Konkurentsivõime analüüs Auricu Oü näitel



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Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkool


Eesti ehitusturgu iseloomustab 2015. aastal stabiliseerumine. Ehitustegevus on küll hoogustunud, kuid seda peamiselt avaliku sektori tellimuste ja Euroopa Liidu [EL] abirahade toel. Samas on aga Euroopa Liidu rahastamisperioodil 2014-2020 ehitusinvesteeringute osakaal tunduvalt väiksem kui seni ning see mõjutab tugevalt ehitussektori hetkeolukorda Eestis. Ehitusmahud on 2015 aastal vähenenud, kuid ehitustööde hinnatasemed on pigem kõikuvad ning hinnalangust ehitusmahtude vähenemine kaasa ei too. Ühelt poolt toob ehitushangete vähenemine kaasa konkurentsi tihenemise, mis ehitushindu alla surub. Teiselt poolt jätkub kindlasti veel teatud aeg sisenõudluse tõus, mis survestab hindasid altpoolt. Siit saab ka järeldad, et keskmine kasumimarginaal ehitusettevõtetel lähitulevikus väheneb. Käesoleva lõputöö teemaks oli konkurentsivõime analüüs Auricu OÜ –s. Töö tegemiseks ja eesmärgi saavitamiseks kasutati konkurentsianalüüsi statistilist meetodit, mis põhineb majandusaasta aruannete ja muu avaliku info baasil. Lõputöö eesmärgiks oli välja selgitada, turupositisoon ning uue tegevusala lisandumisega tehtud kulutuste efektiivsus ning tasuvus. Samuti analüüsida ka seda, kui lihtne või raske on siseneda uue teenusega turule. Töö käigus läbi viidud juhtkonna küsitlemisena leiti, et Auricu OÜ hoiab hetkel keskmist turupositsiooni nii tööde hinna kui ka teenuste mitmekülgsuse, kompaktsuse ja kvaliteedi poolest. Selle uurimuse raames selgus, et tähtsaim ei olegi turupositsioon, vaid oluline on efektiivsus ja olla kliendikeskne. Auricu OÜ kasutab diferentseerimise strateegiat eristudes konkurentidest kompaktse teenuse, hea teeninduse ja parema töökvaliteediga, kuna ettevõttes on tööl kvalifitseeritud lepinguline tööjõud ning ettevõtte tööjõu värbamine ei ole projektipõhine. Ettevõtte jaoks on vajalik koolitatud, professionaalne ja motiveeritud tööjõud, kes on erialaselt oma oskustes kompetentsed ning oma asjaajamistes tõhusad. Antud tegevusvaldkonnas on konkurentsieeliseks ka masinapargi olemasolu, mis näitab müügikasvu võimalusi tulevikus, pidevat valmisolekut kliendi tellimusele ehk tööde efektiivsust. Kuna rasketehnika on kallis ning rentimine kulukas, siis näitab oma masinapargi omamine ettevõtte tugevust ja pidevat valmisolekut kliendi vajadustele. 2012. aastal lisandunud uue tegevusharu trassitööde tegemisega tehti suuremahulisi investeeringuid 2012. aastal ka põhivarasse rasketehnika näol summas 162 885 euri. Nii suured investeeringud aga ei suudagi end paari aastaga ära tasuda vaid vajavad pikemat perioodi tehtud kulutuste tagasiteenimiseks. Selleks et osata hinnata investeeringu otstarbekust, arvutati välja tasuvusaja näitaja, mille järgi peaks antud investeering ära tasuma 4,15 aasta pärast ehk siis aastaks 2019. aastaks. See ei ole pikk aeg selleks, et oluline osa põhivarainvesteeringust sissetulekutega kaetud saaks. Sisenemine turule uue tegevusalaga ei olnud aga sugugi keeruline, kuna ettevõte tegutseb ehitusvaldkonnas juba aastast 2007, omab pikaajalisi koostööpartnereid ning kontakte erinevatelt tegevusaladelt. Suureks edu eeliseks olid ka head kliendisuhted, koostöö ning efektiive töökorraldus ning kompetentne ja kvalifitseeritud meeskond. Konkurentsis püsimiseks ei pea omama turul liidripositisooni, vaid oluline on olla oma töödes ja tegemistes efektiivne ning kliendikeskne. Lõputöö valmimisel olid suureks abiks analüüsitava ettevõtte Auricu OÜ juhtkonnaliikmed, kes võimaldasid ligipääsu vajalikele andmetele ja informatsioonile

In 2015 the Estonian construction market will be characterized by stabilization. Construction activity has indeed picked up, but mainly thanks to public procurement and grants of the European Union (EU). At the same time, construction investments by the European Union on the funding period of 2014-2020 are significantly smaller than they have been until now, and that strongly influences the current situation of the construction sector in Estonia. Construction volumes have decreased in 2015, however the valuation of construction works is rather volatile and the decline of construction volumes will not lead to a drop in prices. On one hand, the decline of construction procurements increases competition, which represses construction prices. On the other hand, we can be sure that domestic demand will continue rising for quite some time, which will pressure prices for bellow. So it can be concluded that the average profit margin in construction firms will be reduced in the near future. The subject of this work is the analysis of competitiveness in Auricu OÜ. In order to complete the work and accomplish the purpose, a method of statistical analysis of competitiveness was used, which was based on annual reports and other public information. The aim of the thesis was to determine the market position and the efficiency and profitability of costs made for the addition of a new field of activity. Also to analyse how easy or difficult it is to enter the market with a new service. Through the interviewing of the board during the work, it was found that Auricu OÜ currently holds a average market position regarding the prices of the work, as well as versatility, compactness and quality of services. The author of the subject finds that the key does not lie in the market position, but in efficiency and being customer driven. Auricu OÜ uses a strategy of differentiation distinguishing itself from competitors through a compact service, good providing service and better quality of work, because it employs qualified contractual labour force and the company's recruiting is not project-based. The author of the thesis believes that project-based labour force would save the company a significant amount of money, but also the company could not be sure of the competence and skill levels of that kind of labour force. The company requires trained, professional and motivated labour force, who are professionally competent in their abilities and efficient in their dealings. In this area of service the existence of a machinery park is also a competitive advantage, which shows potential for sales growth in the future and constant readiness to customers' orders, ie work efficiency. As the rental of heavy equipment is expensive and leasing costly, owning a machinery park shows the strength and constant readiness of the company to the customers' needs. With the pipeline works of the new field of activity, which was added in 2012, large investments were made in the same year into fixed assets in the form of heavy machinery in the amount of 162,885 EUR. Investments as large as these will not be worthwhile after a few years, but need a longer period to earn back the expenditure. In order to assess the feasibility of the investment the author of the thesis calculated the payback indicator, according to which the investment should pay off after 4,15 years, ie by the year 2019. It is the opinion of the author that that is not a long time for a important part of the fixed assets to be covered by the income of the investment. Entering the market with a new service was not very difficult at all, because the company had been operating in the construction industry since 2007, owns long-term cooperation partners and contacts in various areas of activity. At this point, the author finds that the bigger advantages for success were also good customer relations, effective labour organization and a competent and qualified team. In conclusion, the author of the thesis wishes to say that to stay in competition one does not need to be in a leader's position, but instead, it is important to be effective and customer-oriented in their works and doings. The board members of Auricu OÜ, who facilitated access to the necessary data and information, were of great help to the completion of the thesis.


