Tootmisprotsesside efektiivsuse parendamine Industri Textil Job OÜ näitel



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Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkool


Kvaliteedi esmaseks objektiks on küll toode, mida ettevõte kliendile pakub ning kahtlemata on tähtis pakutava toote nõuetele vastavus. Samas on oluline, et ettevõte ei unustaks oma töötajaid – inimesi, kes kvaliteetseid tooteid peavad tootma. Ka nemad võiksid olla rahul töötingimuste, üldise sisekliimaga ning tunda ka rahulolu sellest, et neid kaasatakse ettevõtte protsessidesse. Kvaliteedijuhtimine on pidev protsess, mis ei saa kunagi lõplikult valmis. Alati on midagi, mida saab muuta paremaks. Et protsessid kulgeksid ettevõttes loogiliselt, on loodud hulgaliselt meetodeid ja tööriistu, mida vastavalt vajadusele saab kasutada. Pideva parendamise teekonna esimeseks sammuks loetakse 5S meetodit, mis on üks lihtsamaid, alustamaks korrastusprotsessidega mistahes tegevusalaga ettevõttes. Mõningaid kvaliteedijuhtimise tööriistu käsitleti lõputöö esimeses peatükis. Intervjuudest ettevõtte tegevdirektori ja tootmisjuhiga selgus, et üldjoontes on kahe juhi arvamused ettevõte kitsaskohtadest sarnased. Suurima erinevuse saab sõnastada küsimusena: kelle ülesanne peaks olema ettevõttes kvaliteedi probleemidega tegelemine ning kvaliteedijuhtimissüsteemi arendamine? Vaatluste esmane eesmärk oli kaardistada ettevõtte teise korruse tootmise hetkeolukord. Kõige ilmsemad puudujäägid avaldusid suures osas korra ja distsipliini probleemidena. Tehnoloogiliste protsesside järjekorra kaardistamisel selgus vajadus ümber hinnata seadmete tegelik kasutamise sagedus ning paigutus ruumides. Eesmärgiks oli leida alarakendatud seadmed, mis hõivavad ruumi ning takistavad tööoperatsioonides loogiliste järjestuste loomist. Tööaja kasutamise vaatlusandmeid analüüsides ilmnes samuti kitsaskohti, kus joonistus välja, et kinni ei peeta tööajast, esineb palju seisakuid ja ootamisi. Koostöös ettevõtte juhtidega sai alustatud 5S meetodi rakendamisega, mille tulemused on jäädvustatud ka töö viimases osas. Parendusi alustati seadmete ja tarvikute sorteerimisest. Vabaneti mittevajalikust, mida ei kasutata igapäeva töös. Ruumide korrastuse käigus tekkis võimalus vajalikele masinatele leida õmblusoperatsioonides loogilisem koht. Nii tekkisid tootmiskorrusel tootegruppidele nn omad töötsoonid. Selleks, et vajalikke näidiseid, detaile ning infot oleks kerge leida, markeeriti riiulitel kõik vajalik artiklietiketiga. Hoolimata sellest, et 5S meetodi esimeste sammudega ettevõtte teisel korrusel alustati, on järgmiseks etapiks saavutatud korra hoidmisele kaasa aitamine. Võtmesõnadeks on siin standardiseerimine, kontrollmehhanismide väljatöötamine, personali selle alane koolitamine ning isikliku eeskuju näitamine. Töö autor soovitab kvaliteedikontrollimist puudutavate tegevuste aluseks luua alusdokumendid kvaliteedi kontrollimist puudutavatest kriteeriumitest. Selleks on vaja üheselt mõistetavaid spetsifikatsioone, mis hõlbustaksid kontrollimist ning aitaksid vähendada ajakulu, mis tekib hetkel nende puudumisel, sest täpsustuste ja kooskõlastuste saamiseks tuleb pöörduda juhtide poole iga tekkinud tootekvaliteedi alase küsimusega. Kokkuvõtteks soovitab töö autor püsivate ja kõiki osapooli rahuldavate lahenduste väljatöötamiseks juhtkonnal leida aega. Aruteludesse tasub kaasata parendustest huvitatud töötajaid. Ükskõik, millise parenduse elluviijateks on needsamad inimesed, kuid parenduste väljatöötamisel on vajalik juhtkonna eestvedamine.

