Tallinna Lennujaama Hotell-Konverentsikeskus

dc.contributor.advisorKesler, Hindrek
dc.contributor.authorLilleberg, Katrin
dc.description.abstractKäesolev töö on seletuskiri Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkooli arhitektuuri ja keskkonna tehnika teaduskonna rakendusarhitektuuri eriala lõputöö saateks. Lõputöö teemaks on Tallinna Lennujaama konverentsikeskuse ja hotelli rajamine. Lisaks on planeeritud reisiterminali ühendus kesklinnaga läbi trammiliini pikendamise ning lennujaama sisemine ümberorganiseerimine liikuvuse ja mugavuse parandamiseks lennujaamas. Käesoleva projektiga antakse Tallinna lennujaamale lisaväärtust ning uut kvaliteeti. Trammiliini pikendamine muudab transpordiühenduse lennujaama ja linna vahel mugavamaks ning toob seeläbi linna terminalile veelgi lähemale. Projektilahenduse loomisel on osaliselt arvesse võetud Tallinna lennujaama hetke laienemisplaane. Lennujaama hotell pakub mugavat lahendust edasireisjatele ning selle kaudu soodustab nii lennujaama kui ka Eesti lennunduse arengut transiitlennunduse suunas. Konverentsikeskus loob võimaluse Tallinnal saada äri- ja konverentsiturismi linnaks ning kiirendab Tallinna suurima potentsiaaliga rahvusvahelise ettevõtluspiirkonna Ülemiste City arengut.et
dc.description.abstractTallinn Airport Conference Centre and Hotel This paper has been written as an explanatory note to the TTK University of Applied Sciences and applied architecture speciality final thesis. The work is focused on designing an airport conference centre and hotel to Tallinn Airport. In addition the project proposes to extend Tallinn tramway routes to the airport and further south of the city to improve the connection between the airport and city centre therefor bringing the city inside the airport terminal. The project is also approching the functionality of the current terminal building by restructuring it from the inside. The aim is to enhance a smooth passanger flow inside the terminal. The conference centre and the hotel will improve the Estonian economy by boosting convenience and business tourism. It wils also bring Estonian aviation to a new level by turning Tallinn into a transfer destination for passangers travelling from Asia and Middle East into Europe. The main goal of this project is to create a conference centre with multiple conference halls and a hotel for approximately 150 guests. It would also offer 2 stories of underground parking, commercial areas for car rentals, newspaper kiosks, boutiques and shops. A wider choice of restaurants and catering areas for passengers, visitors and guests of the airport. Some extra offices for Tallinn airport administration and airline offices would be added. In addition an airport centre of intrests which would exhibt airport and aviaton technology and history would be created. The conference centre will be conveniently connected to the airport main terminal by two passage ways and to the city by it s modern and efficient tram systems located directly in the building. Offering unprecedented level of comfort for passengers and visitors of the Tallinn airport and conference centre.en
dc.publisherTallinna Tehnikakõrgkool
dc.subject.classificationArchitecture--Applied Architecture--Architectural Compositionen
dc.subject.classificationArchitecture--Applied Architecture--Architectural Designen
dc.subject.classificationArchitecture--Applied Architecture--Typology of Buildingsen
dc.subject.classificationArchitecture--Applied Architecture--Traffic and Transporten
dc.subject.classificationArhitektuur--Rakendusarhitektuur--Arhitektuurne kompositsioonet
dc.subject.classificationArhitektuur--Rakendusarhitektuur--Arhitektuurne projekteerimineet
dc.subject.classificationArhitektuur--Rakendusarhitektuur--Hoonete tüpoloogiaet
dc.subject.classificationArhitektuur--Rakendusarhitektuur--Liiklus ja transportet
dc.subject.otherApplied Architectureen
dc.titleTallinna Lennujaama Hotell-Konverentsikeskus
dc.title.alternativeTallinn Airport Conference Centre and Hotel
