Olemasoleva elamu seisukorra analüüs ja rekonstrueerimise ettepanekud

dc.contributor.advisorHamburg, Pille
dc.contributor.authorLootus, Siim
dc.description.abstractTöös analüüsiti aadressil Vana-Kalamaja 17, Tallinn oleva neljakorruselise telliselamu väliskonstruktsioone ja tehnosüsteeme, anti rekonstrueerimise ettepanekud ning arvutati ettepanekute põhjal koostatud renoveerimispakettide maksumused. Analüüsi käigus koostati hoone digitaalsed ülesmõõtmisjoonised, arvutati soojuserikaod läbi välispiirete, külmasildade, ventilatsiooni ja infiltratsiooni. Töö käigus teostati ruumide sisekliima mõõtmised (suhteline õhuniiskus ja temperatuur), millest järeldus, et suhteline õhuniiskus siseruumides ei vasta alati lubatud normidele. Hoone probleemideks on moraalselt amortiseerunud soojustuslahendus, mittetoimiv ventilatsioonisüsteem ja ebaefektiivne küttesüsteem (ühetorusüsteem). Vastavalt probleemidele koostati kolm erinevat rekonstrueerimispaketti, kus pakett 0 sisaldas hädavajalikke töid hoone sisekliima tagamiseks ja konstruktsioonide püsimiseks. Pakettides I ja II pakuti välja hoone kompleksset rekonstrueerimist, mille käigus soojustatakse hoone välispiirded, vahetatakse aknad ja paigaldatakse need soojustuse sisse ning paigaldatakse uus kütte- ja ventilatsioonitorustik koos uue soojustagastiga ventilatsiooniseadmega. Projektis arvutati vastavalt majandus- ja taristuministri määrusele "Hoone energiatõhususe arvutamise metoodika“ (Vastu võetud 05.06.2015 nr 58) lihtsustatud meetodil hoone kütteenergiakulu. Kütteenergia kulu on võimalik tervikliku rekonstrueerimisega oluliselt vähendada, sealjuures paraneks ka sisekliima. Töös teostati diskonteeritud tasuvusarvutused vastavalt kütteenergia kulu muutusele ja rekonstrueerimispakettide maksumusele. Diskonteeritud tasuvusaja arvestusel kasutati intressi väärtusena 3%. Arvutustulemused näitasid, et hoone kompleksne renoveerimine projektis näidatud mahus andis tasuvusajaks ca 30 a, mis autori hinnangul on tasuv. Eelistatuks jäi pakett I, kuna tasuvusajad ei erinenud oluliselt kahe paketi vahel ja pakett I toodud rekonstrueerimislahendus muutis hoone välimust vähem. Töös kirjeldatud rekonstrueerimise ettepanekute järgi koostati üldsõnaline ehitusorganiseerimise juhend koos kalendergraafiku ja asendiplaaniga. Ehitustööde ajaks kujunes kaks kuud. Töö käigus ei koostatud ehitusprojekti, vaid anti hinnang hoone olukorrale, pakuti välja rekonstrueerimislahendused ja analüüsiti võimalike rekonstrueerimislahenduste tulemusi. Käesolevat tööd võib käsitleda eskiisina Linnaplaneerimise Ametist projekteerimistingimuste taotlemiseks ja Tallinna Linnaplaneerimise Ameti muinsuskaitse- ja miljööalade osakonnalt arvamuse saamiseks. Vajadusel saab töös kirjeldatud mahtude alusel küsida ehitusettevõtetelt eelhinnapakkumisi, kuid lõplik hind ja ehitustöö maht selgub vastavalt ehitusprojektile, mille koostab vastavat kvalifikatsiooni ja kutset omav spetsialist.et
dc.description.abstractIn this work external structures and engineering systems of the brick building at the address Vana-Kalamaja 17, Tallinn, were analyzed and reconstruction proposals as well as the cost of the renovation package, based on the composed proposals, were calculated. During the analysis, digital measurement drawings of the building were composed, the heat loss through the external borders, thermal bridges, ventilation and infiltration were calculated. In addition, the indoor climate measurements (relative humidity and temperature) were performed, which concluded that the relative humidity indoors does not always meet the permissible norms. The building problems are morally depreciated insulation solution, not functioning ventilation system and an inefficient heating system (one-pipe system). According to the problems, three different reconstruction packages were composed, where package 0 contains the necessary works to ensure the indoor climate of the building and the preservation of the structures. A complete reconstruction of the building is offered in the package I and II, during which the external walls of the building are insulated, windows are changed, heat insulation is installed and new heating and ventilation pipelines with new heat recovery ventilation system are installed. The project was calculated according to the Act of the Building Code 'Methodology for calculating the energy performance of the building "(adopted 05.06.2015 No. 58), based on the simplified method of heating energy consumption. The heating energy consumption can be significantly reduced in case of complex renovation and thereby it can improve the indoor climate. In the work, discounted profitability calculations, depending on the heating energy consumption changes and the cost of the reconstruction packages, were performed. The interest rate of 3% was used in the calculation of the discounted payback period. The calculation results showed that the indicated volume of the complex renovation project of the building gave a pay-back period of about 30 years, which in the author's opinion, is profitable. Package I turned to be the preferred one, although the payback periods were not significantly different between the two packages, but package I, given as the reconstruction solution, changed the look of the building the least. According to the reconstruction proposals, described in the work, a declarative construction organization guide with a calendar schedule and site plan was composed. The duration of the works was two months. The construction project had not been prepared during the work, but an assessment on the condition of the building was performed, the reconstruction solutions were proposed and possible results of the reconstruction solutions were analyzed. This work can be considered as sketch for applying the design criteria of Tallinn Urban Planning Department and for getting an opinion from the heritage and environment departments of Tallinn Urban Planning Department. If necessary, it is possible to ask a price offer from the construction companies, based on the volumes of the described work, but the final price and the volume of construction are made in accordance with the construction project, which is composed by a qualified specialist.en
dc.publisherTallinna Tehnikakõrgkool
dc.subject.classificationConstruction--Building Constructionen
dc.subject.classificationConstruction--Building Construction--Construction--Renovation and reconstruction worken
dc.subject.classificationEhitus--Hoonete ehituset
dc.subject.classificationEhitus--Hoonete ehitus--Ehitamine--Remont- ja rekonstrueerimistöödet
dc.subject.otherHoonete ehituset
dc.subject.otherBuilding Constructionen
dc.titleOlemasoleva elamu seisukorra analüüs ja rekonstrueerimise ettepanekud
dc.title.alternativeAnalysis of the Condition of the Existing Building and Proposals for Reconstruction
