Tänavavalgustuse maksumuse analüüs tulenevalt mastide kõrgusest



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Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkool


Diplomitöö eesmärgiks on analüüsida TNV maksumuse kujunemist sõltuvalt mastide kõrgusest. Tihti ei pruugi tellijale olla lähteülesande saavutamise vahendid arusaadavad ja projekteerijale esitatav lähteülesanne neid eesmärke pärssiv. Töö esimeses peatükis selgitatakse TNV olulisust ja nõudeid ning ootusi, millele kaasaegne TNV peab vastama. Jätkatakse ehitamiseks vajalikke komponentide käsitlemisega, tuues välja nende olulisus ning läbi konkreetsete hindade näidatakse iga osa maksumust tervikus. Näidatakse võimalusi, kus valgustuse ehitusel saab saavutada kokkuhoidu ning põhjendatakse, mis sellega kaasneb. Teine peatükk kirjeldab TNV maksumuse kujunemist. Autor selgitab töös kasutatava elektrihinna valiku kriteeriume. Põhjendatakse ja selgitatakse valitud hinnastamismetoodikat, sh nagu ehitusmaksumuse, ekspluatatsiooni- ja hoolduskulude olemust ning vastavate kulurühmade osakaalu tervikus. Esitatakse kulusid, mis hõlmavad erinevaid tööoperatsioone. Tuuakse välja ehituskulud kuue- ja kaheksameetriste mastide kohta. Selgitatakse erinevate sisendandmete saamist ja leidmist lõputöös. Kolmanda peatüki alguses selgitab autor analüüsi meetodit ning selleks sobivate andmete saamist. Peatükk jaguneb kaheks, kus esimeses alapeatükis antakse tulemused "E" _"k" kulude kohta, selgub kõrgemate mastidega TNV soodsam hind ning otsitakse selle põhjuseid. Põhjenduse leiab ehituskulude suur osakaal ning võrreldakse madalamate ja kõrgemate mastide ehituskulusid. Autor toob välja põhjuse eelistamaks projekteerimisel kõrgemaid maste. Edasi käsitletakse ekspluatatsioonikulusid ning ei leita märkimisväärset seost sellel mastide kõrgusega üldisesse kulusse. Koondtabeli analüüsimisel järeldatakse, et kaasaegse valgusti energiatõhusus saavutatakse õige optika valikuga ning valgusti kõrgus ei osutu siin ainumääravaks. Alapeatüki viimases osas uuritakse TNV hoolduskulusid, saadakse nende üksühene seos ehituskuludega ning jõutakse ainuvõimaliku järelduseni hoolduskuludelt säästmiseks. Kolmanda peatüki teises osas analüüsitakse töö vastavust standardile ning selle piki- ja üldühtluse nõuete asjakohasust käesolevas lõputöös. Autor tõdeb, et standardist tulenevad soovitused ei ole resultatiivsed. Töö tulemusena valmis valgustite koondtabel (Lisa 5), mis võimaldab analüüsida TNV kulusid liigiti. Andmetabelist jäetakse põhjendatult välja erivõimsusnäitaja. Kokkuvõtvalt jõutakse töös järeldusele, et KOV-le on majanduslikult optimaalseim ehitada TNV kõrgemate mastidega.

When drawing up a street lighting design, the designer receives from the client the terms of reference, which may include the specified lighting class and the recommended heights of the lighting masts. Often, the contracting entity does not fully understand the means that need to be used to fulfil the requirements included in the terms of reference. Therefore, it happens that the initial task presented to the designer may hinder the achievement of those objectives. The obligation arising from engineering ethics - to provide the most effective solution - must remain a priority, unless the initial task requires something else. The aim of the thesis “Cost Analysis of Street Lighting Considering Mast Height” is to provide an effective street lighting solution to the local government. The study examines the price of street lighting at two different mast heights. A luminaire that is placed higher consumes more energy for illumination than the one that is placed lower; however, the distance to the next luminaire is longer. As far as the author of the work is aware, in Estonia no such analysis has been carried out on street lighting before. A comparable material has been issued in Finland [2], but it is for the design and pricing of road lighting , and it does not include examples of streets in a cost-benefit analysis. The first chapter of the work explains the importance and requirements of street lighting and clarifies the expectations that modern street lighting must meet. Subsequently, it deals with the components necessary for construction, highlighting their importance and, through detailed prices, the cost of each component is shown in the total. The chapter further focuses on some ways in which savings can be achieved in the construction of lighting. Also, the consequences of it will be explained. The second chapter describes how the cost of street lighting is calculated. The author explains the criteria used in the thesis for choosing the electricity price. The pricing methodology chosen is justified and explained, including, for example, the nature of the construction costs, as well as the operating and maintenance costs and their proportion in the total costs. The chapter presents costs covering different operational activities. It further indicates the construction costs for 6 m and 8 m masts. The chapter explains how different input data can be obtained and retrieved. At the beginning of the third chapter, the author explains the method of analysis and how the suitable data can be obtained. The chapter is divided into two parts. The first part gives results on the present values of lifecycle costs, shows a more favourable price for street lighting with higher masts and looks for the reasons for it. It justifies the high proportion of construction costs and a comparison is made between the construction costs of lower and higher masts. The author explains why higher masts should be preferred when designing. The author then considers the operating costs and does not find it to have a significant correlation with the height of the masts in the overall cost. From analysing the summary table it is concluded that the energy efficiency of the modern luminaire is achieved with the right choice of optics and the height of the luminaire did not prove to be the sole determinant in this case. The last part of the sub-chapter examines the maintenance costs of street lighting, establishes their direct link with the construction costs and leads to the only possible conclusion that the design will determine future maintenance costs. The second part of chapter 3 examines the compliance of the work with the standard and the appropriateness of its longitudinal and overall uniformity requirements. The author states that the recommendations arising from the standard do not lead to the desired result. The result of the present thesis is a summary table of luminaires, which allows to analyse the costs of street lighting by type. The exclusion of the power density indicator (PDI) from the data table is justified. Finally, the thesis concludes that it is economically optimal for the local government to build street lighting with higher masts.



Ehitus::Teedeehitus::Tee ehituse kavandamine::Tehnovõrgud, Majandus and ärijuhtimine::Ehitusökonoomika, Mehaanika::Elektrotehnika ja elektriseadmed
