GRP-alajaamade võrdlus senilevinud lahendustega ning turundusplaani koostamine



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Käesolev töö on on kirjutatud ettevõtte ABB baasil. Kirjeldatud on ABB globaalset toimimist, Eesti üksusi ning süvitsi komplektalajaamade tehast - nende toodangut, tootmismahte ja pakutavaid võimalusi. Diplomitöös on kõrvutatud ABB komplektalajaamade tehase toodangut. Võrdluseks on kasutatud ettevõtte siseinformatsiooni ning koostatud on SWOT-analüüsid ja võrdlustabelid nii materjalide omaduste kui ka kasutuskohtade väljaselgitamiseks. Võrreldud on lehtterasest, betoonist ja GRP-st valmistatud kestade keemilisi, füüsikalisi ja mehaaniliste omadusi. Keemiliste, füüsikaliste ja mehaaniliste omaduste võrdlus on oluline, et välja selgitada kesta sobivust erinevates keskkondades, nende mõjureid arvesse võttes. Võrreldud on iga kestalahenduse vastupidavust nii soojas kui ka külmas keskkonnas. ABB üks põhiväärtuseid on toota keskkonnasõbralikult ning selle tõendamiseks on ettevõttel omistatud keskonnajuhtimissüsteemi standard ISO 14001. Selgitamaks keskkonnasäästlikkust on töös kõrvutatud iga kestalahenduse utiliseerimist ja keskkonnamõjusid. Lõputöö esimene osa on lehtterase, betooni ja GRP võrdlus alajaama kesta materjalina ning võrdluse käigus on selgunud, et kõige optimaalsem on kasutada GRP-st valmistatud kesta, kuna materjali saab taaskasutada, lisaks on ta kerge nagu lehtteras, kuid tugevusomadustelt võrreldav betooniga. GRP-alajaam sulandub nii linnakeskkonda ning sobib paigaldada ka mereäärsetesse ja muutlike kliimatingimustega piirkondadesse. Kuna tegemist on uue tootega CSS tooteportfellis, siis lõputöö teine osa on turundusplaani koostamine, kus on kasutatud teoreetilist uuringut. Turundusplaani koostamise eesmärk on leida viis, kuidas uue tootega turule tulla. Plaan koosneb konkurentsikeskkonna analüüsist, kus on välja toodud turuolukord üle maailma ning kirjeldatud on konkurente Porteri 5 jõu meetodi abil. Konkurentsianalüüsist selgub, et turul tegutsevad ettevõtted, kes müüvad tooteid globaalselt kui ka neid, kes toodavad ainult oma piirkonnale. Konkurentide GRP-alajaamad on ühekihilised ning seetõttu tugevusomadused ja vastupidavus pole võrreldav ABB kahekihilise lahendusega. Turundusplaanis on kirjeldatud ideaalset klienti Gorchelsi tabeli abil, et reaalselt oma müügieesmärkideni jõuda ja ka kliendini, kes seda toodet vajab. Turundusplaani koostamise juures on oluline toode positsioonida ja välja töötada hinnastrateegia. Toote positsioonimiseks on toode esmalt segmenteeritud, seejärel 4D mudeli abil positsioonitud. Hinnastrateegia väljatöötamine on oluline, et kujundada toote hind ja sellega kliendini jõuda, samuti tuleb välja töötada hinnameetodi valik ja hinnapoliitika. Selleks on kasutatud võrdluseid betoonalajaamadega, et näidata GRP-alajaama puhul kokkuhoidu juba kraana- ja transpordikulutustelt. Käesolev töö on koostatud ABB komplektalajaamade turuarenduse- ja müügiosakonnale. Tööd saavad kasutada müügiinsenerid, et GRP-alajaamade müügi osatähtsust suurendada. Eesmärk on suurendada GRP-jaamade müügimahtu iga aastaga, selleks hõivates osa betoon- ja terasjaamade turust ning tänu väga headele vastupidavusomadustele leida uusi kliente rannikuäärsetes ja raskesti ligipääsetavates piirkondades.

The following thesis is written on the subject of „Comparison of GRP Substations Versus Current Solutions and Marketing Introduction Plan for GRP Substations.“ This thesis gives insight into ABB as a leading automatics and electronics corporation. In this paper there is introduced ABB-s area of expertise and products. Additionally this thesis describes the different structural production facilities and units in ABB Estonia. Mainly it focuses on CSS or Compact Secondary Substations factory and their production line. This thesis is divided into two parts. The purpose of this thesis is to compare different abilities and resistance to changing environments of galvanised steel, concrete and GRP substations. This determines the best material, that has the better mechanical, physical, chemical properties, and it gives better knowledge of the way it can be utilized in different environments. By comparing different materials, concluding what is the most innovative and cost-effective material used in the production of a substation and its enclosure. The second part of the thesis introduces the most optimal marketing plan for this type of substation. Marketing plan helps find the best substation type that is the best pick for clients in terms usage and longevity. A marketing plan helps position the product on the landscape and evaluate its strengths and possible uses. Considering these factors, suitable permanent partners are defined. Research has been done into the current market situation, competition, possible clientele, supply and demand. The first part of the thesis shows that from the three possible substation types: steel, concrete and GRP, the most cost-effective and optimal would be to use the GRP solution. This is due to the fact that the GRP material itself is reusable, material strength is comparable to concrete solutions and its weight is roughly the same as the steel solutions. GRP substation has many uses, it can be used in suburban areas, it blends well there, or seaside areas that are susceptible to harsh weather conditions. It is even used in desert locations where the temperatures vary and the sun ruins most other types. Since this is a new CSS product, the second part of the thesis is to create a marketing plan using extensive background research. This marketing plan helps find a way of producing and selling GRP substations on the existing market. An analysis about the competition and the environment has been created for the plan. It shows the situation of the current market all over the world and describes the competitors using the Porter 5 forces model. The analysis shows that most companies operating on the market sell their products globally but also that some produce substations internally for a select region. The GRP substations produced by the competition are lacking in some departments compared to ABB. Since their outer shell has only one layer of fiberglass, compared to ABB produced stations which have two, then its properties like strength and resistance are also diminished by two. The perfect client has been described and created using the Gorchels solution. This gives better understanding about sales expectations and the customers who would want this type of product. During the creation of the marketing plan it is vital to position the product and work out a pricing strategy. To position the product better it has been segmented and positioned using a 4D model. Working out a pricing strategy is necessary if we are to reach our clients and customers with a competitive price for the products. To achieve this a price policy has to be worked out. To do that, comparisons with concrete substations have been used to show the lower costs of erecting and installing GRP products as well as lowered transportation costs. The following thesis has been created for ABBs compact secondary substations market development and sales department. It can used by sales engineers to increase the volume of the GRP-substations and raise their significance in ABB portfolio. The purpose would be to increase GRP product sales yearly and by doing that, to reduce the market overdependence on steel and concrete solutions. Because of the special qualities of the GRP material itself, it allows for more flexibility for the client, since it can be utilized almost anywhere and is a good alternative for traditional solutions.


