Kodutud naised Eestis



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Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkool


Kodututel on valikuid kui neile antakse ja kohalikel omavalitsustel on võimalusi, siis saavad nad elada varjupaigas. Kuid samuti ei ole kodutud oma sellist väärikust kaotanud, et nad läheksid ise abi küsima, neid on kas suunatud või juhuse tahtel varjupaika viidud. Kodutud naised tunnevad ennast tõrjutuna ja ühiskonnast võõrana, kuid nad püüavad oma elukorraldusega kohaneda. Läbi viidud uurimistöö põhjal tuli välja küll, et kodutud naised ei soovi olla varjupaigas, kuid sealne elu on neile turvaline, soe ja odav. Kuigi võib olla ka neid kodutuid naisi, kellel oleks võimalik sissetulekuga üürida endale korter, kuid siiski ei leia linnavalitsus neile sobivaid sotsiaalkortereid. Olles suhelnud nende naistega, siis tundus justkui, et tegu võib olla nende vanusega, miks linn ei soovi anda neile elamiseks sotsiaalkorterit. Enamus neist on sattunud varjupaika halbade asjade kokkulangevusega või siis valede inimeste usaldamisega. Kodutuks jäämise suurim põhjus oli kindla eluruumi puudumine. Kuid tihti arvatakse, et seal taga on alkohol, siis antud naised alkoholi tagajärjel kodust ilma ei jäänud, kaks neist tunnistasid, et neile meeldib alkoholi tarvitada, kuid see ei olnud peamine kodutuse põhjus. Kodutute naiste olukord võib olla keeruline, kuna kodutusele lisaks võivad kaasneda probleemid nagu vägivald, sõltuvused ning vaimse tervise häired. Kodutuid võib aidata tavaellu naasta eluasemeteenus, näiteks võiks olla neil ühiselamu moodi toad, kus on köök ja dušši nurk neil privaatselt toas. Samuti võiks olla neile suunatud erinevaid programme, mis aitaks neil taas kodutuse seisundist välja tulla, kus õpetatakse koostama CV, vaatama töökuulutusi, korterikuulutusi ja muid vajalikke tegevusi, mis tavaellu naasmise jaoks oluline on. Kindlasti võiks olla tugiteenus. Kindlasti võiks olla vaimse tervise teenus, mis on neile mõeldud tasuta ja mis ongi suunatud kodutud naistele, vajadusel sõltuvusravi ja muu nõustamine mis aitab neil toime tulla traumaatiliste kogemustega. Suuresti aitaks ka haridus ja tööalane abi, oluline oleks koolitused, mis aitaks naistel tavaellu naasta. Väga suur tegur oleks ka tugivõrgustik, kes aitaks naistel toime tulla probleemidega, mis neil võib tavaellu naastes tekkida. Kodututele naistele võiks olla erinevaid tugigruppe mis aitaks neil toime tulla tavaelus, võiks olla tugigrupp kus räägivad teised naised, kuidas nad on naasnud kodutusest tavaellu ja kuidas nad hakkama saavad. Käsitööga tekkis idee, et miks mitte ei võiks kodutud naised rakendada oma oskuseid ja teha laatu või mõni üleskutse, kuidas neil oleks võimalik oma käsitööga endale sissetulek võimaldada. Nii lihtsad asjad, millega ei tegeleta.

The research subject of the current paper is „Homelessness Women in Estonia.“ Since 1991, homelessness has become a social problem in Estonia, leading to the establishment of various shelters to alleviate it. Although Estonia's standard of living may seem high, in reality, economic difficulties in Estonia, along with other social issues such as alcoholism, have been one of the causes of homelessness. This thesis has been conducted using a qualitative method to better understand homeless women and to comprehend their needs for returning to normal life. Therefore, the aim of the thesis is: to analyze the reasons for women becoming homeless and the possibilities for their reintegration into society in Estonia. Accordingly, the thesis consists of four chapters and sets three research objectives: To elucidate homelessness as a phenomenon and the issues faced by homeless women from the perspectives of system theory and communication theory. To analyze the reasons for women becoming homeless. To clarify the opportunities for Estonian homeless women to reintegrate into society. Homeless people have options when they are given and local governments have possibilities, they can live in shelters. But homeless people have not lost such dignity that they would seek help themselves, they have either been directed or taken to a shelter by chance. Homeless women feel rejected and estranged from society, but they try to adapt their way of life. Based on the conducted research, it turned out that homeless women do not want to be in shelters, but life there is safe, warm, and cheap for them. Although there may be homeless women who could afford to rent an apartment with income, the city government still does not find suitable social apartments for them. Having communicated with these women, it seemed as if it might be their age that the city does not want to provide them with social housing. Most of them have ended up in shelters due to a combination of bad circumstances or trusting the wrong people. The main reason for becoming homeless was the lack of a specific place to live. But it is often assumed that alcohol is behind it, then these women did not lose their homes due to the consequences of alcohol, two of them admitted that they like to drink, but that was not the main reason for homelessness. The situation of homeless women can be difficult, as in addition to homelessness, problems such as domestic violence, addictions, and mental health disorders may occur. Homeless people can be helped to return to normal life through housing services, for example, they could have dormitory-style rooms with a kitchen and shower area for their privacy. There could also be various programs aimed at helping them overcome homelessness, where they are taught to compile CVs, look at job postings, apartment listings, and other necessary activities for returning to normal life. Surely there should be support services. Surely there should be mental health services, which are free and aimed at homeless women, if necessary addiction treatment and other counseling to help them cope with traumatic experiences. Education and employment assistance would also greatly help, it would be important to have training programs to help women return to normal life. A very important factor would also be a support network that would help women deal with the problems that may arise when returning to normal life. There could be different support groups for homeless women to help them cope with everyday life, there could be a support group where other women talk about how they have returned to normal life from homelessness and how they cope. With handicrafts, the idea arose, why couldn't homeless women apply their skills and organize a fair or some initiative to allow them to make a living from their handicrafts. Such simple things that are not dealt with.



Sotsiaaltöö::Sotsiaalhoolekande korraldus, Sotsiaaltöö::Sotsiaalpoliitika
