective of the given graduation thesis - to prepare a fully functional waste management plan for Rae parish that can be actually used to organize waste management in the municipality in the period 2015-2020 – was accomplished.