The aim purpose of this graduation thesis Possibilities of Improving the Efficiency of Production Processes on the Example of Industri Textil Job OÜ is examine current state of the company's production processes and to provide suggestions to help the management to make the necessary changes in order to make the production processes more efficient. The main bottlenecks in the company's production processes are downtime, problems with the reliability of machines, the order of production premises and discipline. The company wants to solve these problems, and this is the inspiration for the topic of this dissertation - what opportunities would make production processes more efficient? Based on the previous work experience in the company and the observations made during both the engineering practice (1.05.2020-21.08.2020) and the diploma practice (17.02. 2021-31.03.2021) and the assessment of the company's management, it can be stated that there are opportunities for improvement at all stages of the production process. Consequently, the author of the work has formulated the following idea, which is to improve the efficiency of production processes on the example of Industri Textil Job OÜ. In order to achieve the goal, the author of the work set the following tasks:

  1. Provide an overview of quality management methods
  2. Introduce Industri Textil Job OÜ
  3. Conduct an interview with the CEO and production manager
  4. Carry out surveys to map the current situation on the 2nd floor of the company
  5. Carry out time use observations
  6. Analyze data collected during interviews and observations
  7. Make proposals to improve the efficiency of production processes Chapter 1 introduces quality management methods and tools that could be used in the logical solution of unexpected situations and that would have a long-term impact. Chapter 2 introduces the company's field of activity and structure and deals with the process flow related to the main activity in general. In order to visualize the processes, the author also compiled a flow chart, which can be found in Appendix 4. An overview of the products manufactured on the 2nd floor of the company is also given, which helps to more fully understand what is covered in the chapter 3. Chapter 3 is related to the work research conducted in the company. In addition to the observations of the use of working time, the author of the work also analyzes the layout of the production floor and the movement of semi-finished products. Based on the research results, the author presents his / her own conclusions and makes suggestions for improvements. Interviews with the company's CEO and production manager revealed that, in general, the two managers' views on the company's bottlenecks are similar. The biggest difference can be formulated as a question: whose task should be to deal with quality problems in the company and to develop a quality management system? The primary purpose of the surveys was to map the current production situation on the second floor of the company. The most obvious shortcomings were largely problems of order and discipline. Mapping the sequence of technological processes revealed the need to re-evaluate the actual frequency of use of the equipment and its location in the premises. The goal was to find underutilized devices that take up space and prevent the creation of a logical sequence in work operations. The analysis of the observation data on the use of working time also revealed bottlenecks, where it was pointed out that working hours are not observed, there are many downtimes and waiting times. In cooperation with the company's managers, the implementation of the 5S method was started, the results of which are also recorded in the last part of the work. Improvements started with the sorting of equipment and accessories. We got rid of unnecessary things that are not used in everyday work. During the arrangement of the premises, it became possible for the necessary machines to find a more logical place in the sewing operations. The product groups work zones were created on the production floor. In order to make it easy to find the necessary samples, details and information, everything necessary was marked on the shelves with an article label. Despite the fact that the first steps of the 5S method were started on the 2nd floor of the company, the next step is to help maintain the order achieved. The key words here are standardization, the development of control mechanisms, the training of staff in this field and the setting of a personal example. The author of the paper recommends to create basic documents on quality control criteria as a basis for quality control activities. This requires unambiguous specifications that will facilitate inspections and help reduce the time currently spent in their absence, as managers will need to be consulted for any product quality issues that may arise. In conclusion, the author recommends that the management find time to develop lasting solutions that satisfy all parties. Employees interested in improvements should be involved in the discussions. No matter what improvements are made by the same people, leadership is needed to develop improvements.



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