Milrem AS Tarneahela parendamine



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Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkool


Töö autor jälgis ettevõtte esimese kahe seeria tootmise jooksul sisse tulevate detailide tarneeaegu ning kvaliteeti. Tulemused kaardistati ning analüüsiti. Loodi süsteem tarnijate hindamiseks. Autor teeb erinevate probleemide lahendamiseks töös ettepanekud, mis on toetatud teoreetilise osaga. Töö kokkuvõtteks on ettevõte võtnud osasid ettepaneku punkte juba aluseks, et protsessi parendada.

The author of the work monitored the delivery times and quality of the parts coming in during the production of the first two series of the company. The results were mapped and analyzed. A system to rate the suppliers was made. The author makes suggestions for solving various problems in the thesis, which are supported by the theoretical part. In conclusion, the company has already used some points of the proposal as a basis to improve the process.


