Kaitseväe maismaasõidukite AdBlue uuring
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Lõputöös tutvuti Eesti kaitseväes kasutatavate sõidukitega ja nende konserveerimistingimustega. Oli kirjeldatud sõidukitel paigaldatud SCR-süsteemi tehnilised omadused ja AdBlue lahuse keemiline koostis. Hinnati kaitseväeosas konserveerimisel oleva sõiduki seisukorda. Uuriti võimalusi ja erinevaid metoodikaid, millega saaks parandada või isegi vältida SCR-süsteemi rikkeid. Saadud info ja andmete põhjal oli arvutatud sõidukite tegelik aastane läbisõit, mille põhjal oli ehitatud mudel, mille abil saaks näha tegeliku SCR-süsteemi efektiivsust ja kõrge efektiivsuse jaoks vajaliku aastase läbisõidu. Kasutades andmeid varuosade maksumuse kohta olid ka arvutatud konserveerimise jaoks vajalikud kulud ja ka võimalik raha kokkuhoid pikemas perspektiivis. Kuna olen teinud palju tööd, sain teada siis palju SCR-süsteemi tehniliste omaduste, süsteemis kasutatavate komponentide, veoautode süsteemi ehituse erinevuste ning ka AdBlue lahuse keemiliste omaduste kohta. Usun, et olen teinud Eesti kaitseväe hüvanguks suure ja kasuliku töö, mille tulemusena saab kaitsevägi minu poolt pakutud konserveerimismetoodikaid kasutada või vähemalt ettepanekuid silmas pidada.
In the Estonian defense forces, in addition to human resources, vehicles also have a great importance. In addition to the basic vehicles, the defense forces also have many specialized for different needs vehicles. Recently, the Estonian defense forces began to receive more and more modern vehicles with installed SCR-systems. Since vehicles are often preserved in defense forces to 1-3 years, the vehicle must be ready for immediate use when it is returned from preserving. Therefore, vehicles must be stored in such a way that they are able to go out at any moment. Since the SCR-system is expensive and there are currently no conservation instructions for vehicles with this system in defense forces, the aim of this thesis is to investigate the impact of the storage conditions of the vehicles used in the Estonian defense forces on the condition of the vehicle fleet and thereby find ways to reduce the failure that occurs during the storage of vehicles. In the thesis, the vehicles used in the Estonian defense forces and their preservation conditions were introduced. The technical characteristics of the SCR-system installed on the vehicles and the chemical composition of the AdBlue solution were described. The condition of the vehicle being conserved at the defense forces was assessed. Possibilities and different methodologies were explored to improve or even prevent SCR-system failures. Based on the received information and data, the actual annual mileage of the vehicles was calculated, on the basis of which a model was built, which could be used to see the actual effectiveness of the SCR-systems and the annual mileage required for high efficiency. Using the data of cost of spare parts, the necessary costs for conservation were also calculated, as well as possible money savings in the long term. Since I have done a lot of work, I learned a lot about the technical characteristics of the SCR-system, the components used in the system, the differences in the construction of the truck SCR-systems and also the chemical properties of the AdBlue solution. I believe that I have done a great and useful work for benefit of the Estonian defense forces, as a result of which the defense forces can use the conservation methodologies I have proposed or at least keel the suggestions in mind.