Diiselmootori kübemefiltri manipulatsioonide tuvastamine
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Lõputöö "Diiselmootori kübemefiltri manipulatsioonide tuvastamine" kirjutati eesmärgiga tuvastada parim olemasolev meetod kübemefiltriga manipuleerimiste tuvastamiseks. Tööga leiti, et peenosakeste loendamine on kõige lihtsam ja kiirem viis kontrollida autol kübemefiltri olemasolu. Katsete käigus avastati, et autod, millel kübemefilter puudus, paiskasid õhku märkimisväärselt rohkem peenosakesi kui töökorras filtriga autod. Märgati ka, et Euro 6 määruses paika pandud regulatsioonidele vastavad Mercedes-Benz autod heidavad õhku neli kuni kümme korda rohkem peenosakesi kui teised samadele regulatsioonidele vastavad sõidukid. Kuna kasutati aga võrdlemisi väikest valimit, peaks kindla põhjuse välja selgitamiseks tegema täiendavaid katseid. Samuti tuleks läbi viia täiendavad katsed, et kindlaks teha peenosakeste loendamise meetodi tõhusus, mille järgselt võiks meetodi tehnoülevaatuspunktides kasutusele võtta.
The following thesis Ascertaining the Manipulations of Diesel Particulate Filter was written with the aim of determining the best method for recognising when a diesel particulate filter (DPF) has been tampered with. It was determined that the fastest and easiest way to make sure whether the car was still equipped with a DPF was the counting of the emission particles. The author found that cars which did not have a DPF emitted a considerably larger amount of particles than the ones with a DPF present. An anomaly was discovered in the form of Mercedes-Benz vehicles, which meet the regulations put in place with the Euro 6 decree, that were discovered to emit four to ten times more emission particles than other tested cars, which also fulfil the Euro 6 regulations. Due to the small number of test subjects, the author recognises that further research would be needed to determine the cause. The author is also of the opinion that further studies should be conducted to determine the usefulness and usability of the method of counting the emission particles.