Ööbiku 5 kõrvalhoone konstruktiivne projekt

dc.contributor.advisorKuningas, Andres
dc.contributor.authorMiller, Marko
dc.description.abstractLõputöös projekteeriti väikeehitisele kandekonstruktsioonid. Antud projektis määrati konstruktsioonidele mõjuvad koormused, sealhulgas omakaalukoormused, mille põhjal teostati tugevusarvutused peamistele kandekonstruktsioonidele. Arvutuste abil määrati katusesarikatele ja I korruse vahelae taladele ristlõiked ning leiti eelnevate elementide ühenduse arvutuskandevõime ja vajalik poltide arv. Keldri monoliitraudbetoonist vahelaele leiti vajalik kõrgus ja armatuurterase maht. Projektis kontrolliti I korruse aknavaheposti ja keldriseina kandevõimet ning määrati lintvundamendi laius. Arvutuste alusel valiti katusesarikateks 45x195 mm ja vahelaetaladeks 95x195 mm ristlõikega prussid, sammuga 600 mm. Keldri vahelaeks projekteeriti kahes suunas töötav monoliitraudbetoon plaat kõrgusega 150 mm. Välisseinad ja keldriseinad ehitatakse 200 mm laiustest Fibo 5 plokkidest, seinte kandevõime on tagatud. Vundamendi taldmik valatakse monoliitraudbetoonist ristlõikega 500x200 mm.et
dc.description.abstractA Structural Project of an Ancillary Building at Ööbiku 5, Põltsamaa The aim of this thesis was to design an ancillary building at Ööbiku 5, Põltsamaa as a small construction work that does not need a building permit. According to the current Building Code (in force from 01.07.2017) such a construction work occupies an area of up to 60m2 and is designed to have a height of up to 5m above ground level. With this thesis the construction project of the ancillary building is solved in the stage of the main project. The author of this thesis has worked out construction solutions and determined these with limit state calculations (in both: ultimate and serviceability limit state). The thesis contains a letter of explanation and the graphical materials. The explanatory part consists of the description of the architectural and structural design of the ancillary building and of calculation based dimensioning of the construction elements. The graphical part presents the required drawings of structural plans and potential joint solutions. The project design is based on the current Estonian legislation and standards. In this thesis the load bearing elements of a small construction work (an ancillary building) were designed. With this project the loads bearing on the structures were determined and strength calculations for the main load-bearing structures were made. Calculations were used to determine the cross-sections of the roof rafters and the supporting beams of the first floor ceiling. The calculations for ensuring the load-bearing capacity were made and the number of the connecting bolts was calculated. The height of the monolithic concrete ceiling and the quantity of the armature steel needed was determined. The load-bearing capacities of the first floor window and the basement walls were verified and the width of the strip foundation was determined. Based on previous calculations the roof rafters with the cross-section of 45x195 mm and the supporting beams of the first floor ceiling with the cross-section of 95x195 mm were chosen (with the gap of 600 mm). The basement ceiling was designed as a two-way flat plate monolithic concrete (height 150 mm). The outer walls and the basement of the building are built from 200 mm Fibo 5 light weight blocks, the load bearing capacity of the walls is ensured. The footing of the foundation is from monolithic concrete with the cross section of 500x200 mm.en
dc.publisherTallinna Tehnikakõrgkool
dc.subject.classificationConstruction--Building Construction--Structural Design--Reinforced Concrete Structuresen
dc.subject.classificationConstruction--Building Construction--Structural Design--Masonry Structuresen
dc.subject.classificationConstruction--Building Construction--Structural Design--Wood Structuresen
dc.subject.classificationEhitus--Hoonete ehitus--Tarindite projekteerimine--Raudbetoonkonstruktsioonidet
dc.subject.classificationEhitus--Hoonete ehitus--Tarindite projekteerimine--Kivikonstruktsioonidet
dc.subject.classificationEhitus--Hoonete ehitus--Tarindite projekteerimine--Puitkonstruktsioonidet
dc.subject.otherHoonete ehituset
dc.subject.otherBuilding Constructionen
dc.titleÖöbiku 5 kõrvalhoone konstruktiivne projekt
dc.title.alternativeA Structural Project of an Ancillary Building at Ööbiku 5, Põltsamaa
