Kauba tellimistarkvara kasutusele võtmise mõju ettevõtte Bauhof Group AS näitel



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Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkool


Käesolevas töös andis autor ülevaate kauba tellimistarkvara teoreetilisest taustast, uurimisstrateegia valikust ja tellimistarkvara kasutusele võtmisest ettevõtte Bauhof Group AS näitel. Lõputöö tulemuseks kujunesid vastused töö alguses püstitatud uurimisküsimustele ning ettepanekud ettevõttele. Töö teoreetilises osas kirjeldas töö autor kauba tellimuste koostamise protsessi ja tähendust ettevõtetele ning kauba tellimistarkvara osatähtsust selles protsessis. Iseloomustamaks tellimis-tarkvara vajalikkust, tõi töö autor välja näiteid erinevatest uuritava ettevõttega sarnastest rahvusvahelistest ettevõtetest, kus on kasutusele võetud uuritava ettevõttega sarnane või sama tellimistarkvara, ning andis ülevaate võitudest, mis tarkvara kasutusele võtmine mainitud ettevõtete jaoks endaga kaasa on toonud. Uurimisstrateegia valikut kirjeldavas peatükis andis töö autor ülevaate uurimustöö olemusest ja valitud uurimisstrateegiast, milleks oli antud töös juhtumiuuring. Lisaks kirjeldas autor kuidas teostada andmeanalüüsi. Töö autor andis lühiülevaate Bauhof Group AS-ist, keskendudes varudega seotud näitajatele. Ettevõtte kirjeldusele järgnes autori koostatud detailne kauba tellimisprotsesside kirjeldus ning nende protsesside kitsaskohad. Antud peatüki lõpus andis töö autor ülevaate tellimistarkvara valikust töö fookuses olevas ettevõttes ning tarkvara käivitamise protsessist. Lõputöö kolmandas peatükis esitas autor oma andmeanalüüsi tulemused alustades peatükki selgitusega, kuidas kogus antud töö tarbeks andmeid ettevõtte andmelaost ning tellimistarkvarast ja millist ajalist perioodi kasutas andmete analüüsimiseks. Analüüsi põhiosa esitas autor nelja erineva alampeatükina, kirjeldades toodete saadavust, laovaru, tarkvara koostatud ennustuste täpsust ja muudatusi tellimisprotsessides. Töö autor leidis, et toodete saadavus on kõigis töös vaadeldud toodete jaotuses paranenud ning seejuures on üldine laovaru mõnevõrra kasvanud, millest töö autori järeldas, et laovaru kasv on ennast õigustanud. Tarkvara koostatud ennustuste ja tegelike müükide võrdluse tulemusena leidis autor, et nende kahe näitaja absoluutne erinevus oli üle 10 protsendi. Autori koostatud tellimisprotsesside võrdlusest selgus, et põhiline muudatus seoses tarkvara kasutusele võtmisega oli ajavõit tellimuste koostamisel, kuid ajakulu tellimuste töötlemisel kauba tellimistarkvarast väljaspool jäi samaks.

For a company that is operating in retail, especially in building and gardening goods, ordering goods is a daily process that ensures the sustainability of the company´s sales activities. A retailer must be able to supply enough goods on shelves to ensure that customer´s purchase needs are met in order to be competitive in the current market situation. Providing sufficient quantities can be a competitive advantage if a company has well-functioning processes and modern tools. The aim of this thesis is to evaluate the changes in stocks and processes resulting from the introduction of replenishment software. The author wants to find answers to the following questions:  How does introduction of replenishment software affect the product availability in stores?  How does introduction of replenishment software affect the stock balance?  How accurate are software predictions compared to real sales?  How does introduction of replenishment software affect replenishment processes? The thesis is based on the example of the company named Bauhof Group AS, which is a building material retail store chain that has 13 stores in Estonia. The title of this thesis is “Introduction of replenishment software in the example of Bauhof Group AS”. The author prompted to investigate the subject of this thesis on the basis of this company, because the author herself was carrying out the software launch project and was directly involved with both the problems and the relevant data. The management of the company also wants to know whether the expectations made for implementing replenishment software have been met or not. The research method of the thesis is a case study and all the data is collected by the author herself from the company´s databases. In the theoretical part of the thesis, the author describes the meaning and processes of replenishment and the importance of replenishment software in the whole replenishing process. To illustrate the need of replenishment software, the author gives examples of various international companies that have introduced a such software into their daily work and gives an overview of the winnings that replenishment software introduction has brought to the mentioned companies. In the chapter describing the choice of research strategy, the author gives an overview of the nature of the research work and the chosen research strategy, which is case study. In addition, the author describes how to perform data analysis, which is a big part of current thesis. The author gives a brief overview of Bauhof Group AS by focusing on stock-related indicators. The description of the company is followed by a detailed description of the ordering processes and the bottlenecks of these processes. At the end of this chapter, the author gives an overview of the choosing process of replenishment software and how it was implemented in the Bauhof Group AS. In the third chapter of the thesis, the author represents the results of her data analysis starting with explanation of how the data was collected from company´s data warehouse and replenishment software and which time period was used. The main part of the analysis is represented in four sub-chapters, describing the availability of products, stock value, replenishment software accuracy and changes in replenishment processes. All analyses were done on general level, products´ turnover group level, product origin level, main theme level and store format level. The company´s goal was to increase product availability by 1,1% and the author found that it has improved since the replenishment software was implemented by 0,95%. The company´s goal for stock balance was to decrease it by 20% but instead the author found that stock balance has increased by 0,82%. The fact that stock has also decreased in some categories and availability has increased, gives an indication that in the future the software is able to decrease the stock. When comparing the real sales and predictions that were calculated by replenishment software, the author found that the absolute difference between the two indicators was over 10%. According to the authors opinion it´s good enough result because having such difference has still made it possible for the availability to increase and stock balance to stay almost the same. The comparison of the replenishment processes before and after the replenishment software was implemented revealed to the author that the main change was the time saving from compiling the orders with replenishment software, but there is more room for improvements in the process on sending orders to suppliers. The final parts of the thesis were author´s general conclusions and recommendations to the company that was used as an example and general conclusions of the whole thesis.


