Hooldenõuete kajastamine meedias ja meediakajastuste mõju liiklusohutusele



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Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkool


Kokkuvõtteks tuleks märkida, et antud lõputöö teema on väga aktuaalne nii Eesti elanikele kui ka autojuhtidele välismaalt, kuna Eesti liiklusõnnetuste statistika näitab, et viimase 7 aasta jooksul, olukord pole muutunud. Eestis peamised allikad informatsiooni teeseisundi ning ilmaolude saamiseks on internet (eriti maanteeameti ametlik veebileht Tarktee), raadio, televisioon, mobiilrakendused ning elektroonsed liiklusmärgid. Töö autor viis läbi 2 intervjuud spetsialistidega informatsiooni saamise eesmärgil. Intervjueeritavateks olid maanteeameti kommunikatsiooniekspert Kai Simson ja Tallinna kommunaalameti hooldusosakonna peaspetsialist Margus Metstak. Lisaks viis autor lõputöö käigus läbi küsitluse. Selle küsitluse eesmärgiks oli välja selgitada, kas inimesed Eestis on informeeritud teeseisundi kohta, kust nad saavad vajalikku informatsiooni teeseisundi kohta ning kas kasutavad inimesed seda informatsiooni või mitte. Küsitluse tulemused andsid vastuseid mitmetele küsimustele, mis tulevikus saavad aidata inimesi, kes töötavad selles tööpiirkonnas, et olukorda paraneda. Kai Simson andis autojuhtidele nõu kasutada maanteeameti ametlikku veebilehte Tarktee, kuid paljud autojuhid ei tea sellest veebilehest. Küsitluse tulemused näitasid, et ainult 13% vastanutest kasutavad Tarktee veebilehte. Eelkõige oma liigse enesekindluse, kiirusrežiimi rikkumise ning väikse distantsi sõidukite vahel tõttu võivad juhtuda liiklusõnnetused ning ainult autojuht vastab selle eest, mida võib juhtuda temaga sõidu ajal ebasoodsate ilmaolude ning teeseisundi korral. Asi ei ole selles, et leida süüdlast, vaid selles, et vähendada liiklusõnnetuste arvu ning suurendada nii informatsiooni kättesaadavust kui ka selle kvaliteeti autojuhtide jaoks. Nüüd, kui on olemas informatsioon sellest, milliseid allikaid kasutatakse teistes riikides informatsiooni teeseisundi kohta edastamiseks ning saamiseks, võiks kasutada neid riike eeskujuks, et paraneda olukorda Eestis ning vähendada liiklusõnnetuste arvu. Näiteks, kasuks tulevad informatsiooni edastamise viisid nagu: • SMS edastamine, • raadios tähtsa info edastamine, • hoiatusmärgid, • juba eksisteeritavate allikate reklaam, • sensoritega aktiveeritavad liiklusmärgid.

The aim of this thesis is to find out where do people get information about road conditions. To do this, it is necessary to analyze traffic accidents occurred in winter, how unstable weather and road conditions are reflected in the media and how they reach road users. Also, to find ways to develop the availability of road status information through the media. Every year, traffic volumes on Estonian roads are growing and, unfortunately, the number of traffic accidents is increasing. Over the last five years, the number of accidents with serious consequences has not significantly changed. The causes of road accidents are said to be weather and road conditions, especially in winter. The activities of the Road Administration are recorded more and more each year, but a large number of road users still do not understand, or do not receive information about the road conditions, status levels, and the specificities of winter traffic. [1] There is a problem today that drivers do not get enough information about the road condition and that causes road accidents. It often happens that due to bad weather, traffic conditions change unexpectedly, and people are unable to respond in a timely manner, and that leads to different consequences. Through the media, the biggest and most tragic traffic accidents are reported. The media tells us that the road accidents that happened have been caused by bad road conditions, but do not mention the driver's role in this traffic accident. Leaving the impression that a road accident occurred regardless of the driver, for example because of his/her speed or driving style. In conclusion, it should be noted that the topic of this thesis is very topical both for Estonian residents and drivers from abroad, as Estonian traffic accident statistics show that the situation has not changed in the last 7 years. The main sources of information on the state of the road and weather conditions in Estonia are the internet (especially the official website of the Road Administration Tarktee), radio, television, mobile applications and electronic traffic signs. The author of the work conducted 2 interviews with specialists for information purposes. The interviewees were the Communications Specialist of the Road Administration Kai Simson and the Chief Specialist of the Maintenance Department of the Tallinn Municipal Engineering Services Department Margus Metstak. In addition, the author conducted a survey during the thesis. The purpose of this survey was to find out whether people in Estonia have been informed about the state of the road and whether people use this information or not. The results of the survey provided answers to a number of questions that can help people working in this area to improve the situation in the future. Kai Simson advised drivers to use the Road Administration’s official website Tarktee, but many drivers are unaware of this site. The survey results showed that only 13% of respondents use the Tarktee website. In particular, there may be road accidents due to excessive self-confidence, speeding and small distance between vehicles, and only the driver is responsible for what may happen to him/her in the event of unfavorable weather and road conditions. It is not about finding the culprit, but about reducing the number of accidents, and increasing both the availability and quality of information for drivers. Now that the information is available on the sources used in other countries to transmit and receive information about the state of the road, these countries could serve as an example to improve the situation in Estonia and reduce the number of road accidents. For example, there are ways to communicate information like: • transmission of SMS message, • broadcasting important information on the radio, • warning signs, • advertising of existing sources, • side road activated speeds.


