Rästa tn 18 korterelamu – ärihoone ehitustööde organiseerimine



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Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkool


Töös käsitleti kogu töö aluseks oleva hoone üldisi ehitustööde organiseerimislahendeid. Määrati tööde kestvused ja ehitustehnika vajadus, koostati generaalplaan ning ehitustööde üldine graafik. Käesoleva töö raames koostati nulltsüklitööde põhjalikud tehnoloogiakaardid ja nende juurde kuuluvad tööde teostamist abistavad joonised. Eesmärk oli tehnoloogiakaardid koostada olemuslikult sellised, et neid saaks kasutada vajadusel abivahendina, edaspidi erinevate analoogsete projektide nulltsükli ehitustööde organiseerimisküsimuste lahendamisel. Käesoleva töö autorile, kujunes antud töö huvitavaks õppetööks, kuna vaatamata pikale ehituskogemusele, puudus nii suure hoone ehitustööde organiseerimise kogemus.

In this thesis, organising construction works of an apartment and office building are discussed in general, and the organisation and technical solutions of earth and foundation works are viewed in greater depth. The following projects serve as the basis of calculations and technologies presented in the thesis: • Project documentation prepared by Pikoprojekt Ltd. work No. 681/2013, and the explanatory memorandums that belong together with it; • Project documentation by Põldme Arhitektuur Ltd. work No. 831 A – 1. In the first chapter of the thesis, information is given about the architectural and constructional solutions of the building that is being constructed. In addition, the heating and ventilation systems, water supply and sewage of the building are briefly viewed as well as the power supply system of the building. In the second chapter, the construction works and their durations are defined that will be done while constructing the building. A calendar schedule is compiled using the technological maps that are a part of this thesis, and the scopes of construction works that are identified in this thesis. In defining the durations of construction works, the labour capacity of machines or people per works' measuring unit are used, as well as the technologies of works. In addition, a general plan for the period of construction works is composed. In subchapter 2.3 with a heading „Construction Price and Proportion of Organisational Costs“ the total price of construction works is calculated, as well as the percentage of the cost of organising technical works out of the total price of the construction, which is about 10% of the total price of construction works according to calculations.


