Materjaliarvestuse digitaliseerimine ettevõttes Lipuvabrik OÜ näitel



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Käesoleva lõputöö eesmärgiks oli ettevõttes Lipuvabrik OÜ rakendada automaatne materjaliarvestus majandustarkvaras Standard Books. Töö eesmärk oli üks osa suuremast ettevõttesisesest digitaliseerimiskavast, mille elluviimine algas 2021 aastal. Materjaliarvestuse rakendamiseks koostati vajalikud eeldusülesanded ja täitevülesanded. Ülesannete täitmiseks tutvus autor tarkvara kasutusjuhenditega ning omandas tarkvara kasutamiseks vajalikud teadmised ja oskused. Järgides äritarkvara funktsionaalsuse loogikat täideti esmalt püstitatud eeldusülesanded. Retseptide koostamine ja funktsionaalsuse testimine võttis ajaliselt kogu väldanud perioodist enamuse. Seejärel oli võimalik ellu viia täitevülesanded, mille täitmises osalesid lisaks autorile ka teised osapooled – Excellent Business Solutioni konsultandid. Materjaliarvestuse digitaliseerimise projekt kestis kokku seitse kuud – juuli 2023 - jaanuar 2024. Uue protsessivooga on ettevõte töötanud peaaegu pool aastat. Selle perioodi jooksul on saanud ettevõte hinnata rakendatud funktsionaalsuse toimimist, selle tulemusi, kasutegureid ja puudusi. Plussid: • Laoarvestus toimub automatselt – kauba sisseost ja müük on omavahel seotud ja toimub programmipõhine käibeanalüüs; • Materjaliarvestus toimub retseptipõhiselt – toodete valmistamiseks vajaminevate komponentide koguste arvestus toimub automaatselt; • Materjalikulu rahas ja omahinna arvutamiseks vajalik sisend on võimalik pärida programmi aruandena. Miinused: • Aastaid tagasti loodud lahenduse jõustamine muutunud tänapäevas enam ei rahulda 100% ettevõtte vajadusi; • Programm ei ole algselt loodud tootmisettevõtte teenindamiseks ja erinevad töövood teevad protsessi keerulisemaks, kui vaja. Digitaliseerimisprojekti lõpuleviimiseks tuleb edasi liikuda kava järgmiste etappidega. Kuna kava koostamise ja projekti elluviimisega alustamise vahel on olnud pikk ajaline paus, siis on soovituslik esialgne kava vajaduspõhiseid muutusi arvesse võttes üle hinnata. Ettevõtte väga suur toodetavate müügiartiklite kogus nõuab süsteemsemat laostruktuuri väljatöötamist, mida selles projektis veel läbi ei viidud.

Digitalization of Material Accounting on the Example of the Company Lipuvabrik OÜ The aim of this graduation thesis was to implement automatic material accounting in the company Lipuvabrik OÜ within the Standard Books accounting software. The objective of the work was part of a larger internal digitalization plan of the company, which began in 2020. Due to the internal and external obstacles (for ex. lack of personnel, pandemic, and Russian-Ukrainian war), the digitalization project itself started on late summer 2023. The first task planned by the board was to digitalize the material accounting for the production department. For the implementation of material accounting, necessary preliminary tasks and executive tasks were compiled. To fulfil these tasks, the author familiarized themselves with the software manuals of Standard Books business software and acquired the necessary knowledge and skills for using the software. Following the logic of the business software's functionality, the preliminary tasks were initially completed. Main part of those was the composing the bill of materials for each article of production. Subsequently, it was possible to implement executive tasks. The kay activities were preparing test-cases and testing the functionality. During the seven weeks of testing multiple test rounds were taken. All findings were reported to the software provider company, fixed and tested again. When all tests gave the expected results, new functionality was implemented. Implementation plan was prepared in four stages and executed in sequence. Full implementation in which other parties, besides the author, also participated – consultants from Excellent Business Solutions was done at the beginning of January 2024. The company has been operating with the new process flow for almost half a year. Pros: • Inventory accounting is automatic – purchasing and selling of goods are interconnected and programmatically analysed for turnover; • Material accounting is recipe-based – the calculation of quantities of components required for product manufacturing is done automatically; • Material costs in money and the input required for calculating the cost price can be obtained as a report from the program. Cons: • Implementing a solution created years ago no longer satisfies 100% of the company's needs in the changed present; • The program was not originally designed to serve manufacturing companies, and different workflows complicate the process more than necessary. To complete the digitization project, it is necessary to proceed with the next stages of the plan. Since there has been a long gap in time between planning and starting the project implementation, it is advisable to reassess the initial plan. The very large quantity of products produced by the company requires the development of a more systematic warehouse structure, which was not yet carried out in this project.



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