Põllumajandustehnika teenindamiseks mobiilse töökoja valik, sisustamine ja kulude analüüs AS Taure näitel



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Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkool


Lõputöö teema valikul osutus määravaks praktika sooritamine ning tööpakkumine firma AS Taure poolt. Samaaegselt hakkas firma välja vahetama vana mobiilset töökoda/hooldussõidukit. Töö kirjutamisel alustati esmalt suhtlemist firma esindaja – hooldusjuhiga, et kas antud teemal on võimalus teha oma lõputööd. Jaatava vastuse saamisel selgitati välja nii firma, kui töötajate ootused ja kriteeriumid uue mobiilse töökoha valikule; erinevate tarbesõidukite pakkumised hetkel turul; erinevad hinnapakkumised sõidukite edasimüüjatelt. Pakkumiste saamise järgselt tegeleti andmete kandmisega tabelitesse ja andmete analüüsiga. Saadud info alusel toimus sõidukite võrdlus ja koostati paremus ja sobivusjärjestust ning valiti välja sobivaimad sõidukid. Seejärel prooviti sisustamisvõimalusi erinevate laos olevate kasutatud riiulitega. Teostati riiulite ümberehitusi ja täiustamisi. Samal ajal tutvuti erinevate töövahenditega ning nende maksumustega ja sobitati neid mobiilse töökoja sisustusega. Lõputöö viimases osas leiti mobiilse töökoja kilomeetri omahind ja tehti kuluanalüüs, mille tulemusena saab järeldada, et sõiduki tasuvusaeg on 24,12 aastat. Firma oli rahul, et sõiduki kilomeetri omahind suudetakse hoida hetkel konkurentsis ja hooldusbuss suudab oma kulud katta. Lõputöö tulemusena soetas firma endale ühe Renault Masteri hooldusbussi, millesse lisati modifitseeritud laos sesinud vanad riiulid. Tagasiside hooldusspetsialistilt, kes sai antud mobiilse töökoja enda käsutusse, on positiivne, sest sõiduki sisustuse paigutus on kompaktne ja mugav klientide teenindamiseks.

The choice of the topic of the dissertation turned out to be the completion of an internship and a job offer by the company AS Taure. At the same time, the company started to replace the old mobile workshop / maintenance vehicle. When writing the dissertation, they first started communicating with the company's representative - the maintenance manager, to see if there is an opportunity to do their dissertation on this topic. Upon receiving an affirmative answer, the expectations and criteria of both the company and the employees for the selection of a new mobile workplace were clarified; offers for various commercial vehicles currently on the market; different quotes from vehicle dealers. After receiving the bids, the data were entered into tables and the data was analyzed. On the basis of the information obtained, a comparison of the vehicles was made and a ranking and ranking of rankings was compiled and the most suitable vehicles were selected. Furnishing options were then tried with various used shelves in the warehouse. Shelves were rebuilt and upgraded. At the same time, the various tools and their costs were examined and matched to the equipment of the mobile workshop. In the last part of the dissertation, the cost price per kilometer of the mobile workshop was found and a cost analysis was performed, as a result of which it can be concluded that the payback period of the vehicle is 24.12 years. The company was pleased that the cost per vehicle kilometer could be kept competitive at the moment and that the maintenance bus would be able to cover its costs. As a result of the dissertation, the company purchased a Renault Master maintenance bus, to which old shelves from the modified warehouse were added. The feedback from the maintenance specialist who made this mobile workshop available is positive, as the layout of the vehicle's interior is compact and convenient for customer service.



TTK Subject Categories::Transport::Autotehnika
