Korterelamu kavandatav energiasäästlikkuse analüüs energiasimulatsioonide alusel



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Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkool


Analüüsi käigus jõudis lõputöö autor järeldusele, et ka olemasoleva kortermaja ehitamise planeerimisel oleks tulnud rohkem pöörata tähelepanu energiasäästule ja eluruumide sisekliimale. Kui olemasolevale korterelamule on väljastatud energiamärgis C, siis tegelike aastaste energiakulude põhjal, mille KEK on 159 kWh/(m2a), peaks olema energiamärgis D. Kuigi selleks, et hoone energiatarve võinuks olla kuni 100 kWh/(m2a), tulnuks teha olulisi kulutusi, usub lõputöö autor, et ka tänases majanduslikus olukorras oleks korterite müük õnnestunud. Korterelamu, mis vastab liginullenergiahoone nõuetele, on parema sisekliimaga ja pikas perspektiivis ka kuluoptimaalsem, kui korterelamu, mille energiakulu KEK on 159 kWh/(m2a). Uue konstruktsioonilise lahenduse valikul soovis lõputöö autor jõuda tulemusele, mis oleks energiatõhus ja majanduslikult mõistlik. Lõputöös toodud konstruktsioonilised lahendused vastavad igati soovitule. Ka alapunktis 4.2.1. valitud vabasoojuskoormuse vähendamise lahendus on lõpptulemust arvestades sobilik. Kinnisvaraarenduses tegutsedes pean olema kindel, milliseid kortereid edaspidi „turg“ soovib. Lõputöö autor on veendunud, et vaatamata praegustele madalatele energia hindadele on nii tulevikuklient kui ka tänane klient huvitatud pigem maksma korteri soetamisel kõrgemat hinda, kui elama kesise sisekliimaga ja kõrgete igakuiste energiale kuluvate maksetega korteris. Samas, ebamõistliku lahenduse alusel ehitatud korteri eest ei soovi keegi maksta. Käesolev lõputöö tõestas, et ka antud korterelamu A energiaklassi lahendusega ehitamine on mõistlik. Vaadeldes tasuvusarvutusi, on selgelt nähtav, et A energiaklassi ehituslahendus on lühema tasuvusajaga kui B energiaklassi ehituslahendus. Kuigi lõputöö autoril oli kahtlus 31.12.2020 ehituses kehtima hakkava taastuvenergia kasutuselevõtunõude suhtes, siis lõputöö arvutuste põhjal olid kahtlused asjatud. Autori arvates, et liginullenergiahoone ehituslikust kallinemisest tingitud korterite hinnatõus on tulevastele korterite ostjatele vastuvõetav ja kasulik.

“Analysis of the Planned Energy Efficiency of the Apartment Building on the Basis of the Energy Simulations” The object of this thesis is the apartment building with 18 apartments (located at Pargi 2d, Keila) that was completed in Spring 2014 and was issued a Class C energy certificate. The goal of the thesis consists of three parts: Firstly: Whether the energy efficiency principles were taken into account in the process of construction of the building? What would have been the result, if the structures and equipment were more energy efficient? Would it ensure a much better outcome? Secondly: Since the author of the thesis was the one to design and build the analyzed apartment building, it is planned to use the construction design of the building further on. While planning next buildings, this project is to be made more energy efficient taking into account cost-optimal construction. Thirdly: After 31 December 2020 all new residential building shall comply with nearly zero-energy consumption standard [3]. This means that the energy efficiency factor can be greater than 0 kWh/(m2a), but for residential building shall not exceed 100 kWh/(m2a). It should be determined whether the energy efficiency requirements of the Construction Act are reasonable, considering additional expenses required to achieve the suitable result. In the process of the analysis the author of the thesis came to the clear conviction that while designing the particular apartment building more attention should have been paid to energy saving and indoor climate. The existing apartment building has a Class C energy certificate, while based on the actual annual energy consumption the weighted specific energy use is 159 kWh/(m2a) which corresponds to Class D. Despite the fact that for the building’s energy consumption to be below 100 kWh/(m2a) significant expenses are required, the author of the thesis believes that even in today’s economic situation the apartments would sell successfully. An apartment building that complies with the nearly zero-energy consumption standard has a better indoor climate and in long term is also more cost-optimal, than an apartment building with the weighted specific energy use of 159 kWh / (m2a). In selecting the new design solution, the author of the thesis wanted to achieve a result that would be energy efficient and economically feasible. The constructional solutions set out in the thesis fully achieve this goal. Considering the final result, the free heat load reduction solution set out in Section 4.2.1 is also appropriate. Being involved in real estate, one need to be sure what kind of apartments will be actually in demand on the market. I am convinced that despite the current low energy prices the customer – both today and in the future – is more interested in paying a higher price when buying the apartment, than living with a poor indoor climate and high monthly energy expenses. Nobody would want to pay for apartments based on unreasonable solutions. This thesis proves that construction of this apartment building according to energy Class A requirements is feasible. Economic calculations clearly demonstrate that a Class A solution has a shorter payback period than a Class B one. Although the author of the thesis has had serious doubts with regard to implementation of the renewable energy requirements in the construction sector by 31 December 2020, the calculations performed during work on this thesis demonstrated that these doubts were unfounded. I am sure that the increase of the price of apartments causes by the buildings complying with the nearly zeroenergy consumption standard is acceptable and useful for future apartment buyers.


